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~Taehyung POV~


I winced and covered Tzuyu's ears in embarrassment. "I'm sorry." I mouthed while leading her to the couch. She giggled and gave me a thumbs up. I sat her down on the couch and removed my hands from her ears, pulling away from her and turning my head to where the rooms are. 
"You wait here, ok?" I told her and she nodded, her eyes darting around curiously, like a baby that was taking in everything new.


Just then, a tiny black and tan ball of fur started running towards us and attacked my pant leg, the little furball biting the black denim vigorously.
"Yeontan-ah," I called and picked him up. The tiny pup then started to bark and squirm so I chuckled and placed him on Tzuyu's lap. 
"You play with Yeontan," I said and ruffled her hair. She nodded excitedly and started playing with Yeontan, the dog licking her face adorably, making her giggle. I smiled at the two of them, they looked so adorable. Then I cleared my throat and looked away. "I'll find the hyungs." I said and walked away.

~Tzuyu POV~

As soon as Taehyung oppa left, Yeontan began barking again and  jumping on my lap. I laughed and lifted him up, nuzzling my face in his, his soft fur tickling my face. The black and tan Pomeranian puppy then started to kick his small paws, it's adorable black eyes blinking at me curiously.
"You're adorable," I cooed, placing him back down on my lap again and running my hands over his back, relishing how soft the fur is, I wonder what Taehyung oppa uses on him. "Gucci would love to meet you." I whispered, suddenly missing my own dog.

~Taehyung POV~


I quickly followed Jin hyung's voice and ended up in front of the maknae's room.
"Hyung," I called, making him turn to me. "You're embarrassing me."
"Oh," He said and glared at Jungkook, who was still sitting on his bed, naked. "You should put on some clothes, Jungkookie."
Jungkook frowned and shook his head. "It's hot hyung," He complained and stood up. "Seriously, you want me to wear clothes when it's like 30 degrees outside?"

"Kook," I butt in, frowning at him. "Put on some clothes. Tzuyu's gonna have a heart attack once she sees you."
"Where is she, by the way?" Jin hyung asked, maintaining his cold glare on the maknae. 
I shrugged. "She's in the living room, playing with Yeontan." I answered, crossing my arms and looking at Jungkook. "Now-"
"Can I meet her?" Jungkook asked excitedly, running towards me and shaking my shoulders. "Can I?"
"Who? Tzuyu?" I asked confused. The maknae nodded excitedly, his face looked like that of a kid, excited for a new friend. "Well, you can but- YAH!! JUNGKOOK!!!" I shouted when he suddenly ran past me, still naked, towards the living room. Jin hyung and I exchanged looks of horror with each other and ran towards the naked Jungkook.
"Shit," Jin hyung cursed as we continued running towards the naked bunny. It was hard catching him actually, he did win the running competition at ISAC a couple of times. "Tzuyu's not gonna like this."

~Tzuyu POV~

I frowned in confusion when Yeontan began barking continuously.
"Hey, what's wrong, Tannie?" I asked, lifting him up. Then I noticed that the puppy wasn't looking at me, but someone behind me. Still confused, I turned my head but jolted in shock when hands cupped my face and turned my head back to look ahead. 

I gasped when I was immediately met with Taehyung's oppa's brown eyes, I tried to move, but he kept his hands on my cheeks, effectively forcing me to look into his eyes. I stared at him, looking right into his beautiful brown eyes, I remembered that he once said that he wanted to have even eyelids but in my opinion, his eyes are his best features, they just look so unique and attractive. He wouldn't be Kim Taehyung if he doesn't have those adorable uneven eyelids. 

My thoughts were cut off by a loud thud behind me. "O-oppa..." I called nervously. "W-what-" I stopped when Taehyung oppa's eyes darted to behind me and smiled.
"Thank god..." He breathed and pulled away from me, grinning at someone behind me so I turned but I saw no one there. I blinked, confused as to what was going on, then turned back to Tae oppa.
"Oppa," I called, making him look at me, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "What's happening?"
He chuckled and lifted Yeontan off my lap, sitting down beside me. "Forget that ever happened." He said nonchalantly, reaching for a throw pillow and placing it on my lap. I grabbed it subconsciously and watched him play with Yeontan.

Forget about it?! How could I forget about that?! You stared at me like you knew everything that I think of and more, like you were staring right into my soul!! Why did you make me feel like that when you're just gonna forget about it? Why did you make me feel weird? 

My god, Taehyung oppa... you're making my heart beat like crazy!!

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