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~Tzuyu POV~

"Unnie!! I told you I'm not hungry!!" I whined as Momo unnie continued to pull me away from my comfy bed. "Unnie!!"
Momo unnie scoffed. "You really expect me to believe that, maknae?" She asked sarcastically. I pouted and looked down, stumbling on my way to the table.

I slumped down on my chair while my unnies filled my plate with food.
"Eat up, maknae." Sana unnie said and smiled softly. I sighed and started eating, my face scrunching up as I chewed slowly.

"So... Tzuyu..." Jeongyeon unnie started slowly. "I heard Taehyung oppa visited us yesterday... did he... talk to you?"
I took a deep breath and shook my head. "He didn't, unnie." I answered shakily.
"Really? But-"
I placed my chopsticks down and looked up to stare at my unnies. "I don't want to talk about it," I said bitterly and stood up. "I'm not hungry."
My unnie started to call my name but I ignored it and went back to my room.
What is happening to you, Chou Tzuyu?!! Why do I feel so upset when I hear your name?!!
Why do I feel so jealous?!!

~Taehyung POV~

"You need to eat, Tae."
I groaned and turned my back on him, burying my face in my pillow.
"I'm not hungry." I mumbled and looked at him. Jimin sighed and crossed his arms. "Tzuyu's gonna be upset once she finds out that you're starving yourself, Kim Taehyung." He said sternly. I looked at him and rolled my eyes. "Tzuyu hates me, Jimin. She doesn't want to see me," I said. "Much less hear about me."

Jimin sighed and let his arms fall limply to his sides. "We'll find a way, Tae," He assured, smiling at me. "But we don't want her to see you looking like that."
I nodded and stood up, letting Jimin pull me away.
"Hey Tae," Hoseok hyung greeted as soon as he saw me sit down. "Feeling any better?"
I gave him a small smile and nodded. "Yeah..." I mumbled. He nodded and placed a plate full of food in front of me. "Eat up." He said, I nodded gratefully and started eating. I smiled at Jin hyung when he came to sit down.

~Someone POV~

"Are you sure this is gonna work?" I asked anxiously. I made sure to whisper because the maknae was right behind me.
"Yeah, I'm sure.... like... 90 percent sure... but Taehyung's already there."
I bit my lip nervously and glanced at Tzuyu through the side mirror. The maknae was looking out the window, her brown hair tied up in a messy ponytail. She looked tired. We, kind of, forced her to come with us, making up some lame excuse that JYP needed us.

"Hey, you still there?"
I blinked. "Yeah..." I murmured softly and sighed. "I really hope Tae won't mess up."
"He won't," He promised. "Because we'll beat him up if he does."
I chuckled at that, then made eye contact with another one of my dongsaengs. She nodded gravely at me and looked at Tzuyu worriedly.
I really hope you won't mess this up, Taehyung...

~Tzuyu POV~

"Why do I have be here, unnie?!" I complained as I let Mina unnie drag me to JYP's office.
"JYP asked for you, Tzuyu." She said calmly. I pouted and just followed her. I expected her to turn to the right... but she continued walking. 
My eyes widened. "Wait... where are we going?" I asked and tried to pull my arm away from her, but for a girl who's usually very gentle, Mina unnie's strong. She ignored me and stopped in front of a door. She turned to me and smiled. "Sorry Tzu." She said and in one quick motion, opened the door and pushed me in.

I stumbled inside the dark room and she slammed the door shut. My eyes widened when I heard a click and I whirled around, throwing myself on the door and twisting the knob. I started to panic when it didn't budge. Hot tears started streaming down my face as I started to have a hard time breathing. 

It was dark... really, really dark. I couldn't see what was in front of me, heck, I couldn't even see my body when I looked down. I relied on the doorknob to know where I am. I stayed frozen in place, my whole body shivering in panic.

Then I suddenly heard a thud.

My head snapped up and I looked around frantically. I couldn't see anything so I leaned on the door and slid down, pressing my knees to my chest and burying my face in the crevice of it. I closed my eyes and bit my lip to stop my sobs and cried silently.
Someone please... save me...
I jerked back in shock when I suddenly heard footsteps coming towards me. I pressed myself into the door and silently wished that I could disappear. The footsteps became increasingly loud and with it, my heart.
"Who- who are you?!!" I asked as brave as I can, but you can only do so much when you can't see anything and you don't even know what you're going up against. "W-what do you w-want?"
The thing ignored me and continued walking closer to me. I shivered in fear and pressed myself further into the door. "Please...." I whimpered. "Don't hurt me..."

I closed my eyes shakily and waited for something to touch me.

But I did not expect to be hugged.

Something... warm... wrapped around me and I felt very soft hands gently caressing the top of my head. But that only caused me to squirm and try to rip myself away from the warmth.

Because he smelled like lavender....

I know exactly who this is....


We reached 300M views on Dynamite!! YT hasn't confirmed it(I think). But Congratulations to us, ARMY!!!💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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