Epilogue 1

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(2 Years Later)
~Tzuyu POV~

"Chou Tzuyu!!!"
"Unnie, I'm sorry!!" I said, slowly inching away from Jeongyeon unnie. "I was just-"
"What did I tell you about looking through other people's phones?" She scolded, hands placed on her hips. "Tzuyu, this is the 45th time that you've done this. You're not supposed to look through other people's phones without permission!!"
I looked down. "It's just-" I started. Jeongyeon unnie sighed and massaged her temples. "I was hoping you had... their... numbers..." I trailed off and started to play with my fingers. I heard her sigh again and felt her arms wrap around me.

"He hasn't contacted you yet?" She asked. I chewed on my bottom lip and shook my head against her shoulder.

It's been 2 years since everything happened.
It's been 2 years since I met him.
It's been 2 years since he left.

A few months after Jungkook had been discharged from the hospital. The boys came to me with shocking news.


"Y-you're l-leaving?" I stammered, heartbroken. Tears started to form in my eyes when he nodded.
"I'm sorry, Tzu," He whispered and immediately hugged me. "But PD-nim ordered us to. We're gonna tour around the world."
I sniffled and pulled away from him. "I-it's ok," I assured him. "I-I'm proud of you."
He smiled softly and kissed me. "I love you." He whispered. I nodded and cupped his face with my hands. "I love you too."

After the others said goodbye to my unnies, they went to me and hugged me.
"Don't worry, Tzuyu." Jin oppa whispered and winked at me. "We'll make sure he comes back to you."
Jungkook nodded as well. "We'll make sure he doesn't look at other girls." He promised. I laughed and nodded. "I'll count on that."

We watched them step into the van, even Nayeon unnie was quiet, and she always had something to say. I held Dahyun unnies hand and squeezed it, trying to keep my tears at bay as I watched them drive away.

"What-" Jihyo unnie whispered when the car suddenly halted to a stop and the door slid open. I gasped when Tae suddenly stepped out and ran back to us. I snatched my hand away from Dahyun unnie and ran towards him. I jumped into his arms and hugged him. I sobbed into his arms and kissed him while my hands ran through his hair. I started to taste the saltiness of the tears and realized he was crying too.

"I'll come back to you." He promised and hugged me again. I squeezed my legs around his waist and continued crying onto his shoulder.
"I know you will." I said and smiled. 
"I love you... so, so much." He whispered softly and kissed me again. I gasped when he pulled away and pecked my forehead. "I love you too."  I whispered back and cupped his face with my hands.

He placed me down and pressed his forehead against mine, squeezing my waist.

"We have to go." Namjoon oppa interrupted. He kissed me one last time, I could feel everything through the kiss.

I'll come back.
I promise.
Don't forget me please.
Wait for me please.
I love you.
So... so much.

He pulled away and let himself be pulled back by his members. I tried to reach for him but my unnies held me back.

"I love you..." He mouthed one last time before stepping inside the van. I sobbed into Sana unnie's shoulder and helplessly watched them go.

I love you too, Tae...

And I'll wait for you.

~End of Flashback~

The first few months were awful. I was always crying myself to sleep and I would wake up in the middle of the night, screaming. The unnies had to call Tae sometimes to calm me down, which was bad for him and the unnies knew, but that was the only way to see him, so I sometimes acted up just so that I could see him, which led to small fights with my unnies. But when a year passed, I started to accept it. Sure, I still cried myself to sleep and sometimes I had to call him secretly just so that I could hear his voice. Taehyung didn't stop calling and texting me as well, always reassuring me that he was fine. He also kept on making songs and covers like Sweet Night. He even did a cover of Taeyang sunbaenim's Eyes, Nose, Lips and sent me the first copy.

(A/N: Imagine Tae's voice in Eyes, Nose, Lips....)

But... when this year started, everything... stopped. I tried to call his number, but he wasn't answering. Mina unnie said he probably changed his number. People even started to ask if we're still together, some even speculated that we broke up. I couldn't answer any of their questions because... well, I didn't even know if we're still together.

Sana unnie pulled me out of my thoughts when she hugged me. "Don't worry, Tzuyu-ah!!" She said cheerfully. "He'll show up and explain."

I nodded and gave her a smile.

Will he though?


Fun fact: I was actually planning to kill Taehyung and Tzuyu in the last chapter, then make them meet again, with the help of TXT and ITZY, but after Irene in SWING. I wasn't sure so I just made this!!

Anyways, we have 2 more epilogues and an author's note to go!! I can't believe Eclipse is ending, this is probably the longest book and the longest chapters I've written.

See you in the next chapter!!

BTW, let's take a break from TaeTzu, shall we?


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