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~Tzuyu POV~

"Hey," Taehyung oppa called. "Are you still nervous?"
I blinked. "Huh?"
He placed Yeontan down and moved closer to me. "Are you still nervous?" He repeated. I smiled shyly and looked down. "Just a bit..."

"Hey," He called again. "Look at me."
I ignored him and continued looking at my feet.
"No." I shook my head and pouted. "My shoes look really interesting."

I heard Taehyung oppa sigh, then I felt his warm hands on my cheeks and turn me to him, that way, I was forced to look at him.
"I got you, Tzu." He whispered softly. "I got-"


I jumped a few feet away from Taehyung oppa when one of his members shouted. I heard Yeontan barking continuously and saw that he was running around in circles, the little furball trying to bite his tail.

"Come on, Tzu." Taehyung oppa said and stood up, holding a hand out for me. "Looks like Jin hyung's done cooking." I smiled and held his hand tightly, following him to the dinner table.

Bangtan's dining room was simple but modern, a long table in the middle with chairs lining the sides, the walls were just like any other wall in the house, cream and with pictures hung up everywhere, some of them from award shows that Bangtan attended, some of them were from concerts with dozens of fans, others were selfies of individual members. While I was looking around, Taehyung oppa gently guided me to my seat and pushed me to sat down beside Jimin oppa and then sitting down beside me.
"Hey Tzuyu." Jimin oppa greeted and smiled at me. I smiled back at me, bowing slightly. "Hi Jimin oppa..."
I then felt Taehyung oppa's hand slip into mine, making me look at him. He smiled reassuringly and squeezed my hand.

"So Tzuyu..." RM sunbaenim interrupted, clearing his throat. "How's being Kim Taehyung's girlfriend?"
I gulped a bit before answering, "It's fun." I answered shortly, earning stifles from some of the members. RM sunbaenim opened his mouth to speak but stopped when Jin sunbaenim entered the room, carrying trays of food. The other members immediately stood up to help him.

"Wahh..." I breathed out in amazement when a plate of food was placed in front of me, the delicious smell reaching my nose and making me hungrier. I heard someone chuckle and pat my head.
"I could watch that expression all day," Hoseok sunbaenim commented while walking to his seat. "You look cute, Tzuyu."
I blushed and looked down shyly. "T-thank you, sunbae..."

~Taehyung POV~

The others glanced at me teasingly when Tzuyu mumbled that. I glared at them and shook my head.
"Stop that." I mouthed, the others stifled their laughs and continued placing food on the table.
"Where's Jeon Jungkook?" I asked, averting their attention from Tzuyu and I to the missing maknae. Namjoon hyung's face changed and he frowned.
"He's coming," Jimin said while placing food on Tzuyu's plate. "Try this, Tzuyu. Jin hyung's the best at cooking." Tzuyu nodded shyly and started eating. I chuckled when her face lit up and she started shoving food in her mouth.
"Slow down, Tzu." I said and glared at Yoongi hyung when I saw the look on his face.
"Ahh!! Kyeopta!!!"

We all looked at the archway where our maknae was standing, his doe eyes glittering in excitement. Jungkook quickly went to his seat, which was in front of Tzuyu, and smiled at her.
"Hi Tzuyu."

~Tzuyu POV~

"J-Jungkook sunbae..." I greeted softly and bowed slightly. When I raised my eyes again, I saw Jungkook sunbaenim with a weird look on his face, with his eyebrows furrowed and his nose scrunched up. Then his lips suddenly curled into a sinister smirk, which sent chills down my spine. I looked down again and blinked repeatedly, thinking I was hallucinating. When I finally calmed myself down, I looked at Jungkook sunbae again and frowned, the smirk was gone and a cute bunny smile was left in its place, like the smirk was never there.

What the heck is happening to me?
Was I just hallucinating?
That smirk....
Why do I feel like I've seen that smirk before?

Namjoon, Jihyo, Jeongyeon, Jin, Yoongi and Jungkook aren't who they seem to be...
That's the spoiler HAHAHA. Hope you like this chapter tho!!
I know that my updating schedule is all over the place, that's because I'm trying to line my update schedule with my school schedule once school starts (if it ever will) and Thursday is the only day I go home early. Then I thought it was a bit unfair that I'm updating like once a week so I made it twice a week.

In other words, I'll be updating every Thursday and Saturday.

Thanks for reading this book!! Hope you like it!!


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