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~Taehyung POV~

"So...." Namjoon hyung began as I sat on the couch. "Where were you last night?" I raised an eyebrow and looked at Yoongi hyung, who was looking at his phone.
I smirked. "Why don't you ask Yoongi hyung? He has Jihyo's number."
Hoseok hyung perked up like a meerkat. "You have Jihyo's number?!!"
Yoong hyung stopped typing and looked at me, his face a faint shade of red. "How did you know?"
I shrugged. "She probably sent you a picture of me and Tzuyu." I said and on cue, a ding sounded off from Yoongi hyung's phone. The 5 hyungs (and Jungkook) ran to his side and crowded his phone.
"Wah!!!" Jimin said in awe. "How did you know??"

"Check it, hyung," I said, smiling. "It's a picture, right?"
Yoongi hyung frowned and clicked something on his phone. I laughed when I saw their eyes widen at the same time.
My eyes widened. "Yah!! I did not sleep with her!!" I protested. "There was a wall of pillows between us!!"
"Yeah, that clearly looks like there's a wall of pillows between the two of you." Jin hyung said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.
"So that's why you weren't home last night, you were having... fun with Tzuyu." Jungkook accused, his eyes flashing angrily.
Hoseok hyung's eyes widened. "Jungkook!!" He chastised.
"I didn't ok?!!" I shouted. "She told me to stay!!"
The inky-haired maknae rolled his eyes, glaring at me. "Yeah, right."

"Stop that, both of you," Namjoon hyung ordered when I started to stand up. "Taehyung, calm down. Jungkook, that wasn't very nice, apologize."
Instead of apologizing, he scoffed and went back to his room. I scowled. "What is wrong with him?!" I asked. Yoongi hyung sighed and looked at where the maknae once was. "He had a rough night, woke up in the middle of the night, screaming. I'm not sure if he went back to sleep."

"I didn't do anything to her," I defended. "She told me to-"
"We get it, Tae," Jimin said, smiling softly. "We get it." 
I sighed and sat back down.

Namjoon hyung walked up to me and tilted his head. "You look like you have something to say."
I laced my fingers together and looked at the rest of them. "I've been thinking about it..." I began slowly, running a hand through my hair. "I don't want you guys to freak out-"
"Uh oh..." Jin hyung said, frowning. "What is it?"
I smiled sheepishly. "Hyung-"
"Just tell us already, dammit!!"

"I want to court Tzuyu!!!"

As soon as I said that, the hyungs' jaws dropped and we were silent for a long time.
"You mean..." Yoongi hyung licked his lips, eyes wide. "You mean-"
"Yes hyung," I said bravely, making eye contact with them. "I want Tzuyu to be my girlfriend... for real this time.


I changed my username!! I just think Chou_TaeTzuKook is way too specific. I changed it to chiwiii_, where I got that, I don't know. But I was listening to the TWICE Song while thinking about a new username so maybe that's where I got it.
Also, let's all #PrayForLebanon, what happened there was really sad. Please send your support to them!!


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