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~Someone POV~

"Hey," I called and leaned in close to here ear. "Can I talk to you?"
She turned to me, her eyebrows furrowed in worry. "Why? What is it?" She whispered back. I looked around to make sure that no one was paying attention to us and pulled her to a more secluded area. 
"A-are you ok?" She asked nervously. "You're scaring me."
I sighed. "Do you think this is a good idea?" I asked, running a hand through my hair. She frowned and tilted her head. "What do you mean?" She asked. "This was your idea."
"I know," I said, trying to calm her down. "But I don't really think this is-"
"It's working," She insisted, giving me a look that made me sorry I talked to her. "You're supposed to be smart so you should see that this is working, why the heck are you second guessing yourself?!"
I sighed again. "It's just-"

"Guys!! Taehyung and Tzuyu are gone!!"

"We should go," I said. "The others are gonna start to wonder where we are. You're right, this is working." I started to turn around when she suddenly placed her hand on my shoulder. "Follow the plan."
I nodded and let out a small smile. "Follow the plan."

~Taehyung POV~

I drove to an area just outside the city with Tzuyu, who was silently looking out the window.

"Where are we?" She asked once I stopped the car. I smiled at her before quickly exiting the car, running to her side and holding out a hand for her.
"Just trust me, Tzu." I said. Tzuyu hesitantly placed her hand on mine and stepped out of the car. I intertwined our fingers together and led her towards the end of the pathway.

"Wow!!" Tzuyu gasped as soon as the trees cleared to show a beautiful night view of Seoul.

"Wow!!" Tzuyu gasped as soon as the trees cleared to show a beautiful night view of Seoul

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"It's-... it's beautiful..." Tzuyu whispered in awe. I let her hand go and wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her closer.
"Yeah..." I agreed, then I remembered something so I looked at her. "Wait here." I said, running back to the car and reaching inside, pulling out a blanket and running back to her.
"Oppa," Tzuyu called. I placed the blanket on the ground, sitting down and patting the space beside me. Tzuyu hesitantly sat down beside me and I wrapped an arm around her shoulders, gently pushing her head to rest on my shoulder.

"Where did you find this?" Tzuyu asked softly. I shrugged. "I don't know, I just happened to stumble here... so I always go here whenever I want some peace." She nodded slowly and closed her eyes, breathing softly, a comfortable silence covered us, that kind of silence where we were just contented with each others presence, no words needed to be said, Tzuyu's presence right beside me was enough.

"Why were you curious about Xiumin oppa and I?" Tzuyu suddenly asked, her voice calm and relaxed. I tensed up at her question and I didn't answer her for a while.
"It's just..." I started. "You guys were so close... I-... I guess I was just jealous of your friendship."
Liar... you're jealous because Xiumin hyung is closer to Tzuyu than you are.
Shut up. I told myself. I gave Tzuyu all my attention and ignored the voice in my head telling me that I was a liar. She took a deep breath and looked at the stars, her eyes twinkling beautifully. "People describe me as a cold and quiet person," She started. "They told me I was a hard person to get close to. I guess they're right..."
She sighed and closed her eyes, leaning closer to me. "It's just... I went to Seoul when I was very young, I guess I was just-"
"Tzuyu," I cut off. "You don't have to explain-"
"No, I want to..." She said and opened her eyes. "I feel like you need to know," She looked at me, her eyes pleading, so I sighed and nodded. "I don't want you to feel pressured, Tzu." I said, she nodded and looked down again.

"I felt like an outcast," She whispered. "I felt like I didn't belong here, and the way the others were treating me were not helping.... they were treating me like someone different, they were treating me formally, like a princess... I wanted to give up, they treated me differently. I guess, that's why I built walls around myself, maybe that's were all the stuff about me started. I lived here with no friends.... with no one to eat food with, to travel with, everything... I was alone," She shrugged and sighed. "I accepted the fact that nobody would ever make friends with me."

My hand clenched on her shoulder, she sounded so sad and alone that I felt guilty myself because maybe if I auditioned at JYP... maybe Tzuyu would have a friend.

"And then I was chosen to be in TWICE," She continued. "It was so hard to get close to the unnies. Just ask them, they'll tell you about how I would eat when they were done and how I would always say no when they tell me that they want me to come with them. That also happened with Xiumin oppa, but the difference is that he didn't give up on me. There was one time when my unnies just gave up on me and allowed me to do anything, that was the moment I noticed that they actually care for me, so I started talking to them.... I let them in.... but Xiumin oppa though, he was stubborn, I really made it clear that I didn't want to get close to him... but he persisted... so I eventually let him in."

"But you," She suddenly looked at me, frowning. "You got in so easily!! I didn't even have to act 'cold and quiet' to you!! You just appeared in my life and BOOM!! We're close!! You got in so easily, oppa.... and I don't know how you did it, it confuses me, it scares me that you got in the moment we met."
She sighed in frustration and buried her face on my chest, her hands hitting my shoulders weakly.
"How did you do it, oppa?" She asked, her voice muffled by her face on my chest, I suddenly felt my shirt get wet and I panicked when I heard her sobs. My eyes widened and I gently placed my hands on her waist, lifting her up to my lap, she immediately curled up on my legs and continued crying. I got nervous because I don't know how to answer her, I can almost feel the frustration and confusion radiating off her and I heard the questions on her mind.

I'm scared... what if you hurt me? What if you leave me? I would be a wreck if you leave. You're closer to me than Xiumin oppa and that scares me, you can leave me so easily, nobody would want someone like me. You got in just by a single smile... what did you do? What is happening to me? Why? How?

She needed answers... Chou Tzuyu needed answers or she'll go crazy.... she need an answer to why I got in.

But I don't know either.... I don't know how I got in...

"How, oppa?" She asked, her voice shaky with emotion. I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tightly, trying my best to calm her down. "How did you get in my heart so easily?"

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