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~Tzuyu POV~

What is he doing here?

JYP PD-nim dragged me to the BigHit building, saying that he needed me there. He appeared at our doorsteps literally seconds after we came back from Music Bank and asked for me, as tired as I was, I can't refuse our boss. So I quickly fixed myself, and tiredly went to the door, he didn't even tell me where we were going, he just pulled me to his car.

"Sit down, Mr. Kim." JYP said and gestured to the chair next to me. V oppa glanced at me before hesitantly sitting next to me and warily inching his chair away from me.
Bang Sihyuk PD-nim laced his fingers together and looked at the two of us. "I know you two are wondering why you're here," He started. V oppa and I looked at each other before slowly nodding. We stared at the tablet that JYP pushed to us, it was one of the many videos of us. Our eyes took in the edited pictures and video clips of the two of us.

Once the video ended, V oppa raised his head to look at the two PD's. "What do you want us to do with this?" He asked, his blue hair covering his left eye when he shifted in his seat.

JYP raised an eyebrow. "The fans want us to confirm the dating rumors between the two of you." 
"What does that have to do with us?" V oppa asked, a dangerous glint in his eye. "The fans are asking you, not us. You can just deny it, you don't have to ask for us, it's not like it's true anyway."
He's right...
I looked curiously at the two PD's, a single thought running through my mind. Why would they ask for us if they can just deny it?

My eyes widened, realization clear in my features. "Unless..." I breathed out, the boys turned to me. JYP nodded in approval, obviously catching on.
"Very smart, Ms. Chou." He said proudly.
"Unless... what?" V oppa asked, his eyes shifting from me to JYP. "What is it, Tzuyu?"

"Ms.Chou has already figured it out," JYP said. " Sihyuk and I were thinking about it... we'll confirm the rumors."

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