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~3rd Person POV~

Kim Taehyung receives death threat from girlfriend, Chou Tzuyu's, sasaeng.

Every fan was ecstatic after the recent TaeTzu couple posts on the TaeTzu official Instagram, but that excitement quickly turned into worry and fear when TWICE's Tzuyu's post suddenly received a sasaeng threat, saying things like, "you're mine," and even going as far as to say that he'll "kill that Kim if he has to." Fans are now worried for the idol's safety.

JYP and BigHit have already made actions and banned the account that commented the sasaeng threat and are now tracking down the owner of the account.

If you want to see the whole post, and the terrifying comment that the sasaeng left, here's the link:

~Someone POV~

"Is Tzuyu ok? Tae's really worried but Bang PD-nim ordered us to stay here."
"Tzuyu's fine, just a little shaken up, but she's fine."
"Oh, thank god... that's gonna calm him down."
"Who do you think commented that?"
"I don't know."
"Could it be-"
"No... that's impossible."
"It may be possible, oppa... I mean, Tzuyu and Tae got reborn. It's not impossible that he's reborn."
"If that's possible... then we have to find out where he is."
"Ok... but..."
"But what?"
"What if he's reborn in a different body?"
"We have to think positive. We have to keep them safe first."
I nodded, sighing. "Keep them safe."

"Is that him?"
I quickly turned around to see her coming inside my room.
"Yeah." I answered quietly while deleting my call history.
"How's Tae?"
"He's fine," I answered, walking to the door and locking it. "He's worried though."
My dongsaeng nodded thoughtfully. "What are we gonna do about that crazy sasaeng?"
"He said we should just protect the two, and leave the sasaeng to the PD's." I said, leaving out our speculation about him.

But what if it really is him? Taehyung and Tzuyu were both reborn... so it really is not impossible that he's reborn as well...

~Taehyung POV~

I'm so close!!

My hand shakily reached for the doorknob when a scream echoed behind me.
I jumped at the sound of Jin hyung's scream and turned around, rubbing the back of my neck sheepishly.
"Hey hyung..." I said awkwardly. "What's up?"
Jin hyung placed his hands on his hips and glared at me. "The PD's ordered us to stay here."

I sighed in exasperation. "I can't stay here knowing there's a crazy sasaeng out for my girlfriend!!" I shouted. Jin hyung rolled his eyes and cocked his hip sassily.
"I know, Tae, but it's for your safety as well. That sasaeng's put for you as well, you know. Tzuyu's with her unnies and they're making sure she's safe," He said calmly. "You'll see her as soon as the sasaeng is caught."
I sighed and nodded. "Yes hyung."

~Tzuyu POV~


I looked up from my book and went to the door, opening it and peeking my head out.
"Yes unnie?" I asked when I saw Sana unnie standing in front of my door. She gave me a small smile and held out her phone to me, making me look at her in confusion.
"V sunbaenim's gonna call you." She said and on cue, her phone started ringing and Taehyung oppa's name flashed on the screen. 
I quickly took it. "Thanks unnie." I said and answered the phone. She nodded. "Give it to me when you're done."

"Oppa?" I asked, closing the door behind me.
"Hey," He whispered, making me smile shyly. "Are you ok?"
I nodded, feeling giddy inside. "I'm fine, oppa. The unnies are really good at keeping me locked up here."
He chuckled and I heard some shuffling before he sighed. "Why didn't you answer your phone? I was calling you." He said and I can almost hear the pout in his voice, making me giggle.
"Sorry, oppa. JYP took my phone, he said he needed it for the investigation."
"Oh.... well, I'm glad you're safe, Tzu. Your unnies are really good at keeping you safe."
I smiled. "I know, oppa."
"Don't worry, Tzu. I'll be there as soon as Jin hyung's asleep."
My eyes widened. "Are you seriously gonna do that?" I asked.
"Maybe..." He drawled teasingly. "I told you... I've got a lot up my sleeve."
"You would not-"
"Oh, I would, love."

I felt myself heat up at how sweetly he called me that and I started feeling light-headed. I silently kicked my legs up, biting my lip. "Oppa~" I whined. I heard him laugh at the other end and I smiled, my cheeks hurting from how wide I was smiling.

I don't know why.... but my day only feels complete when I hear your voice...

I mentally groaned as thoughts kept on running through my head. My mind focusing on his voice.

Ahhh!!! Taehyung oppa~!!! What are you doing to me?!!!


OK, yes, I promised that I would only update on Thursdays and Saturdays, but I just finished typing my drafts for this and this story is about.... 80 chapters long....
*insert sheepish smile*
Sooo.... I figured I should update more if I want this book to end before this year ends.

So now, I'm gonna update on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

This is only for Eclipse so Mama is still gonna be the same.

Anyways, our first batch of Dynamite teasers just dropped and I'm absolutely shocked!! Namjoon's blue hair, Hoseok's hairstyle- AHHHH, I just can't.

If I don't update after August 21, you know what happened.

Have fun reading!!!


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