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~Tzuyu POV~

My eyes widened. "Um..." I started. 
"You can say no, you know!!" Suho oppa quickly added. "We can send one of us to pick him up." 
"No... I'll... check on him..." I blurted out. I heard him sigh in relief. "Thanks Tzuyu!! I owe you one!! Just keep him company and we'll pick you guys up there."
I sighed when I heard him end the call and threw my phone on the bed. Oh my god, Chou Tzuyu!! Why did you agree?!! It's dark out and you just agreed to keep your drunk friend company. Great, just great!!
Another part of me shot back. Exactly!! Your friend's drunk!! He's in a public bar and someone could recognize him!!
I sighed in defeat and sluggishly went back downstairs. My unnies were still watching the movie so they didn't notice me leaving the house.

I quickly hailed a cab and told the driver the name of the bar.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

I looked out the window and paid the driver, stepping out quickly and going inside.

Loud music blared through the speakers as the DJ controlled the knobs. I saw people wearing skimpy, tight clothes, girls almost wearing nothing and I saw almost every boy wearing tight, fitted clothes.

And then there's me- a little 20 year old girl wearing wrinkled clothes and a messy ponytail and a mask on her face.

Where is he???

I shyly approached the bar and sat down.
"Hi, pretty girl," The bartender said flirtatiously. "What can I get you?"
I opened my mouth to answer but my phone vibrated so I took it out and opened it.

Hi Tzuyu, this is Suho oppa. Hyung's probably in the private rooms. You can ask the staff and just tell them his name. We're really sorry, Tzuyu, we'll be there as soon as we finish the shooting.

"Um... Kim Minseok?" I asked. The bartender turned serious and he nodded. "May I know who you are?"
I bit my lip and pulled my mask down slightly. "Chou Tzuyu," I said quietly. "I'm Xiumin's best friend."
He nodded again and waved over a girl in red clothes. "Can you escort Ms.... Chou, to Mr. Kim Xiumin's room?"
The girl looked at me and nodded. "This way, miss." She said and took off. My hand gripped my bag and I followed after her.

"Room 9." She said once we reached upstairs. I nodded and looked for the room, then opened the door when I saw the number in front of the door. I saw Xiumin oppa sprawled out on the couch. I approached him warily. His hair was messy and he was breathing heavily. His eyes were closed and his lips were red and puffy. I touched his shoulder and shook it gently.
"Oppa?" I called softly. He groaned and opened his eyes groggily. "Tzuyu?" He whispered huskily. "What are you doing here?"
I smiled and sat down beside him. "Umm.... Suho oppa called me. Why did you drink??"
He grunted and shifted away from me. "And you came?" He asked sarcastically. "Shocker."

I frowned and was about to say something when the door opened. I turned and saw a tall girl wearing black lingerie that hugged her curves. She frowned as soon as her eyes laid on me.

"Oppa, who's this?" She asked in a shrill voice and placed a glass on the table beside the couch. Xiumin oppa struggled to sit u so I helped him lean on the couch. He grunted and spread his arms on the top of the couch.
"She's a friend," He mumbled. The girl's features twisted into the scowl as she glared at me. "A friend, huh?" She drawled and walked closer to me, her eyes turning to slits. "With... benefits?"

My eyes widened and I straightened, my head just reaching her lips. "We're just friends," I gritted out, my hands turning to fists. "I'm not like you."

Her eyes flashed angrily and she pushed me, hard. I landed on the couch as she walked closer towards me. "Fucking bitch." She hissed and grabbed my hair harshly. She pulled me close to her face and twisted her wrist. "Shut up, you fucking bitch!! Don't-"

"Hey!!" A voice shouted and suddenly, the girl was ripped away from me. A hand grasped my elbow and I felt myself being pulled up. I stood on wobbly feet and ended up beside a very drunk Xiumin oppa.
"I never told you to hurt her."
There was nothing wrong with his voice though....

The girl turned to Xiumin oppa and smiled sweetly. "It was her fault anyway," She said, glaring daggers at me. "Why don't we just continue what we were doing earlier and chuck that girl ou-"

"GET OUT!!!" He yelled. The girl simpered and walked away, but not before glaring at me one last time. "You are dead." She mouthed and slammed the door shut. Xiumin oppa turned me to face him. "You ok, Tzu?" He asked, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear. I nodded and guided to the couch again.
"We just have to wait for one of your member to pick us up..." I trailed off when I saw that I'd received a text. I probably couldn't notice because the girl was here. I picked it up.

Suho oppa:
I'm sorry, Tzuyu. We can't pick you guys up, the director just extended our shooting. We're worried that you'll get home late. Can you get one of your unnies pick you up?

I sighed and texted him back

I can try, oppa...
Sehun oppa:
I'm really sorry, Tzuyu!! We didn't mean to be a bother...
It's ok, oppa... Xiumin oppa is never a bother to me...

I sighed again and looked at Xiumin oppa. He had now sat down on the couch with his eyes closed, his chest moving up and down evenly. I bit my lip anxiously.

Maknae unnie:
Unnie, can you pick me up?
Aish... nevermind...

I dialed her number and waited for her to answer, but she didn't. I tried a couple more times. But still nothing.

I groaned internally and slumped on the couch beside my drunk, black-haired best friend.
Who else knows how to drive?!! EXO oppas are busy. Nayeon unnie isn't replying... who- AHA!!!

I opened my phone again.

My Fake Girlfriend:
My Fake Boyfriend:
What is it, Tzu? You miss me already?
My Fake Girlfriend:
What? No!!
My Fake Boyfriend:
Come on, Tzu. You can tell me.
My Fake Girlfriend:
I just want you to pick me up!!
My Fake Boyfriend:
~Pick me, pick me, pick me up!!~
My Fake Girlfriend:
My Fake Boyfriend:
Ok, ok. Pick you where?
My Fake Girlfriend:
I'm at a bar.
My Fake Boyfriend:
My Fake Girlfriend:
I'll explain later, oppa!! But Xiumin oppa is with me and I have to get him to his house.
My Fake Boyfriend:
Ok, but you better explain to me, Chou Tzuyu. What's the name?

I quickly texted him the name and he ended with a quick, "Meet me at the entrance." I looked over to Xiumin oppa and lightly nudged his shoulder.
"Oppa," I called, to which he responded with a grunt. "Let's wait outside."
He slowly stood up, his eyes still fluttering close and he slumped his weight on me. I gritted my teeth and slung his arm on my shoulder, staggering to the entrance.

No one gave us a single glance once we went outside. We fell on the bench, breathing a sigh of relief as we adjusted ourselves. He tiredly rested his head on my shoulder and whispered, "Who's gonna pick us up? Suho? Chen?"
"Taehyung oppa." I answered absentmindedly and looked around anxiously. He scoffed and lifted his head off my shoulder. "Him?"
I looked at him and frowned. "Why? What's wrong-"

"Why is it always him?" He groaned and rubbed his face. "Why does it always have it to be him?"
"Oppa, what are you saying?" I asked in confusion. He sighed and looked at me, his eyes studying mine intently.

"Tzuyu," He called and gently pressed his lips to my forehead. I froze and looked up at him with wide eyes. "I love you."


Am I sorry? No... no, I'm not.

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