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~Taehyung POV~

I stopped a bit, surprised at the question. Do you really think Tzuyu's happy with you?
Is she?
Jimin elbowed me and gave me a look so I smiled and nodded. "Yeah, she is. " I answered and shrugged, trying to look casual. "As happy as she can ever be."
After that, I saw more questions asking if Tzuyu was really happy, some saying that I sounded hesitant with my answer, and some commenting that I should just break up with her if I wasn't sure if she was happy with me. I ignored all of those and stayed quiet the rest of the VLive, also ignoring the worried looks the others were giving me. I just looked down and quietly ate my food.

Is she really?
Is she really happy with me?

~Tzuyu POV~

"Ahhh!! I'm so bored!!!"
I rolled on my bed and shouted. So bored!!

I looked up from my boredom and saw Sana unnie standing by the doorway.
"What?" I asked. She smiled and skipped to me, jumping on my bed and hugging me. I groaned and tried to wiggle away from her. "What is it?" I asked, frowning. She smiled and cuddled closer to me. "Nothing." She murmured. I groaned again and gave up on pushing her away, suffocating myself on my pillow.

I groaned again and looked up, just in time to see Nayeon and Mina unnie burst into my room.
"What do you want?" I grumbled.
"Look at this, look at this, look at this!!!" Mina unnie said and showed me her phone. I squinted my eyes, the light from her phone almost blinding me. It show a page of one particular Korean website... and the title of it almost made me fall off my bed.
I snatched the phone out of Mina unnie's hand and shoved it in my face, my eyes widening as I read the page.

Bashers attack Kim Taehyung at recent VLive

As all ARMY fans know, there's supposed to be an EatJin live on the VLive app, and it happened. The idol started at 12:00 in the afternoon with a steaming bowl of ramen. Halfway through the live, we saw Bangtan's maknae line burst into the room and became, as the maknae said, 'EatJinminVkook.'

The live went well with the maknae line, until one 'fan' asked this.

"Do you really think Tzuyu's happy with you?"

It was clear that that hit the blue-haired idol hard, judging from how he stopped and only moved when Jimin elbowed him. He answered with a very casual, but shaky, "Yes she is, as happy as she can ever be,' and stayed quiet the rest of the live, ignoring other hate comments from 'fans'.

It was clear that the question offended him so fans started to flood BTS's accounts and TaeTzu's Instagram with purple hearts and even trended the #TaeTzuishappy on Twitter. The accounts that also commented is now banned from the app- the work of many OnceARMY's blocking and reporting it.

As you guys may know, the two idols were recently threatened by a sasaeng on Instagram so they're laying low for now.

But it looks like haters won't stop until they break up.

I shivered at the last sentence and shakily gave the phone back to Mina unnie.
"What-" My voice cracked as I took a shaky breath. "What the heck is that?"
Mina unnie looked at me worriedly. "It looks like they're targeting V sunbaenim now..."


So!! On that happy note, I just want to tell you guys something. Don't worry its nothing big.

Sooo..... I added Eclipse to the 2020 Idol Awards by Shooketha.

Here's the link:

Follow Shooketha as well, she's a great author!!


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