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~Taehyung POV~

"Oppa..." I looked up and saw Chaeyoung with a tray of food. "You have to eat."
I smiled and took the tray. "Thanks Chae." She nodded and went to the bathroom.

I was eating my food when someone suddenly knocked on the door. I turned just in time to see Jihyo peek in.
"Are you going to sleep here?" She asked. I swallowed my food first before nodding.
"Where are you gonna sleep?"
I frowned in confusion. "Can't I just sleep here?" I asked.
Her eyes widened and she shook her head. "That's not gonna happen."

"Oh come on!!" I protested. "She's my wife, Jihyo!! We're married!!"

"That was almost 6 decades ago. A lot has happened since then."
"I slept beside her once!!"
"She asked you to stay," She pointed out and glanced at Tzuyu." And our maknae is in condition to talk right now."
I sighed in defeat. "Where am I gonna sleep?"
She smirked and tilted her head. "There's a guest room at the end of the hall-"
"Ok." I cut her off and stood up. I placed my tray on my seat and scooped Tzuyu up, bridal-style. I carried her to the door and looked at the shocked leader, smirking victoriously.
"Can you open the door?"

~Taehyung POV~

I woke up with a start when I heard a loud thud. My eyes widened and I immediately went to the door. I opened it and frowned when I saw Tzuyu's unnies giggling by the door.
"Go back to sleep." Nayeon giggled and pushed me back inside, slamming the door shut. My eyebrows furrowed and I walked back to my bed, smiling when I saw Tzuyu asleep. I slipped beside her and hugged her tightly, kissing her collarbone softly. She hummed and turned around, burying her face in my chest. I smiled wider and threaded my fingers in her hair.
We stayed like that for a while, with her sleeping peacefully and with me humming softly.

"Taeyang sunbaenim's Eyes, Nose, Lips.

I stopped humming and looked down. Her eyes were still closed but I could tell she was awake.
"Did you sleep well?" I whispered. She smiled and nodded. "Yeah."

"Come on, let's eat." I said and started to get up but she whined softly and wrapped her arms around my waist. "Later..." She mumbled then gasped and looked at me with wide eyes. "You..." She said and cupped my hands with her hands. She moved my head around and frowned. "You're ok...."

"Why?" I asked and held her wrists. She bit her lip and hugged me again. 
"I could almost picture your face, Tzuyu," I said and combed her hair back with my fingers. "Come on, jagi, tell me... please." 
She sighed and pulled away. I was about to protest but she pulled my arm out and laid her head on it, yawning cutely.

"Can you tell me now?" I asked. She sighed again and nodded.

"I got a call from someone..." She started. "It was an unknown number but I answered it anyway. I didn't know who it was... but he sounded... evil. I was about to end the call when you suddenly said my name, you sounded so hurt. I-... I thought it was real..." She said shakily. I hugged her again when I saw the tears in her eyes.

"I'm safe, Tzuyu. I'm safe..." I murmured soothingly and kissed the top of her head. "I'll never leave."
She nodded and nuzzled her face on my neck. "I know you won't."
I smiled and kissed her cheek. "Let's eat breakfast now, shall we?"

~Someone POV~

Stop this, please...

I scowled when that annoying voice spoke. "You know that's not gonna happen, Jeon. So shut up."

You know that's not gonna happen, Jeon. So stop this.

I rolled my eyes when he mimicked me and forced him to stay quiet.
"There..." I sighed. "Peace and qui-"

I closed my eyes in frustration and turned around with a fake smile hanging loosely on my lips. "Hey hyung!" I forced out cheerfully. "What's up?"

Jimin grinned and jumped on the bed. He wiggled towards me and cuddled to my side. I inched away from him but his arm and leg suddenly wrapped around me like a koala. I grimaced subtly and patted his shoulder.
"Jeon Jungkook," I mumbled. "Wake up!!"
Huh... wha-
"Help me!!"
"Were you saying something, Jungkook?" Jimin asked, his voice muffled by my shirt.
"Uhh... i-it's nothing, hyung," I said nervously. "Jeon fucking Jungkook."
Nope, this is too funny to watch.
"I will hit this guy if you don't help me."
Ok! Ok! Just hug him, you idiot!

I awkwardly wrapped my arms around Jimin's body and patted his back.

Dude, what are you doing?
"I'm comforting him."
Yeah, right. Does the world 'cuddle' mean nothing to you?!
"What am I supposed to do?!"
You cuddle, dude!!
I gritted my teeth and wrapped my arms around him tighter.
You're hopeless...
"I swear to hec-"

"Um... Jungkook?" Jimin interrupted. "Are you ok?" I nodded silently. "I'm fine, hyung." I murmured emotionlessly.
Yeah, that's totally gonna convince him.
"Um.... Kook?" Jimin called again. "Your hand...."

I hadn't even realized that my hand had drifted down my back and was squeezing something like a stress ball.

..... oh my god, you touched the ass....


This is the reason why this book is taking so long to finish, because of these kinds of chapters.

*sigh* I still hope you guys like this chapter tho!!!


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