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~Taehyung POV~

A loud crash echoed through our house followed by my frustrated yell.
"Taehyung, please calm down..." Sana pleaded. I whirled around and glared at her.
"I'll calm down when you tell me where the fuck my wife is."  I growled and stepped towards her menacingly. She flinched and stepped back in fright.
"I let you go when you told us the truth," I snarled and grasped her wrist tightly. She grimaced and winced. "But this.... I guess your plan worked."
"I was forced to do it." She defended herself. I scowled and squeezed her wrist tighter.
"Yeah, I fucking believe you." I said sarcastically and pushed her away, turning to Nayeon who was sitting on the couch while Mina treated her busted lip.

"Well?" I prompted. "Do you have an idea who kidnapped Tzuyu?"
She sighed and shook her head. "I don't know. His face was cover-"
"Great." I cut off harshly and slammed my hands on the table. "Sana's a traitor, Jeon Jungshin is out there and we don't where Tzuyu is!! This day is so fucking great!!"
Jin hyung scowled at me. "Tae-"

"It's Jungkook, it has to be." Jihyo interrupted. We all turned to her.

"What to you mean, Jungkook?" I asked. She ignored me and looked at Namjoon hyung. "Where's Jungkook?"
Namjoon hyung frowned. "I... don't know." He said and looked at Yoongi hyung. "Where is Jungkook?" The others shook their heads while I was still confused.

"Jihyo." I said firmly so she looked at me. "What does Jungkook have to do with any of this?"
She tilted her head. "You said it yourself, Taehyung. Jeon Jungshin. The only person here that could have any connection to that name, it's Jeon Jungkook."

I frowned. "That doesn't-"

"We think Jungshin isn't reborn. We think that he's trapped in someone else's body, Jungkook's body."
My eyes widened and I gripped the edge of the table. "That's it. I'm going to find out where he fucking is." I said and started to move forward when Hoseok hyung stopped me. "It's too dangerouse, Tae," He said. "Tzuyu's already missing."
"That's the point, hyung," I snapped. "Tzuyu's missing. So I'm gonna find that Jeon and force him to tell me where she is."
I whirled around. "No?" I asked incredulously. "You didn't understand-"
"We understand, Tae," Jin hyung said, looking at me coldly. "We're worried for her too... but we can't risk you as well. We'll have to make a plan. A plan to rescue Tzuyu."
I scoffed. "That's it, hyung? A fucking plan?!!" I yelled. "I'm not gonna wait. The longer Tzuyu's missing, the longer she's in danger. I have to find Jungkook."

Jin hyung sighed and stood up. "Then you leave me no choice," He said and nodded at the others. I stepped back when they started to advance towards me.
"What are you- YAH!!!" I yelled when they started to carry me upstairs, probably to my room. I struggled and tried to free myself but they ignored me and threw me on my bed. I plopped down with a loud, "YAH!!", but they had already left and even locked the door. 

"Shit." I cursed and gripped the doorknob tightly.
I've got to get out of here...

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"Yes!!" I hissed in excitement when I finally opened the lock on my window. I have thought of just breaking the glass, but I figured they would probably hear it so I went for the lockpicking.

I looked at the door and sighed. I'm sorry, hyung. I have to do this.
Then I jumped.

I huffed when I fell on my butt. It hurt like crap but I could still manage to limp and they didn't hear me so I moved on.

But I didn't expect to get hit in the head as soon as I reached the front of the house.

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