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~Tzuyu POV~

"I wasn't jealous!!" I protested and wiggled away from him but he just chuckled and wrapped his arms around my waist tighter. "Oppa!!"
"I get it, Tzuyu, I get it. You weren't jealous,"  He teased and pinched my cheek. "You weren't jealous at all, Chou Tzuyu."
I nodded and pouted. "I wasn't jealous." I mumbled. He hummed and kissed my cheek. You sure weren't."
I whined and started prying his arms off me. "Let go!!"
"Aww..." He cooed and nuzzled his cheek on my hair. "Is the baby sad?"
I pushed my bottom lip out. "I'm not a baby." I whispered. He chuckled and kissed the spot where my neck and shoulder connected. "You sure are."

~Someone POV~

"Hey!! That's my bracelet!!" She protested when I hurled the thing to the wall, the beads shattering all over the place. She glared at me but didn't say anything and just look at the broken bracelet on the floor in disbelief.
"They made up," I growled, my hands curling into fists. "Again."
She sighed. "Yes, they did. I think they're at you-"
"I know." I snapped, glaring at her. "I don't get why Tzuyu forgives her to easily!!"
"They love each other that much-"
"SHUT UP, WILL YOU?!!" I yelled, turning around and pushing her to the wall. "I DON'T CARE IF THEY LOVE EACH OTHER!!!" I pushed her away and started pacing around, ignoring the sounds of her breaths. "SHE'S MINE, OK?!! CHOU TZUYU IS FUCKING MINE!! NOT TAE'S, NOT ANYONE'S!!! SHE'S FUCKING MINE AND I DON'T WANT TO SHARE!!! I DON'T FUCKING SHARE!!"
"She's not yours!!" She fired back. "Please... leave our maknae alone."
I glared at her. "Don't-"
"Move on, will you?!" She continued, fury in her eyes. "Tzuyu's not yours and will never be yours!! It's been 55 years!! Why can't you move on?!!"
"I-" I started to scream but faltered when my vision suddenly blurred. I fell to my knees and gripped my head.
"Hey!!" She shouted and rushed to me, shaking my shoulders harshly. "You ok?!" 
"I..." I stammered. "Noona? I-I'm scared."
She quickly shushed me and wrapped her arms around me, patting my back comfortably. I shivered and closed my eyes tightly. "I'm scared. H-he's taking over..."
Hyung... Tzuyu... this isn't me, I swear this isn't me...

~Tzuyu POV~

Taehyung oppa drove me back to our house, his hand never leaving mine while we walked towards the front door.

"Bye, baby." He said and kissed my forehead. I whined again and stomped my foot like a child. "I'm not a ba-"

My breath hitched and I instinctively stepped backwards when he bent down to my level. He stepped forward every time I stepped back until I felt my back press against the front door, the doorknob digging into my back, but I kept my head away from him as much as I can. He gently pressed his hand on the door and tilted his head teasingly. "Say that again, Tzu." He challenged, his lips curling into an amused smirk. He leaned in even closer and slid his other hand around my waist, so the doorknob was hitting his knuckles, not my back. 

I pressed my lips together and looked at him with wide eyes. He hummed and leaned away, his eyes glinting with amusement as he slid his hands into his pockets.
"I'll see you tomorrow, Tzu." He whispered and winked at me before walking back to his car. I watched him go before entering the house.

I saw my unnies at the living room, watching a movie. They turned to me with teasing looks on their faces. I ignored them and went to my room, a small smile on my face.
I plopped down on my bed and sighed, feeling myself smile wider. My phone vibrated in my pocket so I took it out and looked at it.

Calling: Unknown

I frowned and answered it cautiously. "Hello?" I asked quietly. I heard a few thuds and a loud noise that sounded like a phone dropping, then whispers.
I winced and moved the phone away from my ear. "Um... who is this?"
"It's your cutie Baekhyun oppa!!!"
I frowned. Is he drunk?
"Um... so?"
I heard him giggle. "This is Sehunnie's phone, actually, but he dropped his phone as soon as you answered. He's shy, shy, shy!!" He said, singing Sana unnie's line from Cheer Up. I was pretty sure he was also dancing. I was about to ask him why he was calling me when I heard a loud thud. "Oop... Sehunnie just ran to his room. Shy, shy-"
"Oppa..." I cut off impatiently. "Why did you call me? And how did you get my number??"
"Taehyungie gave me your number~" Baekhyun oppa replied, his voice slurred. "So I gave Sehunnie your number~"
I cringed at how he dragged his voice. "Um... oppa? Are you drunk?"
"Drunk? No!! I'm just sleeppppyyyyyy....."
"Oppa," I said firmly. "Why did you call me?"
"Ohhhh, that?" He mumbled. "Hmmm... I don't know actually...."
I slapped my forehead. "If you don't have anything to say to me, oppa, I'll-" I stopped when I heard someone move on the other end. "Hello? Tzuyu? This is Suho."
"Oh... uh, yes oppa?"
"Um... we're at a shooting and Xiumin hyung isn't  with us...."
I sat up straight and frowned. "Where is he?"
"Um... he just texted us and he said he's at a bar..."
"A what?!!"
"I'm really sorry, Tzuyu but can you do us a favor. We won't be done for another hour so we can't get him... and from his text... it looks like he's drunk..."
I sighed.
"Could you maybe pick him up? Make sure he's ok?"


3... 2... 1...

Happy birthday to the best leader in the world!! Kim Namjoon!! Borahae!!

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