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~Tzuyu POV~

I saw V oppa turn to me, surprised at my answer. I felt my face heat up once again so I cleared my throat and looked out the window.
This is so embarrassing!!

My phone vibrated in my bag so I quickly took it out to avoid talking to the guy driving beside me.
Baozi: Hey Chewy Chocolate!!!
I smiled and texted him back.
Yodachewy: Hi oppa!!

Xiumin oppa and I have been friends ever since we (TWICE) debuted. We met through Nayeon unnie. At first, I was quiet around him, but I eventually warmed up to him. Even though he's a good 7 years older than me, we get along pretty well.

(A/N: I know Xiumin is 9 years older than Tzuyu, with him born in 1990 and Tzuyu in 1999, but that would mean he's supposed to be in the military at this moment in the story, so I made in the same age as Jin, born in 1992. So that means that the other members are born a year later.)

Baozi: What are you doing? We just finished practice and I want to eat, I was wondering if you could join me.

I glanced at V oppa for a second and pouted while typing.

Yodachewy: Sorry oppa, but I'm with V oppa right now. He's taking me out to eat.
Baozi: V? Taehyung? Kim Taehyung? Since when did you replace me, Chou Tzuyu?!
Yodachewy: It's not that, oppa!! He's taking me out on a...
Baozi: A?
Yodachewy: Date...

Xiumin oppa didn't reply after that so I was shocked when my phone suddenly lit up, showing that Xiumin oppa was video-calling me. I frowned and glanced at V oppa again. Confused, I answered his call.

"Where is he?!!" Xiumin oppa asked, his dark brown eyes darting around, looking for V oppa.
"He's driving, oppa."
"I want to talk to him."

"Who is it, Tzuyu?"

~Taehyung POV~

Tzuyu looked at me, startled and hesitantly looked at her phone.
"V oppa-"
"Tzuyu," I said and chuckled. "Call me Tae. If you're gonna be my girlfriend, you should call me by my real name."
"T-Tae oppa...." Tzuyu stuttered, making me chuckle at her cuteness. "It's just Xiumin oppa-"

"Give the flippin phone to your date, Chou Tzuyu!! I won't scare him, don't worry!! I'll just talk to him, that's all!!"

I laughed and stopped the car. "Give me the phone, Tzuyu." I said and held out my hand. Tzuyu hesitantly placed her phone on my hand, her soft, small hand brushing on mine. I smiled at her and held the phone to my face.

"Hey hyung!!" I greeted.
"Hey Tae!!" Xiumin hyung shouted, he was about to say something when loud footsteps pounded on the floor.
"Hello, my son!!" Baekhyun hyung suddenly appeared next to Xiumin hyung. "When did you get Xiumin's number?" He asked. I saw Xiumin hyung frown and shoved him out of the way. "I'm taking to him, Bacon." He said and turned to me.

"Anyway, you better be taking that girl to a good restaurant-"
"Shut up, Baek!!"
He shouted and a loud thud was heard from behind the camera. "Anyways, Tae," He called and smiled, as if nothing happened. "She sacrificed  my treat for yours so you better take her to a good bread restaurant!! I know she's not the most talkative person in the world and she may not be the most sociable person but I trust you to bring her out of her shell. She's still my best friend and I love her, so you better treat her right, Mr. Kim!! I'll kill you if I ever see that girl crying. I'm rooting for you!!"

I was about to answer him when the camera shook and suddenly, Baekhyun hyung was now holding the camera.

"You better call me and explain, Kim Taehyung," Baekhyun hyung said and grinned. "Good luck."
Then he ended the call. I chuckled and returned the phone to a now absolutely red Tzuyu.
"A-are we here?" She asked shyly. I smiled and placed my hands on her cheeks, her dark brown eyes widened and she looked away from me. I looked at her face and started to squish her cheeks.

"We're here, Ms. Chou," I said and went out of the car. I quickly went to her side and opened the door. "So come on," I held out my hand for her and winked. "You're gonna experience the best date of your life."

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