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~Tzuyu POV~

Everyone froze once we heard that familiar voice, I swore I heard every single person inside this airport hold their breath. Even the guards stopped pushing me along.

After a few seconds of deafening silence, one of the guards finally found their voice. "S-sir..." She sputtered. "This girl was-"
"I told you to let her go, didn't I?" He asked coldly and I shivered. I never heard that tone on him before. "Why haven't you done it?"
The guards slowly let go of my elbows but I still didn't move. I wanted to move, but my body won't let me move, but I did gasp when someone tugged at my handcuffs, the cold metal pressing itself against my wrists.
"And you even handcuffed her," He scoffed in disbelief. "Do you even know who she is?"
"Si-... sir-"
"Do you even know who she is to me?" He asked again. My eyes widened almost the same time as the fans started squealing and murmuring. I looked up and started to look around, noticing that every single person inside the airport was pointing their phones at me. I even noticed a reporter stretching her mic as far as her hand can stretch. 

But I still couldn't look at him.

"Y-yes, sir. We'll release her right away." One of them stuttered and I felt hands on my wrist, gently tugging the handcuffs off me.

"Hey, Chou Tzuyu..." He called huskily. I shivered again, now that I remember everything, his voice hits me differently. "Look at me."

I didn't move.

"Tzuyu," He called again. "Look at me, jagi. I didn't miss my chance to go to America just for you to ignore me like this."
I took a shaky breath and slowly turned around.

"Hey..." My breath hitched when I saw him, now that I wasn't crying and he wasn't a hundred meters away from me, I could see him more clearly. His hair was black now, his eyes were still dull-looking, but he tilted his head in amusement. I gulped and looked behind me, my eyes widening when I saw Jin oppa wink at me. My eyes looked at the others and I realized something.

They know.... they know everything...

"Come on, Tzuyu, talk to me." My eyes went back to his and I froze when he stepped closer to me. He bent down until his face was really close to mine that I had to take a step back. He chuckled at my actions and smirked.

I scowled when I realized what he was trying to do. He was trying to trip me up, to confuse me, to force me to shy away from him. He wanted to know if I could still face him after what happened.
He's playing with me...
I took a deep breath and stepped closer to him, satisfaction coursing through me when I saw his eyes widen in surprise.
"I-" I started then faltered nervously. I looked behind him again and saw the other looking at me encouragingly. I looked around and saw the fans squealing silently, cheering me on. I puffed out a breath and stared straight into his eyes.

"I remember everything," I said bravely. "You are so wrong..."
His face scrunched up in confusion and he opened his mouth to question me.
But I had one more thing to say.
"I love you."
Then I pulled him towards me and pressed my lips against his.


I feel like this chapter was too short... yup, double updates today as well!! If you're thinking that I'm kinda rushing this book, yes, yes I am. But not in the way that you think!! It's cuz this book is too long, I'll prolly have a double update next Tuesday as well.

Btw, our 'villian' in this story has a redemption story right after this one. I'll try to slip in some hints if I can, but as I said before, all of this was already written in notebooks so I don't know if I can. What I am sure tho is that I'll be posting spoilers on Instagram!! Not today... but sometime near the future. So if you guys have an Instagram, I'll be happy if you follow me, if not it's ok!!

Again, double updates today!!!



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