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~Tzuyu POV~


I quickly whipped around when I heard Jihyo unnie's voice. She and Chaeyoung unnie were a few feet behind me, their faces creased with worry. They took one look at my tear stained face and ran towards me. A sob escaped my mouth the moment they engulfed me in a hug.
"Unnie..." I rasped. One of them caressed my back.
"Shhh, Tzu..." Jihyo unnie whispered. "What happened?"

I told them everything that happened between sobs. I really wanted to let myself fall to the ground, curl up in a little ball, and cry until I can't anymore. The only thing that was keeping me up were my unnies. The image of Taehyung oppa crying was still on my mind.

"Where is he now?" Chaeyoung unnie asked while looking around. "He left a... while ago," I whispered, my voice brittle from crying to much. "He made sure I was safe before leaving."
They both nodded and guided me towards the car. Jihyo unnie sat on the shotgun seat while Chaeyoung unnie opened the door the door to the backseat for me. I saw Mina unnie inside. She hugged me tightly the moment I sat down beside her.

"Hi Nayeon unnie." I whispered. She smiled at me from the driver's seat and started driving. I laid my head on Mina unnie's shoulder as I tried to keep my tears at bay, but failed. Tears streamed down my face when I remembered what happened.

"You don't love me. You don't have any feelings for me."

"What happened to your wrist?" Chaeyoung unnie asked and grabbed my wrist. Unfortunately, she squeezed too hard so I cried in pain and jerked my hand away from her, cradling my purple excuse for a wrist to my chest. "It's nothing, unnie."
"It's purple, Tzuyu." She commented.
"Did he do this to you?" Jihyo unnie asked from the front, turning around to look at my wrist. When I didn't answer, her expression hardened and she turned to Nayeon unnie. "Turn the fu-"
"No!!" I said quickly and leaned forward. "It's my fault, unnie."
"Unnie," Mina unnie said and pulled me back gently. "Please."
Jihyo unnie sighed and looked at me. "Fine," She said in defeat. "Let's just go home."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── 

"Tzuyu!!" Sana unnie ran to me and hugged me tightly. "What-"
"I'll tell you girls later." Jihyo unnie interrupted. Sana unnie nodded and pulled away. "For now, let's let our maknae rest. Chae-"
"On it." Chaeyoung unnie said and grabbed my shoulders, gently guiding me upstairs. 

"It's ok, Tzuyu. Everything's gonna be ok." She whispered soothingly as she tucked me in.

No, it's not, unnie. It's not...

"You don't love me. You don't have feelings for me."

~Someone POV~

"What happened to them?"
I looked at the direction of the maknae's room and sighed. "It looks like something happened to them. Something bad."
He sighed from the other end as well. "Of course something bad happened," He growled. "Taehyung came back looking like shit. I want to know what happened."
I shivered and looked around again. "It looks like they broke up."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

~Tzuyu POV~

I rubbed my nose while I walked down the stairs. I woke up really early so I expected no one at the living room but I frowned when I saw my unnies running around and frowning at their phones.

"What's wrong?" I asked curiously, taking a step back when they raised their heads at the same time, then they looked at each other and hid their phones.
"Tzuyu!!" Momo unnie said and chuckled nervously. "It's nothing."
I frowned at them and took out my own phone.

"W-what?" I breathed out and dropped my phone.


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