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~Tzuyu POV~

"Remember what JYP said, Tzu-"
"Yes, I remember, unnie."
"Don't go anywhere except the tower, stay close to him, avoid as much attention as possible." I said while checking my hair on the mirror. "I know, unnie."

It was a week after the whole bashing-sasaeng event, the sasaeng still wasn't caught, but JYP nd Bang PD-nim allowed Tae oppa and I to see each other after a lot of begging from my unnies and sunbaenims, even Xiumin oppa talked to them, which I didn't even know happened... but hey, they said yes.

So now, I was waiting for Tae oppa to pick me up for our date, as Nayeon unnie called it. It was more of a hang-out, but... whatever. Mina, Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Sana unnie did my hair and makeup while Nayeon and Momo unnie chose my outfit- a white blouse tucked into some high waisted black shorts. My unnies made me bring a coat just in case it gets cols, but I don't think I'll need it.

"Unnie, is my hair ok?" I asked. I heard Jihyo unnie sigh. "It looks fine, Tzu-"
"Oh, looks like he's here, Tzu." Jihyo unnie said, handing me my bag. I took a deep breath and made my way towards the door.
"Stay safe, maknae." Jeongyeon unnie said and hugged me. I hugged her back and smiled. "Yes unnie."

As soon as I opened the door, I was immediately met by Taehyung oppa's smiling face. He was wearing a black button down shirt and black jeans. His blue hair was ruffled cutely and he looked handsome. 
"Hey Tzu," He greeted. I shivered a bit at his voice and smiled shyly, it's been a long time since I heard his voice. "Oppa..."
"Get her home by 11, sunbae," Jihyo unnie said and crossed her arms. "And if I see a single scratch on her-"
Taehyung oppa cut her off with a chuckle. "Don't worry, Jihyo," He said, still looking at me. "I'll keep her safe. I promise." I looked back at Jihyo unnie only to see her nodding, a small smirk on her face. She looked at me and winked. "Have fun, maknae."
I nodded. "Yes unnie." I said and looked at Taehyung oppa. He tilted his head. "Let's go?" He asked, holding a hand out for me. I gladly took it and smiled. "Let's go."

Before I could even step out of the house, Sana unnie called my name so I turned around and saw her right in front of me. She smiled at me and kissed me on the cheek. She pulled away and smiled at me, pushing me out the door and shutting it close.

I giggled at her actions and turned to Taehyung oppa, frowning when I saw his face.
"What is it, oppa?" I asked in confusion. He looked at me intently and tilted his head. "You let Sana kiss you on the cheek but I can't?"


Yeah, I forgot.

Double chapter!!!! And also, stream Dynamite!!!


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