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~Tzuyu POV~

This is the worst date I ever had in my life...

Although this is my first date, this is probably the worst I ever had and will have.

I sighed internally when I saw another girl, this one had pink hair and a tattoo of Bangtan's logo on her wrist, walked closer to our table. Once she reached us, I mouthed in perfect synchronization, "Taehyung oppa? Can I take a picture with you?" just as the words, as annoyingly shrill as it was, left the girls' mouth. This has been going on for what felt like hours for me, the girls kept on coming to our table to take a picture with him, one even had the guts to make me take a picture for them!!
I subtly rolled my eyes in annoyance when Taehyung oppa stood up and took a picture with the girl. This was an absolute bad idea...


"Wait, oppa," I said, causing him to stop. "Aren't we supposed to wear disguises?"
He smiled and shook his head. "This is a great way to start an even bigger rumor about the two of us, Tzu. Then when the news absolutely explode, BigHit and JYP will just have to confirm it."

I let Taehyung oppa pull me inside and quickly looked down when almost all of the girls stared at the two of us.
This was a bad idea... I thought, panic coursing through me. This was a very bad idea!!

I felt Taehyung oppa's hand squeeze my wrist at the uneasy silence that covered us and suddenly, almost every girl in the restaurant rushed to us.

"Wahhh!! Taehyung oppa!!"
"That's BTS V, right?!"
"This is my lucky day!!"
"I'm so glad I went out today!!"
"Oh my gosh!! He's so handsome!!"

I closed my eyes and took a shaky breath, holding tight to Taehyung oppa's hand. He glanced at me and noticed my discomfort. He tried to speak to his fans, but his voice was quickly drowned by the girls' screams and squeals.

"YAH!! LET HIM TALK!!" One of the girls shouted. Luckily, the girls stopped and looked at him intensely.
"Thank you!!" Taehyung oppa said to the girl who shouted and looked at the others. "Girls please, I'm on a date with my girlfriend so please give us some space." At his mention of 'girlfriend', he quickly hid me behind his back. The girls immediately looked at me which caused me to look down even more, using my hair to cover my face.

Taehyung oppa gently pulled me to the counter, all while protecting me from the ARMY's eyes.

"Is that Chou Tzuyu?"
"Who's that?"
"She's also a Kpop idol, a member of TWICE."
"Wah!! TaeTzu is real!!"
"I ship!!"
"They look good together!!!"

~End of Flashback~

This was even worse than the time the crowd mobbed Xiumin oppa and I in this one restaurant because they thought we were dating. We ran away from the crowd, laughing when that happened. That was better than being treated like an invisible person.

I heard Taehyung oppa sigh but I ignored him and continued eating my bread. He suddenly stood up, surprising me, and shouted, "LISTEN UP!!"

"I know all of you want to get close to me since many of you are ARMY's!!" He shouted, his husky voice causing everyone to be quiet. "But I told you guys that I'm on a date, and my girlfriend's feeling a bit left out... scratch that, she feels really left out. This is the very first time we dated in public, so I want to give her all my attention..."

He continued to explain how much he wanted to make me feel special (that was not intentional) and loved because I wasn't really that popular in my group and I usually keep to myself, but I didn't really listen to what I was saying, I focused on him instead.
He was really taking this date seriously.

But that made me appreciate him, it really warmed my heart to see that he even went as far as to nag his fans just to defend me. Just thinking about how he introduced me as his girlfriend sent some kind of warmth through me. He wasn't afraid of judgement, unlike me.

"So... if you would excuse us, we'll be going." He finished, his voice weirdly emotionless, and gently pulled me to the exit of the restaurant.

He opened the door for me. I looked at him, eyebrows furrowed, and entered the car. I watched him walk to his side, his posture rigid, and entered the car. He sighed, leaned back on his chair and closed his eyes. I watched him for a while, my eyes focused on his long lashes, and reluctantly placed a hand on his shoulder. I felt him tense up so I started to remove my hand but he quickly grabbed my wrist and laced his fingers with mine, eyes still closed.
"A-are you ok?" I asked, my voice small. He sighed again and started to play with my fingers.
"I'm sorry, Tzuyu," He whispered quietly, so quiet that I barely heard it. "I ruined your first date."

I quickly shook my head. "No, you didn't, oppa." I said and placed my other hand on top of his, his eyes opened and looked at me, his dark brown eyes showing an expression that I can't read. "You defended me.... no guy has ever done that before-"
"Xiumin hyung didn't do that?"
"I don't go on dates with my best friend, oppa," I said, chuckling softly, then turning serious again. "Thank you for that, oppa."

He smiled at me and brought my hand to his lips, softly kissing my knuckles. The feeling of his soft lips on my skin sent tingles through my body and a weird feeling coursed through me, making me feel light, like I was floating.
What is this feeling?
"Although your fangirls might start to hate me for that," I commented in an attempt to lighten up the mood and shrugged.

Taehyung oppa chuckled and placed his other hand on the steering wheel, the other one still holding on to mine tightly.
"Don't worry, Tzuyu, I'll always be there to protect you."

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