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~Taehyung POV~

"Omo!! Look!!"
"Oh my gosh!! That's TaeTzu!!"
"Yeah, look!! That's Tae, he has the same outfit!!"
"AHH!! They're so cute!!"
"Wahh!! I ship!!"

I felt Tzuyu squeeze my hand and bury her face on the sleeve of my shirt. I chuckled and pulled her closer.
"Breathe, Tzuyu." I whispered teasingly and ruffled her hair. She gasped and slapped my arm lightly.
"People are staring." She hissed. I laughed and wrap an arm around her waist.
"I know."

~Tzuyu POV~

"Let's go there, oppa!!" I shouted while pulling him towards a certain ride.
"A roller coaster? Are you sure, Tzu?" He asked, stopping and pulling me towards him. I smiled cockily and tilted my head. "Why? Scared?" I challenged teasingly. He smirked and leaned in close to me, his hot breath hitting my face.
"Try me," He whispered, his tone clearly showing me that he accepted my challenge. "Just don't blame me if the ride's too extreme for you." He cockily said while pulling me towards the entrance.
I scoffed and walked pass him, leading the way. "Me? Maybe the ride's too extreme for you."

As I left him there, standing, I suddenly smiled when his face materialized in my mind, picturing what he would look behind me, his perfect eyebrows would be arched in an amused manner and a small smile would be on his face, his pink lips curving into a cute smile. Then I shook my head, scowling at my thoughts. Keep yourself together, Chou Tzuyu!!

We successfully got in the roller coaster, the female guards at the entrance barely keeping themselves from fangirling, I can tell because they kept on biting their lips and fidgeting. I barely kept myself from laughing when they almost fainted because Taehyung oppa glanced at them, I repeat, glanced at them. A simple glance.

Tae oppa and I sat at the very front of the ride. I grinned when I saw his hands tighten on the handle.
"You know," I started, eyeing his hands on the handle. "You could tell me if you're scared."
Taehyung oppa relaxed his grip on the handle and suddenly kissed the top of my head, making my body go taut in surprise.
"I could say the same for you." He whispered and smirked devilishly. On cue, the roller coaster lurched forward, causing me to gasp and tighten my hands on the handle. Taehyung oppa chuckled so I glared at him.
It is so on, Kim Taehyung.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"Stop it!!" I whined but he ignored me and continued laughing, making me pout and walk away from him. I heard his soft footsteps behind me so I turned to see him walking towards me.
"Hey," He called, his shoulders moving up and down in silent laughter. I frowned even more and turned away from him. He started to slip his arm around my waist but I slapped it away.
"Don't touch me." I said, he ignored me again and wrapped his arms around me, effectively trapping me in his arms and hugging me. "Oppa!" I struggled against him but he just laughed and hugged me tighter. I felt him bury his face on my shoulder and I froze when I felt his soft blue hair tickle my cheek.

Taehyung oppa was hugging me, his head on my shoulder, his arms around my waist... right here, in the middle of an amusement park.

"Oppa," I called. He lifted his head from my shoulder and hummed. "We're in public."
He chuckled. "I know."

~Taehyung POV~

I laughed when she started whining again. I knew this was about the roller coaster ride because as soon as the ride started moving, Tzuyu screamed, nearly deafening me. She even went as far as to cling onto my arm and bury her face on my shoulder when the ride went too high.
"You were so cute back there," I whispered, my arms still around her waist, hugging her tighter. "You were squealing and screaming, asking for the ride to stop-"
"Stop it!!" She whined and pried my hands off her. "I'm hungry."
I stopped teasing her but still kept the smile on my face. "Come on, Tzu. I'll treat you. What do you want?"
She looked around and gasped excitedly. "There!!" she said, pointing to an ice cream stand by the food court. " I want ice cream." She said as she started pulling me to the ice cream stand. I chuckled and let her pull me.

"I want this, oppa." She said excitedly, pointing to one particular ice cream flavor.
I chuckled again. "Cookies and cream?"
"I didn't know my girlfriend is crazy for cookies and cream."
I stopped when I heard the voice in my head. That voice was familiar... like it was-
"I might even love cookies and cream more than you."

"Oppa?" Tzuyu called, her brown eyes peering at me worriedly. "Are you ok?"
I blinked, distraught about what I just heard. "Y-yeah..." I stuttered. "I'm fine." I said and faked a smile, giving money to the ahjussi and giving Tzuyu her ice cream.
Tzuyu looked at me, studying me intently, like she was still worried about me, before nodding reluctantly. "Sure."

I led Tzuyu to an empty table and pulled a chair out for her to sit on, she smiled at me and sat down, quickly starting to eat her ice cream. I sat in front of her, studying her excited face, her eyebrows were scrunched up as she focused on the cold dessert, her dark brown eyes were sparkling with excitement, and that made me smile. Seeing Tzuyu like this, seeing her happy, was enough for me.

Then my mood went down and I frowned when my mind went to those weird voices I heard when Tzuyu bought the ice cream. The first one was definitely me, I see that now. I'm not stupid enough to not recognize my own voice. 

But who was the one with me? It was obviously a girl, the slightly higher, feminine-ish tone was enough to say that.
But who is it?

"Taehyung oppa?" 
My head immediately shot up when Tzuyu called me. My eyes immediately went to the spoon full of ice cream in front of me.
"Come on, oppa." She urged, moving the spoon close to my mouth. "Try it." I smiled at her actions and opened my mouth, making her lips curve into a sweet smile and shove the food in my mouth. I noticed that her mouth had a little ice cream smudge, making me chuckle and immediately grab a piece of tissue. 
"Oppa?" She asked confused and then froze when I stood up and leaned in close to her, wiping the side of her lips. I smiled at her and sat back down.

Then it hit me... Is it possible?
Is it.... was it Tzuyu?

"I didn't know my girlfriend is crazy for cookies and cream."

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