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~Tzuyu POV~

My eyes widened at his blunt question. "W-what?" I stuttered. His eyes narrowed and he sighed, grabbing my coat. "Nothing." He replied and pulled me towards the car.
I mean.... you can kiss me whenever you want to.

~Taehyung POV~

"How are you, Tzu?" I asked, holding her hand and kissing it softly. "You ok?" She nodded, smiling. "I'm fine, oppa."
I smiled as well. "I'm glad," I whispered, gripping the steering wheel. "Because I don't know what to do if you're not."


"Hey," I nudged Tzuyu a bit to wake her up. She blinked her eyes slowly and looked at me. "We're here."
Her eyes fluttered close again which made me chuckle so I grabbed her arm and pulled her towards me. She leaned on me and hummed. "You're comfy." She mumbled sleepily and snuggled closer to my arm. I cleared my throat and ruffled her hair. "Come on, Tzu. We're here. Wake up." 
She hummed again and slowly opened her eyes, detaching herself from my arm and rubbing her eyes. "Where are we?" She whispered and looked out the window. Her eyes immediately lit up when she saw the tower. "We're here?!!" She asked excitedly and turned to me. I nodded and she squealed excitedly. She opened the door and started to step out of the car when I suddenly grabbed her wrist. She stopped, one foot out of the car and one inside, she looked at me in confusion but I just chuckled and took out a mask from my bag. I pulled her closer to me and put the mask on her. She stared at me while I hooked the things on her ears. I adjusted it a bit and smiled. "Wait for me, will you?" I asked playfully and grabbed my own mask, putting it on. Once I was sure that they couldn't recognize us, we stepped out of the car. I opened the back door and grabbed our coats. I intertwined our fingers together and made our way to the entrance of the tower.

Tzuyu excitedly bounced on her feet as we stepped in line for the cable cars. There was an older couple in front of us and they turned to us, chuckling at Tzuyu. I smiled at them and pulled Tzuyu closer to me. I wrapped an arm around her waist and looked at her. She looked back at me and smiled, her eyes sparkling in excitement. I grinned and adjusted her mask, her excitement rubbing off me as we stepped closer and closer to the front of the line.

The lady shouted and we stepped forward. She looked at us from head to toe and gasped, her eyes widening. I panicked a bit when she continued to look at the two of us.
Please don't tell me she recognizes us...
"Mr. Kim?" She whispered. "Do you want to go up pri-"
"No." I cut off. "It's fine."
She nodded and let us in. We stood at the side, just enough for Tzuyu to look out the window but still keeping us away from the other people boarding the ship. Tzuyu held on tightly to my hand as the car started to go up, she pressed her other hand on the window and looked out. Her huge adorable eyes processing every single thing she saw.  I chuckled and took out my phone, snapping a photo of her. I expected her to react but I didn't think she even noticed I took a picture of her.
"It's so beautiful..." She whispered in awe. I smiled and looked at her. "Yeah, it definitely is." I agreed and looked out the window as well. We looked out the window in silence and just took in the view.

"You've never been here before?"
"Yeah... I've been missing out I guess."
"Hey!! You two!! Stop being disgusting and watch our maknae waste his money and play useless games!!!!"

I frowned a bit and blocked those voices out of my head. Tzuyu leaned her head on my shoulder and wrapped her arm around mine. I sighed in content and wrapped a hand around her waist.
Not now, weird visions, not now.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

~Tzuyu POV~

"Where do you wanna go, Tzu?" Taehyung oppa asked softly as we stepped out of the car. I looked at him. 
"We have the wishing pond, the padlocks, the teddy bear museum," He started to list off. "And the observatory is at the very top, so we can save that for later."
I nodded. "What do you want to do, oppa?" I asked, my cheeks slightly hurting from smiling too wide, but I still kept smiling. He looked at me and grinned. "I'll go wherever you want to, Tzu." 
I bounced excitedly and started pulling him downstairs. "Let's go to the padlocks!!"

"Two purple padlocks please."
I looked around excitedly and watched couples going around and locking their padlocks on the railings.
"Here, Tzu." Taehyung oppa's hand slipped into mine and he gave me the padlock and a marker. I fiddled with it while he led me to the railings and faced me. "No peeking."
I nodded and let go of his hand. "No peeking." I agreed and turned my back on him, uncapping the marker and starting to write on the padlock.

"Done!!" I said and handed it to him. He smiled as he read the message and hung both of our padlocks next to each other on one of the railings.
"Yah!!" I protested, making him stop. "I didn't see your message!! It's not fair if you saw mine!!"
He chuckled and hung the padlocks. I leaned closer to see the message.

"Hey Tzuyu!! I don't really know what to say... I guess I just want you to know how special you are. You make me smile even when I don't feel like it. You said you were too cold to have friends, but I think you just have your own way of making friends. You're special, Chou Tzuyu, Xiumin hyung, your unnies, and my hyungs would agree to that. I'm honored to be your fake boyfriend. 보라해💜."

I felt my face heat up and I looked at Taehyung oppa. He sent me a flirty wink and grabbed my hand, pulling me towards what I think re the wishing ponds.

"Oh my gosh!!"
"That guy is so handsome!!"
"That guy with the black shirt and coat!! He's so handsome!! And that blue hair looks so cute on him!!"
"Tss... you can't even see his face. How can you say that? He's wearing a mask, for goodness sake."
"I can still tell!!"

I strained my ears to the couple walking a few feet away from us. It sounded like they were talking about Taehyung oppa... but I wasn't sure so I tried to lean more towards them. But I gasped when Taehyung oppa suddenly pulled me closer to him, he wrapped my coat around me and wrapped his arm on top of it.
"Oppa?" I asked in confusion and looked up at him. "It's not even that cold."
He looked at me and shook his head. "You should still put in on, Tzu," He said. "The sun's setting, it's gonna get colder."
I noticed he was glaring at something on my left so I turned and saw a group of college boys looking at our direction. I saw one of them make eye contact with me and wink, then he smirked. I felt Taehyung oppa's hand gently turn my head so I broke eye contact with him and looked at him. He was glaring darkly at the boys. He kissed the top of my head while still maintaining his dark glare at the boys.

"Well, it looks like the handsome guy has a girlfriend."
"Oh my gosh!!! Shut up!!! That girl is so lucky though!! The guy was carrying her coat!! Why can't you do that?!!"
"Just shut up and let's go to the wishing pond."

"Oh look, we're here." He said in forced cheerfulness and led me to the edge of the largest pond. He looked at me and handed me a coin. "Make a wish, love..." He whispered and brought out another coin for himself. He closed his eyes and I copied him as I started to think of my wish.

When I finished, I pressed my lips to the coin and threw it into the water. I turned to Taehyung oppa, his eyes were still closed so I had time to stare at him, his faded blue hair was now tousled from the breeze and he looked at peace, as if nothing bothered him at all. I noticed some girls were stealing glances at him and giggling afterwards. I frowned at them, part of me was saying to forget about it, because it was none of my business.

But part of me wanted Taehyung oppa to hurry up and go somewhere else... somewhere with less girls.

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