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~Taehyung POV~

I rushed out of the room once I ended the call. I ran down the stairs so fast that I crashed into Jimin and almost made him fall down the stairs. Luckily, I grabbed his shoulders and balanced him.
"What's wrong?" He asked, eyes wide. "You literally just flew down the stairs.
I ran a hand through my hair in frustration. "Something happened to Tzuyu..." I mumbled worriedly.
"Again?!" He asked in surprise. I sighed and nodded. "Yeah..." I confirmed and chewed on my bottom lip anxiously. "I gotta go, Jimin. I'll probably stay there for the night."
He nodded. "Yeah, be careful. I'll tell the hyungs tomorrow."
I nodded gratefully and ran towards the car.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

I parked the car in front of TWICE's house and immediately ran inside the house.
"Oh... oppa!!" Dahyun said in surprise when I bumped into her.
"Where's Tzuyu?" I asked, breathless. She looked upstairs. "She's at our ro-"

I didn't wait for her to finish and ran up the stairs. I ran to her room and burst inside. I saw Jihyo, Nayeon, Sana and Mina by Tzuyu's bed, blocking my view of her. I walked up to them and peered over them. "What happened?" I asked them. Sana and Mina scooted outside so that I could see her. She was sleeping peacefully, her angelic face was scrunched up a bit but other than that she looked ok. I sat down beside her bed and held her hand.

"We don't actually know..." Nayeon trailed off when I glanced at her. I closed my eyes in frustration and pressed my lips to her knuckles.

"She just told us that she was gonna answer a call then she went outside. A few minutes later, she just started screaming your name. When we got there, she was kneeling on the ground. We tried to ask her what was wrong but I don't think she knew we were there. She just continued saying your name..." Jihyo explained.
"Then she suddenly fainted." Mina added sadly. I bit my lip and sighed. "Did you try to contact the number?" I asked.
Nayeon nodded. "We did, multiple times, but no one answered. The phone was turned off."
"Where are the others?" I asked again.
"Jeongyeon, Momo and Chae are out to buy food..." Nayeon said and sighed. "We haven't had dinner yet so we just bought takeout."

I nodded and looked at Tzuyu sadly.
"It's getting worse every single day," I murmured sadly. "We need to find that seventh member fast."

~Someone POV~

I burst out of Tzuyu's room, sobbing quietly. I leaned back on the nearest wall and sat down. I sobbed into my palm.
"This is all my fault..." I mumbled. "This is all my fault..."

"Sana? Oh my god, what's wrong?!!"

I looked up and saw Jeongyeon unnie looking at me worriedly. I shook my head and brought my knees to my chest.
"Sana? Why are you-"
"This is all my fault!!" I sobbed.

Nayeon unnie hugged me and tried to calm me down, but that just made me cry harder. 
"Sana, listen." Jihyo said and kneeled down to my level. "None of this is your fault-"

"Stop saying that," I snapped. "You know full well that if I hadn't cooperated with him, none of this would've happened."
I sniffled. "I'll do it." I said determindedly.
I looked at the three girls, my voice laced with finality. "I'll tell you everything I know." 


I feel like you guys are gonna be angry at me for not showing Sana's side while she was being blackmailed, I'll try to do it in the next chapters.

In the meantime, enjoy this one!!!


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