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~Taehyung POV~

 We both turned and saw the hyungs behind us. They smiled at us.
"So..." Yoongi hyung started and tilted his head. "You two remember now?"
"Wait, hold on a second..." Hoseok hyung said in confusion. He pointed at me and Tzuyu, then at the others like he was trying to connect the dots. "Can somebody tell me what's going on?"
Namjoon hyung shrugged and turned to Yoongi hyung. "Hyung..." Yoongi hyung nodded in understanding and turned to the three. "Come on, I saw a coffee shop nearby. Let's buy some." He beckoned Jimin, Hoseok hyung, and Jungkook away, pulling them by their sleeves.

Jin hyung sighed once the others were gone and stepped closer to us. "I'm glad you remember now." He said softly and smiled at us. Tzuyu grinned and slipped away from me to hug the two of them. I smiled and cleared my throat. "How did you remember, hyung?" I asked. Tzuyu pulled away and went back to my side.
Namjoon hyung shrugged again and tilted his head. "We remembered when we saw the girls debut." He said and winked. 

"Why didn't I-"
"Well, you can ask it that." Jin hyung said and looked up. 
"The eclipse." Tzuyu whispered, making the two of them nod. She smiled and slipped her haand into mine.
"The others are gonna remember tomorrow," Namjoon hyung informed us. "Now come on, let's all go home. It looks like our flight is cancelled."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

~Tzuyu POV~

I waved goodbye to them and watched them drive off. The drive to here was pretty quiet, we tried not to talk about the past since Jimin and Hoseok oppa can't remember yet. I just asked them about their comebacks and other idol stuff/

Jungkook oppa was gonna be a problem though, I don't remember meeting a Jeon Jungkook back then...
I do remember Bangtan having a seventh member. I just can't remember his name.

I yelped when I was suddenly pulled inside.
"Oh my gosh, you're safe!!!" Jihyo unnie yelled and hugged me. 
"Do you remember now?!" Nayeon unnie asked excitedly. I nodded, making her squeal and hug me as well. Pretty soon, every single one of my unnies was hugging me.
"Wait a minute..." I said in realization while they pulled away. "You guys remember?!"
They exchanged glances before nodding. "We should sit down." Jeongyeon unnie suggested. We all nodded and started moving to the living room.

"I guess I should start," Jihyo unnie decided and laced her fingers together. "I was probably the first one to remember. I remembered when we watched BTS debut at JYP. I tried to find you guys, but I didn't know where to start. Until Nayeon and Jeongyeon unnie joined JYP."
Jeongyeon unnie nodded. "I remembered when I was still at my parent's house. I didn't know what to do then, but I knew that I would find you guys. So when Seungyeon unnie told me that JYP was holding an audition, I did it. I thought that if I could debut, maybe I could find you guys."
"But Nayeon unnie didn't remember," Jihyo unnie added. "So it was only the two of us. We didn't know what to do when we started seeing you guys around the building. We stayed quiet about it and just waited until one of you girls can remember anything."

"Until we first met Bangtan..."
"That was MCountdown, right?" Chaeyoung unnie asked. 
Jihyo unnie nodded. "We were promoting Cheer Up that time..." She laughed shortly. "You don't know how shocked the two of us were when we realized that some of them also remembered. Namjoon, Yoongi and Jin-"
"Wait a sec," Dahyun unnie interrupted. "Weren't you and Namjoon-"
"Yes," Jihyo unnie cut off quickly. "Anyways, we made a deal."
"We'll make Taehyung and Tzuyu remember and we'll forget what happened between us."

Silence enveloped us as we stared at her in shock. They used to be so happy though....

"Anyways..." Nayeon unnie started awkwardly, clearing her throat and looking at Jihyo unnie. "I started to remember when you two started dating. It started with random flashes of blurry pictures... then vivid dreams. I only remembered everything when Taehyung got rejected."

"But... unnie," Mina unnie said. "Isn't there a seventh member? And it's not Jungkook oppa right?"
Jihyo unnie looked at me and nodded. "Yeah.... I can't remember who it is though." 
We all nodded as well.
"It's like he's blocked from our memory." Momo unnnie murmured.
"Tzuyu," Jeongyeon unnie said. "Whoever this seventh member is... we think he's the one who killed the two of you..."
I straightened. "What?" I asked in shock. "W-what do you mean, unnie?"
"He disappeared on your funeral," She said. "We couldn't find him anywhere."
"But.... if we all got reborn..." I started and gasped.
"Then that means he is too." Sana unnie finished quietly. We all became quiet again, our faces scrunched up in worry when we all realized that the person that killed us could still be out there.

"That only means one thing," Jihyo unnie said and looked at me in determination. "We find him, kill him and finally live happily ever after."

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