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~Someone POV~

Chou Tzuyu's recent post on Instagram sends TaeTzu fans the feels.

Looks like TaeTzu's going strong!! TaeTzu fans rejoice!!

After yesterdays news of Kim Taehyung's VLive bashing, we haven't heard any response from the couple. But now, it seems like TWICE's maknae has something to say.

The maknae posted a selca of her with the caption:
"I'm happy, he's happy. Stop trying because it will never happen. #TaeTzuishappy."

Sorry haters, looks like this is a point for TaeTzu!!

TaeTzu= forever?

You've seen Tzuyu's recent post on the TaeTzu IG account, right?

Well, if you didn't, let me fill you in, so Tzuyu recently posted a selca of her with the caption. "I'm happy, he's happy. Stop trying because it will never happen. #TaeTzuishappy."

Let me repeat that, 'Stop trying because it will never happen,'  which seems to be directed towards the haters that want them to break up. 
So does that mean that they're not gonna break up?
You tell me...

It does seem like that was what Tzuyu meant but it does give us something to think about... because on their last posts, the TaeTzu selca, both of their captions were, 'From now on, everything is real,' which led fans to assume that the whole dating thing that JYP and BigHit had confirmed to be true... was fake, they only did it for the fans... JYP and BigHit didn't confirm it, or say anything about the matter... but it looks like it's true.

But now that Tzuyu posted that selca, it made many fans, including me, to get confused.
Because her caption basically means that everything is real, from beginning to now.
It basically means that Tzuyu cares for Taehyung and vice versa.

Is my theory true? I don't know... but it does seem like I'm mostly correct.

At the very least, the post means that there were already feelings involved from the very beginning. 

But I guess we have to wait before we get any answers from the two of them.
Kim Taehyung and Chou Tzuyu, whatever happens, we'll support you!!

I looked over to our blue haired member and subtly smiled. He was also reading the news that I sent to them with a blank face but I can see from how he bit his bottom lip that he was trying to stifle a huge smile.

I looked back at my phone when it suddenly vibrated. It was a text from one of Tzuyu's unnies.
KJ: How's Tae? Did he see it?
KY: He's fine, he looked pretty happy when he saw it...
KJ: Thank goodness!! Tzuyu was really worried when Mina showed her the news. She calmed down when we told her to post on Instagram.
KY: Wait... how? Tzuyu doesn't have her phone, right?
KJ: Yeah...
KJ: She used one of ours. I'm pretty sure JYP's mad at us. We got strict orders from him, 'don't let Tzuyu use her phone, post anything or appear on VLive's', all that stuff. We're pretty much screwed.

I smiled at her last text. She talked casually about it, if that was me, I would be scared out of my guts. Then I felt tingles down my spine, as if someone was looking at me.

KY: I gotta go. I feel like someone's watching me.
KJ: Oh.... ok. Stay safe.

I quickly turned off my phone and looked around, sure as heck that someone was watching me, studying my every move. Only to be met with the dark eyes of a certain midnight-haired member.

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