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~Tzuyu POV~

"Hey," Jihyo unnie greeted as I sat down on one of the stools. "How's your talk with Taehyung sunbaenim?"
I immediately blushed at the thought of Taehyung oppa. "It went fine..." I mumbled shyly. I saw her raise an eyebrow but she didn't say anything and just continued eating. I ignored the others' stares and started eating.
You're such a girl, Tzuyu, I scolded myself. Stop smiling, you idiot!!

~Taehyung POV~

"You better not sneak out when I'm asleep, Kim Taehyung," Jin hyung said, glaring at me. "I'm gonna kill you the moment you walk in."
My eyes widened and I jolted up from my seat. "W-What?!" I asked nervously. "H-how can you say t-that, hyung?!! I-I wasn't gonna do that!!" I defended and chuckled nervously, shying away from Jin hyung's eyes. The older hyung rolled his eyes. "You're a terrible liar, Tae."
I sighed dejectedly and pouted, looking up at him with pleading eyes. "Hyung~"
"No," He said sharply and sighed, massaging his temples. "I told you, Tae, you can meet her-"
"Yes hyung." I cut off and sluggishly went to my room, ruffling my hair. 
"You better not do that!!" He called after me. I sighed again. Yes, hyung...

~Someone POV~

I smiled as I started receiving pictures on my phone.
Pictures of my beloved Chou Tzuyu...
One picture was of her looking out the window, her big eyes looking out the glass innocently. One was of her with her back facing the windows, her arms up in a stretch, and the last was of her sleeping, the camera zoomed in on her peaceful face.
"Hey," Namjoon's head  peeked inside my room. "You still awake?"
I quickly turned off my phone and looked at him. "Yeah, I'm just finishing something up." I answered casually, shoving my phone under my blanket. He nodded and pursed his lips. "Well, you should sleep... you still have a photoshoot tomorrow."
I nodded. "Yeah."
Namjoon smiled and closed the door. I listened for his footsteps and turned my phone back on, going back to looking at Tzuyu's pictures.

You look as beautiful as you were before, my love, I thought, smiling as I looked at her face. But I want to get close to you more... which means I need to get someone close to Tzuyu...

I smirked as I dialed a certain number. Tzuyu's unnies it is...


Soooo.... it seems like you guys are fine with this book being about 80 chapters long, I expected something negative but... alright.

And you guys think that this really creepy stalker is Jungkook, like... really sure that it's Jungkook. But let's not dwell on it.

The antagonist is not who you expect.


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