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~Tzuyu POV~

"Are you hurt anywhere?" Taehyung oppa asked in a worried tone while he checked my body for injuries, then his eyes went to my face and frowned.
"I-I'm fine, oppa." I assured but stopped when I felt his thumb caress the side of my lips.
"Your lips..." He murmured, his eyebrows cutely scrunched up in a worried frown. "Tell me what happened."
I gulped and avoided his gaze. "Oppa-"
"Tzuyu..." Taehyung oppa called softly. "Please?"
I sighed. "It was just an angry fangirl saying I stole you." I explained shortly and looked away.
"Ok." Taehyung oppa nodded and leaned back on his seat. "We should get going. Your unnies are worried about you."
At the mention of my unnies, I looked at him in surprise. "My unnies..." I said. "Are they ok?! Are they hurt?!"
He chuckled and touched my head, massaging my scalp soothingly. "Don't worry, Tzu. They're at our house. You should think about yourself first." He said and turned the car on.
"Oppa," I called, making him hum. "Thank you for saving me."
He smiled. "No problem, Tzu. I'll always be there to save you."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

I gasped in surprise when I saw Jihyo unnie outside of Bangtan's house.
"Why is she outside?!" I exclaimed. As soon as Taehyung oppa parked the car, I exited the car and ran to Jihyo unnie.
"What are you doing here?!" I asked her, she frowned and was about to scold me when Taehyung oppa suddenly started to push us inside the house.
"Both of you shouldn't be outside." Taehyung oppa scolded while pushing us.

"TZUYU!!" The others shouted and engulfed me in a hug. I smiled and hugged them back.
"Oh my gosh!! What happened to your lips?!!" Momo unnie asked.
"W-what?" I asked, subconsciously touching my lips. Nayeon unnie handed me a small mirror so I lifted it up to my face and gasped.

My whole face was a faint tint of pink with the exception of the side of my lips, which had turned a violent shade of purple. My hair that was formerly straightened was now a mess, it looked less like hair and more like rats' nest, complete with small strands sticking out in some places.

"My gosh, Tzu!! You look horrible!!" Mina unnie commented while sitting me down on the couch and starting to run her hands through my hair, combing it gently.
"Why didn't you tell me?!" I whined, looking at Taehyung oppa who was gorgeously posed at the side of the couch, his form leaning on it and his arms crossed. "Oppa!! I look horrible!!"

Taehyung oppa chuckled and tilted his head. "Do you now?" He asked teasingly and started walking towards me, hands now shoved in the pockets of his pants. I gasped and leaned away from him when he suddenly knelt in front of me, his face close to mine. He stared at me and tilted his head cutely, coffee colored eyes gleaming with mischief.

He hummed, a devilish smirk gracing his features. "You look beautiful, Tzuyu."

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