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~Taehyung POV~

"Here, Tzu." I said and placed a cup of hot chocolate in front of her. I sat down in front of her and watched her sip the cup cautiously, her lips curling into a cute smile.
"How is it?" I asked when she set her cup down. She looked at me and smiled again, running over the rim of her cup thoughtfully. "It's good," She whispered. "I can tell why you like it so much."
I looked down and sipped from my own cup. I looked at her and tilted my head.

After our little moment in the dark room, we opened the door (ehem, I opened the door with a lot of pushing, grunting, and hitting it with a broomstick.) I made sure to glare at one of the cameras, sending a message to my hyungs that they're dead later.

"Here's your order, sir." A waitress placed a plate of cinnamon roll in front of me. I smiled at her as she bowed. I cut a slice of it and brought it up to Tzuyu's mouth. She recoiled a bit and looked at me. I smiled and looked at the fork pointedly.
"Try it, Tzu." I urged. "It's delicious."
She hesitantly opened her mouth and ate the slice of cinnamon roll. Her eyes immediately lit up at the sweet taste and she smiled adorably.
"You're right!!" She exclaimed cutely, her cheeks puffing out as she chewed. "It's delicious, oppa!!"
I chuckled and ate a piece myself, grinning at the innocent look on Tzuyu's face. 

"Do you want to go to my house?" I asked as I pulled the seatbelt over myself. She shrugged. "Yeah..." She mumbled. "My unnies are probably at home so let's go to yours." 
I chuckled and started driving towards our house.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

I opened the door cautiously and looked around, breathing a sigh of relief  when I didn't see any of the hyungs or Jungkook. I pulled Tzuyu to our hang-out room and plopped down on the couch, patting the space beside me. Tzuyu walked over to me and sat down, my hand immediately wrapping around her shoulders. She rested to her head on my shoulder while I turned on the TV.
"What do you want to watch?" I asked while flipping through the channels. She hummed and shrugged . "Anything," She whispered softly. "I just wanna be here with you."

~Tzuyu POV~

We were watching some drama but I wasn't really paying attention. My eyes were focused on the TV but nothing was entering my mind, I wasn't really processing anything.  My attention was somewhere else, everywhere except for the drama. My attention was on my surroundings, like how I could smell a hint of Bangtan sunbaenim's perfume, a hint of coconut, orange... pine, maybe? It was barely there, but Taehyung oppa's was the one I could smell the most, his relaxing scent of lavender.

"Hey," Taehyung oppa whispered. I looked up at him. "Come here..." I frowned a bit and pulled away from him, gasping in surprise when his hands grip my waist and pull me in between his legs. I flushed pink and gripped his arms. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I want to cuddle." He mumbled and pouted.
I shyly nodded and pressed my back against his chest. He smiled and rubbed his face on my neck, making me giggle and sigh in content.

We stayed like that for a while until Taehyung oppa's phone started vibrating. We both looked over and I immediately tensed up.
Calling: BP Jennie
I felt his eyes on me but I ignored it and stared at the phone. I heard him sigh and decline the call, making me look at him in surprise.

"You should've answered that." I murmured. He looked at me and shrugged, kissing my temple. My eyes widened at that, making him laugh. He hugged me tighter and grinned. "I'll answer that later," He said. "I want to spend time with my adorable jealous girlfriend."

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