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~Jihyo POV~ 
(Someone POV on Chapters 12, 30, 48, 49, 59)

I sighed and answered my vibrating phone while I exited the maknae's room. 
I sighed again. "What?" I asked wearily.
"How's Tzuyu?"
I looked up and tried to blink away tears. "She still hasn't woken up."
"Don't worry, Ji... she'll-"
"It's been three days," I snapped and ran my hand through my hair in exhaustion. "PD-nim's worried, the fans are worried, we're worried. This is all Taehyung's fault."
"We're worried for her as well, Jihyo. Please don't blame Tae. He's sufferi-"
"If he really loves our maknae, he wouldn't have done that." I murmured.
I heard him sigh at the other end. "She's just probably resting." 
"I have to go," I said while walking down the stairs. "I'm trying to keep my group together... because our maknae fainting has been taking a huge toll on us since your member broke up with her."
"Bye." I said coldly and turned off my phone.

"Is that-"
"Yes." I snapped and glared at Nayeon unnie. My expression softened and I plopped down on the couch, sighing. "Sorry unnie." 
She smiled at me. "It's fine."
"I'm just-" She cut me off with a tight hug. "She'll wake up, Ji. She'll wake up." She whispered in my ear. I hugged her back and blinked back tears.
"I really hope so, unnie."

~Taehyung POV~


The other members stared at me with both disbelief and concern as soon as Jihyo ended the call.

I begged the hyungs to ask them about Tzuyu. After Jihyo stormed into the house and slapped me, her last words tormented me for three days straight. I was aware of the dark circles around my eyes and how pale I looked and how I probably looked like crap, but I really needed to know if Tzuyu's fine.
"You ruined her."


Namjoon hyung finally gave in after countless of begging and called Jihyo.
"What?" Jihyo asked. She sounded weary, and that didn't help with the guilt I was feeling. Namjoon hyung looked at me so I quickly shook my head. He puffed his cheeks out in annoyance and answered Jihyo. "What's up?"

She stayed quiet for a moment. "She still hasn't woken up." She mumbled, her voice brittle. I froze at that.

She still hasn't woken up...

"Don't worry, Ji... she'll-"
"It's been three days," She snapped. "PD-nim's worried, the fans are worried, we're worried. This is all Taehyung's fault."

I looked down and closed my eyes guiltily, she was right after all. I felt Jimin sit down beside me and caress my back soothingly. 

"We're worried for her as well, Jihyo. Please don't blame Tae. He's sufferi-"
"If he really loves our maknae, he wouldn't have done that." She interrupted bitterly. I grimaced at her bluntness. 
Namjoon hyung sighed and looked at me. "She's just probably resting."
"I have to go," Jihyo interrupted. "I'm trying to keep my group together... because our maknae fainting has been taking a huge toll on us since your member broke up with her."

~End of Flashback~

"Just don't hyung," I snapped and buried my face in my hands. "She's right, Jihyo's right. This is all my fault."
I looked up and saw the other members looking at me sympathetically. I groaned and hid my face again. "Don't look at me like that." I mumbled. I heard someone chuckle and hug me.
"I really want to say it's not your fault but it kinda is so I'm just gonna hug you."
I pushed Jimin away. "Stop it," I complained and looked at the others. "Should I apologize?"
"No. Don't." Yoongi hyung said, making us look at him in surprise. "Don't apologize."
"What?" Jin hyung asked. "Are you crazy?"
Yoongi hyung glared at him then looked at me again. "Just don't, Tae, don't apologize."

~Yoongi POV~

Jimin led Taehyung back to his room while I went outside, well, I was about to go outside when Jin hyung and Namjoon pulled me aside.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Jin hyung hissed. I scowled at him and dialed Jihyo's number. "I have a plan."

"Hello? Yoo-"
"Tell her," I cut off. "Tell her everything."
"W-what do you mean?"
"Tell her the truth, Ji. Tzuyu has to know everything. Now."
"As soon as she wakes up, tell her everything, from the day they met to the day they died."
"Look, Jihyo, I snapped and sighed. "I know this happened before, but she needs to know as soon as she wakes up. Everything's repeating itself. Tzuyu confessed five days after she rejected Tae. We're on day 3. And I don't know if it will help us now. We have to do it ourselves. If Tzuyu doesn't wake up on day 5, which... I hope won't happen, they're done. Taehyung and Tzuyu's story ends on day 5. This may be our last chance."


Ok, yes. The flashback was kinda unnecessary, but, I mean I have no explanation for why I added that.

I'm updating today because Wattpad has a maintenance thing to do tomorrow so I don't know if I can update at that time. Let's just hope that nothing gets deleted. I'll try to copy paste them into MS Word, but I'm kinda busy.

Wattpad wouldn't delete my stories right?
...... RIGHT?!!

Anyway, nervous author aside, I added the chapters where Jihyo POV-ed in so you can check if I'm right.

Anyways.2, I hope you guys like the chapter!!!!



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