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~Tzuyu POV~

My mouth was open in shock. How could he do that?

"Please don't hate me."

.... so that's what he meant....

My unnies were right in front of me now. I didn't even notice that they stood up and went to me. My body is literally frozen in place. Their mouths were moving and I could also see Sana unnie shaking my shoulders. Black ants started taking over as my eyes closed shut and I could feel myself floating.

~Someone POV~

"Stay here, unnie." I said and slammed the door shut. I stormed to their front door and slammed my fist on the door. I heard thuds from inside before the door opened, revealing a very distraught Jungkook. His eyes widened when he saw me. "Jihyo noona?!"

(A/N: Surprise?)

"Where is he?" I gritted out. The maknae frowned and glanced at my clenched fists. "Who-" I shook my head and pushed past him. "YAH!!! KIM FUCKING TAEHYUNG!! WHERE ARE YOU?!!"

I saw Jin oppa's head peek out from the kitchen. "Jihyo?"

"YAH!! KIM TAEHYUNG!!"I yelled. I heard a door open and Tzuyu's blue-haired ex-boyfriend appeared by the stairs. He looked almost as messed up as Tzuyu, maybe even worse, but I didn't care. He hurt our maknae and he didn't give her an explanation.
He stepped down the stairs and frowned when he saw me. "Jihyo? Wha-" I ran up to him and slapped him. His head snapped to the side and I saw his jaw clench.
"How fucking dare you hurt her." I hissed angrily, my voice shaking in anger. He glared at me. "I didn't."
"She's a wreck, Taehyung." I said. "She fainted because of your smart choice to break up with her without even telling her."

"She doesn't love me," He mumbled. "Why would I continue this... thing with her if she doesn't even love me?"
"She's still innocent!!" I fired back. "Do you know what she says in her sleep? I hurt him. She still thinks about you."
He stayed silent and looked down. "Do you think she would waste her time with you if she doesn't care? If she doesn't love you?!!" I said. "You're selfish, Taehyung. You love her, but you think about yourself."

"Jihyo?" I heard Yoongi oppa from behind me.

"Congrats Tae." I whispered to him. "You ruined her."

I was satisfied to see the guilt and hurt flash through his face as his eyes became teary before I walked out, slamming the door shut behind me.


Tada!!! Jihyo's one of the members who know about TaeTzu's past. Now that she's revealed, I think you guys are gonna guess who the others are.

Lowkey suffering from LSS because of Love sick Girls. BlackPink really killed it this time, this is probably my favorite song by them, with Pretty Savage and Bet You Wanna distant second.

보라해!! 💜💜


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