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~Tzuyu POV~

"Keep a low profile, girls."Manager-nim advised. "We don't want the fans causing any more havoc while BigHit and JYP are still busy with the TaeTzu stuff."
I bit my lip and looked down. It was pretty much my fault that they're busy. The fans have been asking us on our Instagram account- if we were back together, am I just playing with Taehyung's feelings, all that stuff. JYP-nim told me specifically not to answer any questions.

We were parked in front to a famous restaurant where we'll meet up with Bangtan oppas.

"Namjoon already made a reservation," Jihyo unnie said while looking at her phone with a blank expression. "All we to do is go there without drawing any suspicion."
We nodded and stepped out of the car, making sure we were wearing caps and masks.

"What can we do for you?" A staff immediately went to us as soon as we entered the restaurants. 
"Our friend made a reservation here," Jihyo unnie said formally. "Under the name Kim Koya." The cashiers expression turned serious and she quickly guided us upstairs.

"Please tell us if you need anything," She said and left. Nayeon unnie knocked on the door three times before opening it. We all stepped inside and saw Bangtan already eating.
"There you are," Namjoon oppa said. "Sit down girls. We already ordered some food. We were just waiting for you."

"Wait, where's Jungkook?" Jeongyeon unnie asked while we were finding seats.
Jin oppa shrugged. "Jungkook is the only one that wasn't an OG 1950's Bangtan so..."
"That's kinda mean, oppa." Chaeyoung unnie commented.
"Jungkook's in a photoshoot right now so he's not lonely at home." Namjoon oppa assured and smiled.

"Hey," Taehyung said when I sat down next to him. I smiled at him. "Hey."
"Oh my gosh, you two!!" Nayeon unnie exclamed. "Your memories are back now!! Why are you still shy?!"
"What do you want me to do?!" Taehyung shot back. "We're both still adjusting."
"Guys," Namjoon oppa interrupted. "We're not here to fight, ok? We're here to talk."

I bit my lip shyly and slipped my hand onto his. He squeezed my hand and relaxed.

"What are we doing here anyway?" Jihyo unnie asked coldly. "What are we gonna talk about?"
Namjoon oppa looked at her and cleared his throat. "We're going to talk about Tae and Tzuyu's happily ever after."
Jeongyeon unnie's expression changed and she nodded. "He's right."
"What do you mean, unnie?" Momo unnie asked. "What happily ever after?"
"Do you guys remember that we have a seventh remember before?" Yoongi oppa asked. We all looked at each other and nodded.
"But we don't remember his name." Dahyun unnie murmured.
"Yeah," Jin oppa agreed. "But the others and I believed that he's one who killed Taehyung and Tzuyu."
My eyes widened and I gripped Taehyung's hand tighter. I felt him kiss my temple softly. "Calm down," He whispered and squeezed my hand again. I sighed and closed my eyes momentarily.
"Why do you say so, hyung?" Taehyung asked.
"Well... I do remember that he used to always talk about Tzuyu..." Jimin oppa trailed off and ran a hand through his hair. "How beautiful she is, how he wanted her to be his. He really liked her, even when Tae started dating Tzuyu."

"And when we found out that you were both found dead in an alley, we contacted everyone right away," Namjoon oppa shrugged. "But we couldn't contact him. We just... lost contact with him."
Jeongyeon unnie nodded. "He just... disappeared."
"No sign of him at all," Jin oppa added. "We really expected him to show up at your funeral since he's close with Tae but... nothing."

"So... d-do you guys think he's also... r-reborn?" I asked shakily.
They looked at each other and shrugged. "It's not... impossible..." Jihyo trailed off.
"If he is though," Yoongi oppa said and smirked, his eyes glinting dangerously. "We have to find out who he is and fast. We don't want you two dying on us again."



As I said before, we also have a double update today!!

Also, if you want, I'll be posting the link of my Instagram on my bio, check it out if you want!! I'll be spoiling my next book there and also some other stuff (mainly AU's since I suck at editing) if you want to search for it, it's 'chiw_iii'.  I don't have any posts yet but if I post something then you'll see it!!

Keep scrolling down!!


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