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~Tzuyu POV~

"Good morning, maknae." Jeongyeon unnie greeted as I entered the kitchen. I smiled at her and sat down on a chair by the kitchen island.
"Morning, unnie." I greeted back, resting my cheek on my palm.
"Did you sleep well?"
I shrugged and hummed. "Kinda," I answered. "I had a weird dream." She stopped and looked at me worriedly. "Nightmare?" She asked.
I shook my head. "It's more weird than bad," I mused. "I dreamed that I was in school... with a very old-fashioned outfit."
She froze and looked at me again, a weird look on her face. "Can you tell me about it?"
I shrugged again and pouted, running a finger over the counter. "Well... I was in a hallway, someone was holding my hand, leading me somewhere. I couldn't see his face, but he felt familiar, the way he held my hand felt familiar. I could only see a line of lockers and some girls looking at me and whispering, glaring at me..." I said, trailing off and frowning.
"That's it?" She asked, placing our breakfast on a plate. I nodded. "Yeah... that's it," I mumbled and looked at her. "What do you think, unnie?"
She hummed and nodded. "Yeah," She agreed. "It.... does sound weird."

I nodded and jumped when someone suddenly back-hugged me.
"What-" I turned and saw Sana unnie's smiling face. "Hey unnie."
"Morning, maknae." She greeted cheerfully and pecked my cheek, bounding over to Jeongyeon unnie to kiss hers. I laughed when I saw Jeongyeon unnie's disgusted face as she tried to dodge Sana unnie's lips.

After that, I stayed silent as the other members woke up and went down the kitchen, thinking about my dream.

"Oh my gosh, are they dating?"
"No way is Taehyung oppa dating that nerd."
"But they're holding hands!!"
"Please tell me they're not dating..."
"I never thought Tae's standards were THAT low."

~Taehyung POV~

"Hey," I called. We were all here in the hang-out room, some hyung's were sprawled out on the beanbags, Namjoon hyung was reading over on one corner, Jimin was watching TV, we were all here, except for one hyung. "Where's Jin hyung?"
Namjoon hyung looked up from his book. "I think he's doing an EatJin VLive today." He answered and went back to reading his book. I jolted up from my seat and made eye contact with my fellow maknaes, we looked at each other, smirks on our faces and ran out of the room.

"Who's ready to crash EatJin?" Jimin asked mischievously, his hand grasping the doorknob of Jin hyung's room. Jungkook and I looked at each other and nodded. Jimin opened the door and we ran inside, seeing Jin hyung by his table.

"HYUNG!!" We screamed and jumped on his bed. He turned to us and frowned, slurpingthe last of his noodles.
"What are you three doing here?" He asked.
"ARMY!!!" Jimin and I crowded the camera while Jungkook reached for the food. We all ignored Jin hyung's protests and smiled at the camera. As soon as I moved my eyes to the comments, it was immediately filled with comments about TaeTzu and Tzuyu, making me smile wider. Jimin noticed and smiled, shoving my shoulder lightly. "Our Taehyungie is in love!!" He cheered, dancing Tzuyu's part from Signal.
"~Jjirit!! Jjirit!!~" Jungkook sang, dancing behind Jimin. I laughed at their actions and looked at Jin hyung, he was scowling, but I saw his eyes gleam.

"Get out of my room!!" Jin hyung scolded. "This is my VLive!!"
The three of us shook our heads and sat down on his bed. Jimin and I looked at Jungkook and he got the hint, walking out of the room and coming back with tons of food.
"Welcome to EatJinminVkook!!!" The maknae cheered, plopping down beside me and passing the food. Jin hyung scowled but continued his VLive.

Jimin peered into the comments and smirked. "Hey, Tae," He called, making me look at him. "Someone asked a question." I raised an eyebrow and looked at the comments.

"Do you really think Tzuyu's happy with you?"

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