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~Tzuyu POV~

"Are you sure, Tzu?"
I smiled reassuringly and nodded. "Yup," I said. "Taehyug oppa will drive me home."
Nayeon unnie nodded but she didn't look convinced. I stepped out of the car and started making my way towards the Han River. 

After the...talk with JYP, I came back to the car, still distraught about his last words. While Nayeon unnie drove me to the park, I tried to collect myself. I convinced myself to be happy because I'm meeting up with Taehyung oppa.

But after what JYP said... I can't seem to smile at all.

It was starting to get dark and I still didn't see him. I looked around frantically until I saw his figure by the railings, and when I walked closer, I could see his usually warm brown eyes, dark as he stared at the water. 
"Oppa!!" I called cheerfully. I stopped beside him and leaned a bit over the railings to look at his face, his hair was a tousled mess and he looked pale. His eyes flickered to me and I had to stop myself from frowning when his eyes didn't have their usual playful sparkle. I tilted my head in confusion. "Oppa?" I called again... this time more hesitant. He pulled me back by the back of my shirt and turned to face me. He tensed up when I met his eyes. "What's... wrong?"

"Tzuyu," He called. This time, I couldn't stop myself, I frowned, his usual cheerful, charming tone was gone and in its place, was a cold, emotionless, blank-faced Kim Taehyung. "What did Xiumin hyung tell you yesterday?"
I stuck out my bottom lip and shifted on my feet. "Just some... stuff." I murmured, feeling uncomfortable because of his dark gaze.
"Tell me." He ordered. My heart started beating faster and I took a step back. "Oppa, it's noth-"

"I TOLD YOU TO TELL ME, CHOU TZUYU!!!" He bellowed and grabbed my injured wrist, pulling me close to him. I cried out in pain and tried to pry his fingers off my wrist, tears starting to blur my vision as he squeezed harder. "Oppa-"
"TELL ME!!" He commanded, dark irises cutting through me. "TELL ME EVERYTHING-"
"It doesn't concern you, oppa!!" Tears started to stream down my face as I watched his hand shake with anger. His expression hardened and he let me go. I stepped back, gasping in pain as I ran my hand over my wrist, the area already starting to turn purple. 

He had gripped my wrist so hard, it had started to bruise.

Anger started to boil inside me, I couldn't understand him. He just started screaming and hurting me for no reason, no reason at all. I looked up at him, eyes sparkling with tears and anger. "What is wrong with you?!!" I yelled furiously. "Why are you suddenly so angry at me?!!"
"You aren't telling me the truth." He said blankly, although I saw how his eyes glanced at my purple wrist.
"He just told me how much he cares, Tae." I shot back, taking a step back everytime I met his gaze. "That's all that happened."
"He told you he loves you, Tzuyu." He growled, his eyes darkening as I saw his fists clench. "That's what happened."

My face scrunched up in realization as I glared daggers at him. "You were there...." I breathed slowly and started to step away from him.
I saw his expression softened when he saw the hurt in my eyes. "That isn't-"
"I was waiting for you to come." My voice cracked with emotion when I started to breath heavily. "You don't know how sad I was that Jin oppa came..."
He frowned. "Tzuyu-"
"And you just left me there because you heard-"
"LISTEN TO ME, OK?!!" He growled and grabbed my elbow, the cold gaze back on his face. "What would you feel if your girlfriend's best friend just told her he loves her?!! If I didn't know better, you would've said you love him too and just ran away if it weren't for Jin hyung-"
"HE LOVES ME LIKE A SISTER, TAE!!" I screamed and pushed him away, ignoring the pain from my bruise. "If you didn't leave so quickly, you would've heard everything!!"

Something crossed his face and he slowly let go of me. I shivered, I probably looked so ugly with my makeup ruined, my eyeliner streaming down like black waterfalls, but I couldn't care less. I was hurt. I was scared.

"Tzuyu," He called again, this time gentler. "Do you love me?"
I stared at him in shock. "W-what?"
He took one look at my tear stained face and looked away. "Do you love me?"

What are you waiting for?!! Just say yes!! You love him, don't you?!!"
I looked down. I-.... I can't...
"BigHit will go bankrupt because of the hate and your precious Taehyung will have to go back to Daegu... penniless and hated."
It seemed like he knows what's running through my mind because he opened his eyes, the blank expression back on his face as he suddenly wrapped his hand around my waist and leaned in. Panic seized through me and I pushed him away. "O-oppa..." I whispered shakily. He studied my face. "You're scared... of me..." He whispered.

I closed my eyes and took a shaky breath. I felt myself getting pulled closer and Taehyung oppa's hand gently pushing my head to his chest. I buried my face in his chest and let myself cry.

"You don't love me..." He murmured sadly, letting his hands run through my hair. I cried harder and shook my head. "You don't have feelings for me."

He pulled away and cupped my face with his hands, gently wiping away my tears away with his thumb. I looked at him and shakily placed my hands above his, closing my eyes at the warmth that I started to feel. "I'm sorry..." I sobbed, the tension between us gone. He shushed me. "It's ok, Tzuyu, it's ok..."

I cried harder and opened my eyes. Taehyung oppa was crying too, but he looked more controlled than I was.
"Oppa..." I started but he shushed me again.
"I already texted your unnies to pick you up." He said gently. "And, Tzu, please don't hate me."
"What?" I asked, looking up at him. I placed my hands on his cheeks and wiped away his tears, like what he did to me. He smiled sadly and pulled my wrists down. "Nothing..." He whispered.

He kissed my forehead softly and I cried harder when it felt like he was saying goodbye.

It hurts....

It hurts so much....

"I love you so much, Chou Tzuyu. Remember that."


Fun fact: I was listening to Kesha's 'Woman' while writing this chapter, not sure if it's the right one... but is it good? The chapter?

I saw one comment before, you know who you are, asking me if Tzuyu's gonna break up and I was like, "Actually...."
Nothing I just found it funny.

Anyways, we hit 10K on Eclipse and we are almost to 1k votes!!!! Thanks so much guyssss!!!!


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