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~Tzuyu POV~

"Hey maknae," Dahyun unnie called. I looked at her and saw her frowning. "Are you ok? You look glum."
I shook my head, focusing on the movie. We were watching Captain America: Civil War, but I wasn't really watching it. My mind was somewhere else. "It's nothing, unnie." I said, forcing a smile. I really hoped they would drop the topic, but Chaeyoung unnie paused the movie and my unnies looked at me, their faces creased with worry.

"You know you can tell us anything, Tzu." Mina unnie said softly. Sana unnie nodded and hugged me. I sighed. "Taehyung oppa hasn't talked to me." I blurted out, covering my face in embarassement.
I sound so petty....
We stayed silent for a few minutes until Jeongyeon unnie chuckled. "Tzu-"
I cut her off with a whine. "I know I sound petty as f-"
"Tzuyu," Nayeon unnie said and smiled. "That's perfectly normal, maknae-ah."
I slowly removed my hands from my face and looked at her with wide eyes. "What do you mean?" Nayeon unnie shrugged. "Well... you did go on a date with him about five days ago... and he did kiss you. So I get where you're coming from, Tzuyu." She said and winked at me. "What do you think, Ji?"
Jihyo unnie shrugged. "Well.... Yoongi sunbaenim did tell me they were a bit busy so maybe that's why," Jihyo unnie said. "Don't worry, Tzu. He'll call you when he's free."
I nodded and relaxed on the couch. 
"Or you could call him yourself..."

~Someone POV~

I looked around before answering my phone.
"I need your report on Tzuyu."
I closed my eyes and sighed shakily. "She's complaining about Tae..."
"Hmm... tell me more..."
"She said he hasn't contacted her ever since their date."
"Go on..."
"So... Jihyo said that maybe he was busy-"
"He is busy..."
My eyes widened at his bluntness. "W-what do you mean?"
"He's too busy..." He stopped to chuckle. I waited for him to stop but his laughter only grew into something evil. I shivered at his laugh, he sounded so sinister, he sounded like he could kill.
My gosh, what have you gotten yourself into?!!
"He's too busy talking to someone else."

~Tzuyu POV~

You can do it, Tzuyu!!
I took a deep breath and stared at my phone, shakily reaching for it.
Just ask him how he's doing and you'll be fine.
I dialed Taehyung oppa's number and sighed in relief when he answered almost immediately.

But what he said next...

"Hey Jennie, what's up?"


Happy birthday to our golden maknae!!

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