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~Jihyo POV~

"Tzuyu should be done by now." I murmured worriedly. Taehyung was seated in front of me, fidgeting slightly.


We both turned when Sana suddenly ran down the stairs.
"What?!" I whisper-shouted. "Where's Tzuyu?"

She glanced upstairs and shifted nervously. "She's done." She started and chewed on her bottom lip. "But she won't come down."
I looked at her incredulously. "Then what-"
"She's nervous, unnie," Chaeyoung pipped up from behind Sana. "She's a literal nervous wreck."

I sighed and stood up. "I'll be right back, Tae," I said. "I'll just go get Tzuyu."
He smiled softly and nodded. "Sure." He said so I quickly went to Tzuu's room.


"Tzuyu?" I called softly. I didn't hear any reply so I opened the door. I saw her hunched over their make up table, her shoulders moving up and down quickly.
"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked while waking towards her. "Tzuyu?"
"I- I'm scared, unnie..." She said softly. "The last time we went to that park was when-"

"Hey," I  cut off and smiled. "That's not gonna happen, ok? You two are gonna be fine."
She sighed shakily and turned around, her eyes were bloodshot and she was pale. "H-how can you say that, unnie?" She asked shakily. "How can you be so-"

I cut her off by hugging her. "I don't know what's gonna happen today," I admitted. "But I do know that Taehyung's gonna keep you safe." I caressed her hair soothingly and waited for her to calm down, only pulling away when I felt her nod. She moved her hair away from her face and smiled. "Thanks unnie," She said. "I really needed that."
I nodded. "No problem, maknae." I said and winked at her. "You ready?"
She grinned. "Ready."

~Tzuyu POV~

I slowly stepped down the stairs and was immediately met by Taehyung's leaning form on the couch. He immediately straightened up and smiled at me. "Hey Tzu."
I smiled back. "Hey."

"Be safe, you two." Jeongyeon unnie said. We looked at each other and nodded.
"So..." Taehyung looked at me. "Let's go?"
I slipped my hand into his. "Let's go." I said and pulled him to the door.
"Be careful!!"

We stepped inside the car and buckled our seatbelts, I was having trouble with mine so I turned and tugged with all my might until I finally pulled it free. I turned my head to buckle it in and gasped in surprise when I was met with Taehyung's face so close to mine.

"Hi," was the only thing I said before he kissed me. I gasped in surprise and let go of the seatbelt. I cupped his face with my hands and kissed him back.

Remember what I said before? That the Taehyung in my visions really liked kissing that Tzuyu girl? That I was jealous?
Yeah, forget I ever said that.


Yeah, I'm double updating because this is too adorable. Keep scrolling!!


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