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~Taehyung POV~

My eyes widened when I felt her soft lips touch mine. I was even more shocked when visions started flashing in my mind and a familiar warmth filled me as I pulled Tzuyu closer.

"So, Chou Tzuyu, huh?"
"You were mumbling her name..."
"I'm not."
"Really, Tae? Fake girlfriend?! That's your great idea?!!"
"That's the only thing I could think of, ok?!!"
"Look Tzuyu, listen to me. I don't care if you're different. I don't care if you're a nerd. I don't care if they say we're not meant to be or whatever bullshit they want to say. You're my girlfriend, Chou Tzuyu, and I love you."
"Taehyung, you really have to stop looking at my hand like that."
"I just can't believe you said yes."
"Well, I did, so don't make me regret it."
"I won't. I promise."
"Chou Tzuyu... some people say you're a nerd, some say you aren't meant to be with me. You know what I would always think every time I hear those words? Fuck them, I'm the one who doesn't deserve you. You're cute, smart, kind. You're perfect. I promise you won't regret this. You told me that love isn't always happy, but for me... loving you is the only thing that makes me really happy. I love you, Chou Tzuyu, and I'm happy you're my wife."
"Tzuyu... I think someone's-"

My eyes flew open and I gasped. Tzuyu opened her eyes slowly and pulled away, her hands coming up to cup my face gently. Her thumbs brushed my cheeks gently while she stared at me intently.

"Taehyung?" She whispered softly. I looked around and noticed that we were still in the middle of the airport so I grabbed her wrist and pulled her somewhere more... private.

"Taehyung? Are you-" She stopped and gasped when I pinned her against the nearest wall. I placed my hands on either side of her head and moved my body so that her face was at least slightly covered. I looked around and made sure no one would notice us then pressed my forehead against hers.
"Please tell me this is real..." I started and sighed softly, letting the visions swirled around my head.
"So, my name is Kim Taehyung," I said, earning a small breathy giggle from her. "I was born in 1934, then I met you in 1951, when we were both 17..."
She hummed encouragingly and I felt her soft hands traveling up my arms.
I took a deep breath and creased my forehead. "We... got into his fake relationship... then I started having feelings for you," I bit my lip nervously. "But you rejected me."
"I came back to you though..." Tzuyu added softly. I hummed and kissed the tip of her nose. 
"We got married," I continued, biting my lip at her adorable giggle. "But then... something happened."
"Yeah," Tzuyu agreed and played with my hair. "It granted our wish, Tae. The eclipse granted our wish."

I opened my eyes and pressed my lips against hers. She kissed back almost immediately and gasped softly when I squeezed her waist. Her hands caressed my hair softly, I could almost feel her fingers twisting and messing up each strand, it made me feel something inside.

I pressed myself harder against her and bit her bottom lip.
"Tae..." She gasped adorably and pulled my hair tight. I pulled away for a minute and opened my eyes to study her face.

Her hair was an adorable brown rat's nest with small strands covering her face. She was wearing casual clothes and her slippers weren't even the same. She still had her eyes closed and she was breathing heavily. Her hands slipped down to my neck and pulled me close. I smiled and tucked her hair behind her ear. Her eyes fluttered open and she laughed. "I see you remember now..." She guessed.
I chuckled softly and caressed her cheek. "You remembered before me?" I asked playfully. She nodded and smiled. "I remembered just before I ran here."
"You ran?!" I exclaimed. She laughed and pecked my lips, sending sparks of pleasure through my body. "I didn't, dummy. Xiumin oppa drove me here."

I grinned playfully and squeezed her waist, earning a cute squeak from her and nuzzled her nose. She started giggling cutely and she pulled me closer, her small hands messing up my hair.

Then someone cleared their throat.


Hey, if proud of Taehyung's marriage vow, that wasn't even in the OG script! I feel like it's kinda short tho.... nvm, it's fine... right?


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