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~Taehyung POV~

I slammed the cabinet door shut and placed both of my hands on the counter. "I'm not, hyung," I said, my voice shaking a bit. "Why would I be jealous? She's just my girlfriend... oh wait," I chuckled sarcastically and shook my head. "Fake girlfriend, I forgot."
Yoongi hyung grinned smugly and shook his head. "Suit yourself, Tae." He said and left the kitchen, patting my shoulder on his way out.

I sighed and leaned back on the counter, closing my eyes in frustration. 
He's her friend, Kim Taehyung... he's just her best friend... who's worried about her and really, really cares for her...
I groaned and covered my face with my hands.
You're fucking torturing yourself.

~Tzuyu POV~

"Stay safe, Tzu!!"
I nodded and smiled. "Yes, oppa." I said and ended the call, placing my phone back in my bag and looking around, my forehead creasing when I saw no one around me. Tae oppa left in the middle of my conversation with Xiumin oppa, but I thought he was just putting the first aid kit back.

"Yoongi sunbae," I called once I saw the purple-grey haired guy pass by. He turned to me and raised an eyebrow, shoving his hands in his pockets. "Did you see Taehyung oppa?"
I saw his lips curl into a small smirk before cocking his head towards the kitchen.
"I'm pretty sure he's in the kitchen," He said, smiling at me before walking away. "You can ask him where your unnies are."
I stood up from the couch and made my way to Bangtan's kitchen.

"Taehyung oppa." I called once I saw his familiar form leaning on one of the counters, his blue hair tousled, probably from him running his hands through it. He turned at the sound of my voice and I frowned when I saw the look on his face, he looked like he was having an argument with himself.
"Oppa?" I called again, my voice hesitant. "Are you ok?"
He didn't answer me and just stared at my face, emotions flitting through his face, then he suddenly made his way towards me.

"Oppa." I called nervously and gasped when he suddenly engulfed me in a tight hug. "What-"
"Can you shut up, Tzuyu?" He mumbled and buried his face on my neck, his warm breath making me shiver. "Just give me a minute."

I just stood there while he hugged me, I can't even move my arms because I was so shocked. His sweet and calming scent filling my nose when he shifted a bit, then I felt his hands go up and down my sides, weirdly making me relax. At that moment, I wished he wasn't hugging me so tightly... because I'm scared that he'd hear how fast my heart was beating.

What are you doing to me, oppa?

"Please give me an answer, Tzu," He whispered huskily. "Why do I feel this every time I see you?"



I'm really sorry about this 'late update'. I kinda forgot, no, scratch that, I didn't know it was Thursday so I  was just relaxing, then I happened to look at the date and believe me when I say, I flipping screamed. I really thought it was Wednesday because my mom usually goes to work every Wednesdays and Thursdays so yeah😂😂.

Again, sorry for the late update!!!


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