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~Tzuyu POV~

My eyes roamed over the screen, which showed an instagram post of me, my face was blurred a bit and it was dark but it was definitely me, and a caption that read: Don't worry, she's fine, she's even ignoring me.

My forehead creased and I took the phone away from Momo unnie, my fingers holding it so tight that my knuckles went white.
Then I saw the username:

"Hey," Taehyung oppa's husky voice called, making me look up. He was standing beside me, a hand held out for me, it was meant to be a confident gesture... if it weren't for his hand shaking. I held his hand, making sure to look at his expression, and pulled myself to stand.

He's scared of me.


"What is this?" I asked, showing him the post, I made myself look disappointed so that he would feel more guilty. His coffee colored eyes shifted from the phone back to my eyes nervously.
"Um...." He started, then cleared his throat. "I only learned about that account a while ago. Bang PD-nim messaged me to use the account to post about us," He answered and gulped. "So I posted that." My eyes narrowed as I stared at him intently, he was avoiding my gaze so it was clear that he was nervous.

He's really cute.

I stifled a giggle and decided to stop playing with him so I smiled and said, "You should've told me you were gonna post it... I would've fixed my hair."
I saw his head snap up and relief was clear in his features. "R-really?" He asked. I nodded and started reading the comments. A lot of them were asking if I was really ok or if we were together, all that stuff, but one comment caught my eye, one comment with 108 replies/

"Are you ok tho, Taehyung oppa? I heard you got slapped."
"Really? He got slapped?!"
"I think so."
"Yeah, he got slapped while protecting Tzuyu."
"That sasaeng's crazy!! I'm glad JYP got her arrested."
"Agree. I'm glad Tzuyu's safe."
"Yeah... but if you think about it. It's Tzuyu's fault for being so weak, he wouldn't have been slapped if she defended herself."
"But Tzuyu got slapped so many times, I saw the video and her cheeks were so red... one slap won't hurt Taehyung."
"I agree with @, Tzuyu acts all tough with her unnies but when she's out in the open, she's all weak."
"Ugh... she doesn't deserve Taehyung oppa."
"I know, right? I don't know what Taehyung oppa saw in her."
"Yah! Stop bashing her! Maybe she doesn't want to hurt the sasaeng!! Tzuyu's that nice!!"
"Shut up. Tzuyu's a fake bitch. Taehyung doesn't deserve her."

I was about to read more comments when the phone was suddenly snatched away from my hand.
"Hey!" I shouted and was about to get it back but stopped when I saw that it was Taehyung oppa who was holding the phone.
"You shouldn't be reading those comments, Tzu." He said, giving the phone back to Momo unnie.
"But I want to..." I protested. Taehyung oppa frowned and shook his head. "No." 
I pouted and looked down, trying to make him feel guilty. I think it worked because I heard him sigh and grab my hand, I looked up and gave him the sad, puppy dog eyes. "Oppa..." I called. He closed his eyes for a moment and shook his head.
"I said no, Tzuyu," He repeated. "You don't deserve the hate."
"I do," I murmured. "You got hurt because of me."

"Tzuyu," He cut off, his eyes staring into mine. "It's not your fault, ok? You got hurt as well, you got hurt more than me... so please stop blaming yourself." I nodded slowly and looked down again, feeling guilty myself.

"Come on, Tzu. It's time to eat." Taehyung oppa said gently and pulled me to the kitchen. I silently followed him and sat down beside him.


─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"Tzuyu!! There's someone here to see you!!" Jungkook sunbaenim shouted so I looked up from my phone, removed Taehyung oppa's arm from my shoulders and stood up.
"Wait." Taehyung oppa said and grabbed my wrist, stopping me in place. "What if it's another sasaeng?" He asked worriedly.
"Come on," He stood up and pulled me to the front door. "Don't worry, Tzu. I'll protect you."

We made our way to the front door, Taehyung oppa looked at me and silently counted to three, the moment he said three, he opened the door.

I gasped when I was suddenly engulfed in a tight hug, I saw a lump of black hair as I was still frozen in my place.
A guy's curly, black hair...
I was about to push the guy away from me when my nose caught a whiff of coffee. And I know one person who loves coffee....

"Xiumin oppa?!"

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