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~Tzuyu POV~


I groaned sleepily when I felt my bed dip and a heavy weight on my body. The weight then started shaking my shoulder in an effort to wake me up.
I swatted the hands on my shoulders and opened my eyes.

"What do you want, Sana unnie?" I grumbled and rubbed my eyes.
"GET UP, YOUNG LADY!!" She shouted, almost shattering my ear drums. "SOMEONE'S WAITING FOR YOU DOWNSTAIRS!!!"
"HURRY UP!!" She shouted and pulled me to stand. She pushed me inside the bathroom and slammed the door. I looked around groggily and saw a white outfit hanging near the mirror.
What the heck is happening?!

"I'm almost done!!" I shouted, smoothing a hand over my skirt one last time before opening the bathroom door.
"Oh my gosh!!" Chaeyoung unnie squealed. "Our maknae is gorgeous!!"
"What-" I started to ask but was cut off again by Dahyun unnie pulling me away and sitting me down in front of a mirror and tons of makeup products.

"What should we do with her face?"
"Don't use too much!! Our maknae looks beautiful already!!"
"So... we go with light makeup then?"
"What about her hair?"
"I'm on it!"

My unnies fussed over my face and hair for a few minutes before pulling away and looking at my face.
"That's perfect!!" Sana unnie said and started pushing me towards the door.

"There you are!!" Nayeon unnie said and pulled me along. I didn't even try to ask them what the heck is going on because I know that they're not gonna answer me. We reached the living room where I was shocked to see another person talking to Jeongyeon and Jihyo unnie.

"V oppa?!"

~Taehyung POV~

I smiled at her. "Hey Tzuyu," I greeted and took in her outfit.

She wore a long-sleeved white dress that hugged her waist and flowed down to her knees. Her brown hair was done in soft curls and she wore light makeup. She looked beautiful.

(A/N: Tzuyu wore something like this, but her hair is in curls

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(A/N: Tzuyu wore something like this, but her hair is in curls.)

"W-what are you doing here?" She asked, walking up to me, confusion clear in her features.
"I'm taking my girlfriend out on a date," I said and held my hand out to her. Her eyes widened and she turned to her unnies, they all nodded, so Tzuyu shyly placed her hand on mine.
"Remember to take her home by 10." Jihyo said, fighting down a smile. I chuckled lightly and nodded.
"Shall we?" I whispered to Tzuyu.  She nodded shyly and looked down, avoiding eye contact with me. I smiled at her actions and led her to the door.

As soon as I closed the door, the house erupted in squeals. I laughed softly while Tzuyu just shook her head embarrassingly.

"This is your car?" Tzuyu asked in amazement when we walked closer to the car. I chuckled at her expression and nodded.
"Bangtan endorses this brand," I said and opened the door for her. "It's actually Jin hyung's car but I borrowed it for today." She stepped inside and I closed the door. I then calmly went to the drivers side and stepped inside.

"So... you agreed to the PD's?" She asked while still avoiding my gaze, her soft almond eyes looking outside the window. I studied her face before nodding.
"I hope that doesn't offend you," I said while starting the car and driving away from their house. I saw Tzuyu shake her head at the corner of my eye.
"No, that's not it," She said softly. "I... I was waiting for your decision actually..."
I stopped at a red light and turned to her. "Why?"
Tzuyu looked at me warily. "What do you mean 'why'?"
"Why are you waiting for my decision?"
Tzuyu shrugged and looked ahead, her expression calm. "It's green, by the way," She said nonchalantly. I looked at the stoplight and started driving again.

A few minutes passed between us before Tzuyu started talking, "Your decision is the only thing that matters," She said, her voice just above a whisper. "Whether I agreed or not, I wouldn't matter, because the PD's are waiting for your decision, not mine."
I frowned. "Why would you think that?"
The girl shrugged and looked away, making me unable to see her face. "I was trained to think that way."
"At JYP?"
"No...." Tzuyu shook her head and sighed. "My mom always told me to always obey the men in the house... that includes my father and brother. And when I auditioned to JYP and got accepted, that applied to JYP and my sunbaes."
"That's stupid," I can't help but say. "It's 2019, Tzuyu. Your mother is an old-fashioned thinker. Stereotyping ended way before our time, women have rights now, you know."

"I know that," Tzuyu said. "And I'm trying to change my mindset, but its hard to change what you believe if you grew up with it drilled in your mind."
"You're right..." I agreed. "So I help you."
"Would you agree to be my girlfriend?"

Tzuyu looked at me, a faint shade of pink appearing on her cheeks, and looked down, embarrassment clear in her features. I felt my face heat up so I cleared my throat and focused on the road, ignoring Tzuyu beside me, who was squirming beside me.

"Forget it," I said, trying to keep my voice from shaking. "You don't have to-"
"Yes... I would agree to be your girlfriend."

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