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~Taehyung POV~

After Tzuyu's breakdown in the alley, I decided to treat her ice cream. We were still silent even after I brought the ice cream. I handed her her cookies and cream and attacked mine. I noticed that she wasn't eating hers, so I sighed and reached for her cup. She was about to question me but I held a spoonful of ice cream up to her face.
"Come one, Tzu," I urged and grinned. "Your ice cream's gonna melt."
She smiled and opened her mouth so I gently shoved the food inside her mouth. She giggled, making me smiled wider and continued feeding her.
I frowned when my phone started vibrating so I took it out and opened my Instagram, where the notifications came from.

My eyebrows shot up when I saw that it was a post of me in the Taetzu account. It was a picture of me looking at the ice cream with a smile on my face with the caption: 보라해!!!

I smiled and looked at her. She winked at me and showed me her phone that was also opened on Instagram. I smirked and leaned over the table, pecking her lips and sitting back down.
"You're something, aren't you?" I asked teasingly. She laughed and pulled her cup towards her. I shook my head and started to eat mine as well.

We continued eating and talking to each other, just enjoying each others company. We ignored all the intrigued whispers around us and enjoyed the date.

~Someone POV~

"PICK UP!!" I growled and threw my phone on the bed in frustration. "Why won't you fucking pick up!!" I messed up my hair in frustration and glared at my phone. She's not picking up!!
"I have to know about Tzuyu," I mumbled and dialed her number again. "They're suspicious of me so pick the fuck up."

"Sorry, the number you have dialed-"

"FUCK!!" I yelled and threw my phone on the wall, effectively shattering it.


"Hey, you ok?!" Jin's muffled voice asked in worry. "Why are you shouting?!"
"I'm fine, hyung." I snapped.
"Open the door-"
"LEAVE ME ALONE!!" I shouted and turned my back on the door. I heard him sigh and walk away.
You just disrespected my hyung!!
I scowled and clenched my fists. "Shut up, will you? I don't fucking care-"
He's still my hyung!! I did not allow you to-
"I said shut up!!" I yelled and closed my eyes in frustration. "I've already got a lot of problems so don-"
You forced me to give way for you, psycho. Now, you follow my rules or I'll have to-"
"Ok, ok, fine!!" I said and gritted my teeth. "I'll say sorry to him later."
I frowned. "What do you mean no?"
I'll tell him myself.
I yelled in pain when he suddenly started taking over, it felt like my skull was being ripped open. Everything started to slip away from my grasp as I fell down to my knees. I clutched my hair and tried fighting him back. 

~Tzuyu POV~

"Remember that time when we first saw the eclipse?" I asked and looked up at the sky. I saw him smile and looked up as well. "Yeah..." He said softly, his eyes sparkling. "I promised you that we'll see it everytime it happens."
"You did," I agreed. "Who knew that it would actually grant our wish?"
He shrugged and wrapped his arm around my waist. "Maybe because it always sees us."

"Or maybe because it relates to us." I wondered. He looked at me and tilted his head. "What do you mean, Tzu?"

I shrugged and rested my head on his shoulder. "I mean... an eclipse only happens when the sun and moon meet, right?" I asked and he nodded, humming softly while his hand played with my hair. "It's just like us. I told you before, Tae, we weren't supposed to be together. You're popular and I'm a nobody, you're rich and I can't even eat three times a day, you have friends and nobody even wants to talk to me-"
"Stop, Tzuyu," He said and sighed. "You know I hate it when you compare yourself to me like that..."
"What I mean is, we weren't meant to be, we're complete opposites. Just like the sun and moon," I closed my eyes. "If I didn't bump into you that day, we would've just ignored each other the whole year."

I opened my eyes and smiled softly. "The sun and moon almost never meet. They only do when there's an eclipse and that rarely happens. If you would've just ignored me that time, none of this would have happened."
"Are you blaming me or...?"
I laughed and slipped my hand into his free one. "I'm not, Tae," I said. "I'm happy you noticed someone like me... meeting you was probably the best thing that ever happened to me."

He chuckled and cupped my face with his hands. "Meeting you was probably the best thing that ever happened to me." He emphasized and kissed my forehead. "If you hadn't bumped into me that day, my parents would've married me off by the time I graduated," He kissed my left cheek. "If you didn't make me smile, I would've stayed a troublemaker," Then he kissed my other cheek. "If you hadn't rejected me that day, I wouldn't have known how much I love you," Then he planted a small kiss on my nose. "If you didn't do all of that to me, I wouldn't have proposed, I wouldn't have made that wish." Then he placed one sweet kiss on my lips. "I love you so, so much."

I smiled at that and kissed him softly. "I love you too, Tae." I whispered and locked my arms around his neck. He smiled at me and leaned in close, caressing my cheek softly, but a loud sound interrupted us and we both looked up.
I gasped excitedly. "Fireworks!!"

I watched in awe as more bright colors stood out in the dark sky, until Taehyung cupped my face again and turned me to him. He smiled at me before pressing his lips to mine. I buried my hands in his hair and moved my lips against his.

That's how our date ended: the two of us kissing with the fireworks as our background.

~Someone POV~

"Kook? Hey, Kook, wake up!!"
I groaned as someone shook me awake. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Jimin and Hoseok's face hovering over me. I pushed them away and sat up, touching my head in confusion.
"W-what happened?" I asked.
"We don't know, Kook," Jimin said and looked at me worriedly. "You just suddenly started screaming and we heard a loud thud. You locked the door so we had to break it."
I turned to the door, it was completely off its hinges and was propped up on the wall beside it.

"What happened?" Hoseok asked. I frowned and shook my head. "I'm fine, guys." I said. They both looked at each other and sighed.
"Jin hyung said we'll talk later," Jimin said. "Get some rest, Kook. We'll just... we'll just call you once the food is done."

I nodded so they both walked away. I closed my eyes and tried to remember what happened but that only led to more headaches.

Then a thought hit me... I was still in Jungkook's body...

"What do you-"
I-I can't take over... you-... you completely pushed me out!!! What did you do?!!
I grinned at the distress in his voice. "Don't worry. I'll take very good care of your body. Just rest for a while."
No!! I-
I suddenly felt a force in my mind that pushed him away. I could even feel that shock that emitted from him. I grinned wider.

This is absolutely perfect.  

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