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~Tzuyu POV~

Xiumin oppa pulled away from me and smiled. "I'm glad you're safe, Tzu." He said and hugged me again, this time, I hugged him back. I was about to say something when Xiumin oppa was suddenly pulled away from me.
"Social distancing is a thing, you know?"

~Taehyung POV~

Xiumin hyung opened his mouth to argue but then he stopped and gave me a teasing smirk.
"Sure." He said smugly and crossed his arms. I rolled my eyes and pulled Tzuyu closer to me.
"What are you doing here, hyung?" I asked, my voice blank. "How did you know that Tzuyu's here?"

He shrugged. "Nayeon told me." He said, making me look at said person, who was hiding from us on the couch. She smiled at me and waved awkwardly.  I rolled my eyes again and turned back to Xiumin hyung.

"Can you maybe let me in? People might think I'm gayer than they already do." (A/N: That's a joke, guys. Don't be mad.) Xiumin hyung suggested and tilted his head, a playful smile on his lips. Tzuyu blinked and nodded, moving out of the way. He nodded gratefully at Tzuyu and walked inside.

I felt Tzuyu gently pry my fingers away from her wrist and went closer to Xiumin hyung, I watched her back and would've stayed there if it weren't for Jin hyung pulling me away. 

"Yah hyung-"
"The PD's are calling you over," Jin hyung cut off. "You need to go."
"Now?" I asked, frowning. "But Tzuyu and Xiumin-"
"Xiumin's here, he'll protect Tzuyu." He said, pushing me to the front door.
"Stop being a jealous fake boyfriend and get out!!!"

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"Mr, Kim," Bang PD-nim's secretary called the moment I entered the building. "The PD's are waiting for you. Please follow me." He said and turned around, walking away, I frowned and followed him to the office.


"PD-nim?" I called. I heard a faint, "Come in," so I gently opened the door. I was met with two PD's looking at me (again).
"Sit down." JYP ordered. I obeyed him and sat down in front of them.
"What do you want?" I asked coldly, glaring at the both of them. "Tzuyu's at our house, Xiumin hyung's there watching over her, and I 'm worried that a sasaeng will hurt-"
"That's exactly why we called you here." JYP interrupted.
"What?!" I asked, bewildered. "Tzuyu's the reason you called me here?! Why?!"
Bang PD-nim sighed and massaged his temples. "You're caring too much for her, Taehyung. She's your fake girlfriend!!"

"My feelings for her are real, PD-nim." I said coldly, crossing my arms. "This relationship may be fake, but my feelings for Chou Tzuyu are real."

JYP laughed mockingly. "Stop being so defensive, Kim Taehyung. You can't possibly think that I'll allow you to date her!! It's all for the show, Kim Taehyung, everything is fake!!"

I was about to argue but JYP held up a finger and continued talking. "And let's face it," He said and gave me a look. "Tzuyu will never fall for you. She has standards that you'll never reach."


That is so not true.

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