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~Tzuyu POV~

"You stole him!!"
"You should just die already!!"


My hand suddenly went up to my head and I felt my eyes widen when I saw that my hand was covered in a thick, red liquid.

Why the heck am I bleeding?!

I looked down and frowned when I saw a pleated skirt and a white blouse on my body, along with a ponytail running over my shoulder.

I don't remember my stage outfit being a school uniform... I don't remember my hair being a dark shade of brown either...

"Not so tough now, huh?!!"
"Ha!! He's not here to protect you now!!"

"Look at you..." A girl cooed. She looked like the typical mean, bully girl, with unruly black hair that stopped at her waist and sharp eyes, which were lined with black eyeliner. She looked down at me and sneered. "Weak without your 'oppa', huh?"

Oppa? You mean Taehyung oppa?

She suddenly grabbed my chin, a sickening smile curling her lips. "You're disgusting." She spat and pushed me.

Fudge!! Why can't I move?!!
Then a thought hit me... this isn't my body... this isn't me.
One was me: TWICE's Tzuyu, the one who was wondering what the heck is happening.
The other is this girl, the girl that was being bullied, the one that was helpless and can't defend herself. I was just a bystander, watching through the eyes of the girl.

I watched as the same girl walked back to her place and take a stone from a blonde beside her.

"A weak, pathetic girl like you doesn't deserve someone like him," She hissed, her eyes flashing angrily. "And I think you know that."
"So you should just die already." A brunette finished. The black-haired girl nodded and smiled at me. "No hard feelings." She said casually and prepared to throw the stone right at my head. I (or at least, the girl) shut her eyes....

 And I suddenly heard her thoughts, her feelings washing over me. I suddenly felt scared, terror running through my veins as I braced myself for my possible death. Suddenly... I felt like I was somehow connected to this girl, like we were one in the same. I couldn't even tell if I was a different person, my feelings were hers and her feelings were mine, my thoughts were hers and her thoughts were mine.
We were one person.

Her thoughts right now were all over the place, mostly along the lines of, I'm gonna die, and, I don't wanna die... nobody's gonna watch over my dog if I die.

But one thought really messed me up.

Please save me... Taehyung oppa....

Taehyung oppa?!! He's here?!!


I opened my eyes and saw a blurry figure running towards me and then... everything stopped. I was suddenly aware of the rock hurtling towards my head and the shouts and screams of other people around me. 

I had a feeling I knew what was gonna happen...

And then everything went back to normal... a thing suddenly smashed into me and turned me around, shielding me from the rock.

Then my eyesight cleared.

I saw the shocked faces of the girls around me, their eyes wide with horror, but it wasn't directed at me... it was directed at my shield. I looked at my shield and my eyes widened when I saw someone familiar.

Beautiful, dark brown hair... dark brown eyes that were currently closed in pain, making me see his uneven eyelids... plush, pink lips that were pressed into a thin line. My hand reached out to touch his head and my eyes widened when I felt something wet, my lips parting in horror when I saw something red dripping down the side of his face. I staggered back in horror, my body barely keeping his up.

Then I screamed.


I opened my eyes and sat up straight, panting. The place I was in was dark, I couldn't see a thing, so I started to panic... but then I smelled something familiar.
I was suddenly aware of the soft, even breaths echoing through the room, the softness of the bed I was in.... and the hand, the warm hand holding mine.
Where am I?
I jumped when I heard a soft groan beside me. 

"Tzu?" A husky voice called. I turned to the sound of the voice and squinted my eyes. "Taehyung oppa?"
I heard him sigh in relief and I felt his arms wrap around me, engulfing me in a tight hug. "I'm glad you're awake, Tzu," He whispered and kissed the top of my head. "Gosh, you made me so worried."
"W-where am I?" I asked shakily. "What happened?"
I felt him caress my hair softly and sigh. "We drove you here when you fainted, Tzuyu," He whispered softly. "But that doesn't matter. You need to eat."
"What happened to the d-death threat?" I asked, my hands shaking just at the thought of the death threat.
"I burned it," He answered quietly. "I made sure there was no trace of it." I then felt him hold my hand and pulled me to stand. My eyes focused on him and I frowned when I looked at him... he looked drained.

He caught me staring and forced a smile. "Come on, Tzu." He whispered and pulled me to the kitchen. 

"Jeongyeon told me there was leftover food here somewhere." He mumbled, rummaging through our fridge. I let go of his hand and made my way to the switch, flicking it and opening the lights.
"I'll do it, oppa," I volunteered. He looked at me and shook his head. "Leave it to me, Tzuyu."
"Oppa," I called and opened one of our cabinets. "You don't even know where to look." He looked like he wanted to argue but he just sighed, making me smile and walk towards the stove.

After I finished heating up the food, I placed it in two separate plates and placed one in front of Taehyung oppa.
He frowned, looking at his food. "I'm not hungry, Tzu."
"Yeah?" I smiled and tilted my head teasingly. "I don't believe you." I said stubbornly and started eating.
"Just eat, oppa," I said and gave him a look. "It's obvious that you're hungry." He sighed in defeat and started eating his food. "You're so bossy...." He mumbled, making me giggle.

"You stole him!!"
"Not so tough now, huh?!!" 

I frowned as those voices entered my head.


I closed my eyes as more entered my head. I tried to block it out but they just kept on coming, even ones that weren't in my dream.

"You don't deserve him!!"
"You're weak!!"
"He doesn't love you!!"
"Do you really think he'll love someone like you?!! Dream on!!"
"Stop dreaming!! He'll never fall for you!!"

"Tzuyu, are you ok?" I heard Taehyung oppa ask, but I couldn't answer him because the voices had started to become louder, some were familiar, some weren't.
"Stop!!" I started to scream, my hands coming up to my ears and head. 

"You're in a fake relationship with him!! You can't fall in love with him!!"
"Don't fall in love with him.... you're just gonna hurt yourself."

~Taehyung POV~

I immediately stood up when Tzuyu started screaming.
"Tzuyu?" I called, she didn't answer me and continued screaming in pain. "Tzuyu, are you ok?"
He's clearly not, dumbass.
I rushed to her side and hugged her, prying her hands off her hair and wrapping them around my waist. She buried her face on my stomach and proceeded to scream, her voice now muffled by my shirt. I didn't know what to do so I gently pushed her head and caressed her hair.
"Shhh..... Tzu..... shhh...." I whispered. "I'm here, I'm here."
"O-oppa..." She said. "It hurts."
"I know," I whispered gently and kissed the top of her head. "I know... just listen to me, Tzu." I suddenly felt my shirt get wet with her tears, making my eyes widen and I quickly pulled a chair to her, sitting down and adjusting her hands to wrap around my neck.
"I-I'm scared," She whispered, her voice wobbly. "I'm scared."

I kissed the top of her head again and hugged her tightly. "I'm here, Tzu," I whispered, weirdly in sync with a voice in my head, one that sounded very close to mine. "I'm always here by your side."

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