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~Tzuyu POV~

I looked up and scowled at them. "I don't." I said quickly. They all sighed and sat down. 
"You love him, Tzuyu." Nayeon unnie said firmly and crossed her arms. "You love Taehyung." I shook my head at that. "I don't love him, unnie. Sure, he's handsome, adorable and an absolute boyfriend material but-"
Jihyo unnie cut me off with a groan. She stood up and sat down at the edge of my bed. "Tzuyu," She started. "You've been in love with him for 13 years, 14 if you count this one. You've been married for 10... and you both waited for each other for 55 years, 55 years, Tzuyu. Please don't deny it. You love him. You've been loving him for the past 85 years."

I stared at her in confusion as she stood up and smiled sadly. "Come on," She said to the others. "Let's give our maknae some time to think."
My unnies nodded and left the room. Sana unnie smiled at me and hugged me tight. "Please remember." She whispered and followed the others.

I sighed and buried my head in my hands.
What's with this '55 years' thing? Jihyo unnie said it, Xiumin oppa said the same thing as well... He also said that this happened before. There's also this 14 years thing that Jihyo unnie said. 
I groaned and leaned my head back as the numbers whirled inside my head.
So, apparently I've been waiting for him for... 55 years... and I loved him for 13... 14 years, whatever that means.
I groaned again. "My head hurts..." I mumbled and ruffled my hair

"Please remember."

"AHH!!!" I screamed when my head sounded started aching, like someone was hitting my head with a hammer. I buried my face into a random pillow as images and voices flashed inside my head.

"It's Tzuyu. Chou Tzuyu."
"I want you to be my fake girlfriend."
"See this girl right here? She's my girlfriend and I won't hesitate make you broke if you touch even a single strand of her hair."
"I told you I would protect you, didn't I?"
"I never break promises, Chou Tzuyu. Kim Taehyung never breaks his promises."
"We'll see that everytime it happens. I promise."
"I'm always here..."
"I love you, Chou Tzuyu... and I want us to be official."
"Will you say yes and make me happy forever?"
"Love isn't always happy, Tae."
"Just say yes, will you?"
"I love you, Kim Tzuyu. I will never get tired of saying that because it will never change."

I gasped as my vision cleared, I felt tears running down my cheeks as his voice echoed inside my head.

That was me... 

The  girl... in my dreams was... me, after all... the couple watching the eclipse was... me and Tae... the bullied girl was me... and that was the time that Taehyung was rushed to the hospital.

I was born in 1934, I met him when we were both 17. He asked me to be his fake girlfriend and a few months after... he asked me to be his real girlfriend and I... rejected him, but ended up coming back to him 5 days later. We got married and...

Died together...

That was my first life.
This is my second one.
I wished for us to be together again and... the eclipse granted my wish...

I remember everything...


Happy birthday to my bias, Park Jimin!!!💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

And because it's his birthday... Double chapter!!! Keep reading!!


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