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~Tzuyu POV~


I placed the curler down and ran downstairs. "What is it?" I asked and blew a few strands out of my face. Mina unnie frowned at me from the couch and pointed at my hair. "Why is your hair half curled?"
I subconsciously touched my hair and ran my hands through it. "I was curling my hair when you called me." I answered and shrugged. 
My eyebrows furrowed. "I... I'm going on a date with Taehyung oppa." I mumbled and smiled shyly. Dahyun unnie's head peeked out from the couch and she smiled teasingly. "You're so whipped." She said. My head snapped up, eyes wide. "I am not-"


I turned around and peeked inside the kitchen. "What?"
"JYP wants you in his office." Jihyo unnie said, eyes trained on her phone. My eyes widened. "But-"
"Taehyung sunbae can wait Tzuyu." Jihyo unnie said calmly. "You can text him. I'm sure he'll understand."

I sighed in defeat and took out my phone.

My Fake Girlfriend:
I'm sorry, oppa. JYP needs me at his office. I'll just meet you... wherever it is...

I chewed on my bottom lip nervously while I waited for his reply.

My Fake Boyfriend:
Sure, Tzuyu. Han River. I'll meet you there.

I frowned at how... formal he replied, but I shook it off as him just being an adorable pouty boyfriend and turned to Jihyo unnie. "How much time do I have?"
"Oh... 10 minutes." She said casually while checking her watch.
"WHAT?!!" I screeched and immediately ran upstairs.

"Ow!!" I hissed and grasped my wrist. I stared at the angry red slash line running across my wrist with teary eyes. I tried to breath evenly and blinked the tears away, blowing slightly at the slash.
"I'm coming!!" I yelled back and unplugged the curler, grabbing my purse and running downstairs.
Nayeon unnie looked at me from head to toe. "You look cute, maknae." She complemented. "Don't worry. I'll drive you to Tae sunbaenim."
I nodded and headed for the car.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"I'll wait here, maknae."
I nodded and stepped out of the car, speed walking to JYP's office.

I knocked on the door and opened it gently. I peeked inside and saw JYP on his desk.
He looked up and smiled slightly. "Sit down, Ms. Chou." I obeyed him and tilted my head. "Why did you call for me, PD-nim?"

He laced his fingers together and sighed. "I heard about what happened."
I froze. "W-what do you mean?"
He gave me a skeptical look. "You and Mr. Kim can't happen, Tzuyu. Everything's gonna-"
"Why?!!" I asked and stood up. "Why can't we happen?! I want us to happen?!!"
He looked at me with wide eyes. "Ms. Chou... did you... fall for him?"
I froze again and closed my eyes. "I don't-"

"You're lying, Ms. Chou." His tone became serious. "You have to remember that this is all just a show. We cannot allow you two to date."
"But why?!!" I exclaimed, knuckles turning white against the table. "Why are you so against it?!! You expect us to be in a fake relationship and not fall for each other? What kind of bullshit is that?!!"
"Language, Ms. Chou." PD-nim scowled. "I know you're smart, Tzuyu. You know that I'm doing this for your own good. You two cannot be official. Bad things are gonna happen if you announce to everyone that you are actually dating him."

I frowned and leaned closer. "Why?" I asked shakily, my voice shaking with emotion. "Why can't I love him freely?"

His expression hardened. "So you do love him-"

"Just please tell me why!!" I pleaded and sat back down, the pressure pulling me down as I heaved a breath, trying to keep my tears at bay. 

"Let me tell you what will happen," He said. "Once you two decide that you're gonna official, we have to break you two up."
"Because you two are gonna get distracted. You're gonna skip practice and just go out on dates with your official boyfriend. Sure, it's gonna gain fame because of your public dates, but your performance is gonna go down and the fans are gonna notice it. They'll blame Taehyung. Then, the... thing about you and Xiumin is inevitably gonna blow up. So the fans are gonna say that you cheated on Taehyung and we're gonna have to post an announcement that he cheated on you."

I glared at him in anger. "You wouldn't."

"Oh, I would, Ms. Chou," He assured. "As much as I cherish Sihyuk and I's friendship, I have to save the company. So I would have to point all the blame on your little boyfriend."

My eyes welled up with tears as I started to breath heavily. This couldn't happen.... Tae would-

"I know you know what's gonna happen next, Tzuyu." PD-nim said and looked at me. "BigHit will go bankrupt because of the hate and your precious Taehyung will have to go back to Daegu... penniless and hated."

"So I'm gonna give you two options, Ms. Chou,"

I sniffled and looked up.

"Break up with him or be the cause of his downfall."  


Haiiii..... I'm back.

Did u miss me?

We're also so close to 80k on DNA so if you want to, check it out. I can't promise that you'll like it since it's one of my first stories (I wrote it at the same time as... Begin, I think? But I published it just as I published Lie) so the story is kinda.... childish? I dunno how to describe it but I really cringed when I started editing it.

It's amazing what a few years (let's face it, it's just like a year or two) can make....

Wow, I think that's my first time doing a plug of one of my stories....

Anyways, hope you like the chapter!!!



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