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~Tzuyu POV~

"I'm not sure if you're even hearing this," He continued. "But I really hope you wake up soon. I want to get mad at you for rejecting Taehyung but... I'm not really surprised. This did happen before."


"But you still need to wake up. Please, Tzu, don't waste 55 years of waiting. Wake up... it's hard for me to see my best friend and the love of her life suffer..... I-.... I gotta go... please wake up, Tzuyu, your happiness depends on it."

I heard him move and walk away from me. I really thought that Xiumin oppa would give me comfort, that everything is fine... but he just made me even more confused.

55 years.... I'm only 20 so... what 55 years?

My life took a really hard turn ever since I met Taehyung oppa.

~Jihyo POV~

"Yes, Yo-"

I jumped and turned just in time to see a blur of hazel brown hair. I only had time to scream her name before she jumped on me and we both fell down on the couch.
I groaned. "What the heck do you want, Sana?!!" I yelled. Today is supposed to be the day that Tzuyu and Taehyung make up, it's day 5... and Tzuyu still hasn't woken up.

Sana shook both of my shoulders. "SHE WOKE UP!!" She screamed. I looked at her blankly for a few seconds before my eyes widened. "WHAT?!!" I screamed back and pushed her off. I ignored her groans and ran to Tzuyu's room.
Thank goodness...

Tzuyu was sitting up, the blanket covering her lap, and she was looking around in confusion but the moment she saw me, her eyes lit up. "Unnie!!"
I choked back a sob and ran to her. "You're awake!!" I said and hugged her tightly. She hugged me back and giggled. The door opened and in came the other members. They squealed and gasped when they saw the maknae, wide awake and they hugged her as well. 

"We missed you." Momo unnie said. The others nodded while Tzuyu smiled. "I missed you too, unnies."

~Tzuyu POV~

"5 DAYS?!!"

Dahyun unnie nodded sadly. "You fainted when you saw the news, Tzuyu," She said. "It's been 5 days since then."
I bit my lip and nodded. "How's Taehyung oppa?" I asked softly.
"We don't know, Tzuyu," Mina unnie answered. "We haven't heard from him ever since Jihy-" Her next words were muffled by Nayeon unnie's hand covering her mouth.
"What?" I pressed. "What did Jihyo unnie do?"
Sana unnie smiled sheepishly. "Jihyo unnie may or may not have stormed into their house and slapped Taehyung...."

"What?!!" I shrieked and turned to Jihyo unnie. "Why did you do that?!!"
She shrugged casually. "He hurt you, Tzu," She reminded me. "The others would've done the same."
"But why did you have to slap him?" I asked.
"Are you concerned about him, Tzuyu?" Jeongyeon unnie asked seriously. "Are you concerned about the person who hurt and dumped you?"
I frowned at her and said, "Yes," without any hesitation.
"Do you love him?" Nayeon unnie asked. I bit my lip and avoided their eyes.
... do I?

"You don't love me. You don't have feelings for me."

I shook my head. "No."
I heard the rest for them groan in frustration. "Were you mad when I said that Jihyo slapped Tae?" Sana unnie asked.
"Do you care for him?" Mina unnie added.
I sighed and nodded. "Yes."
"Do you always wait for his texts?"
"Does he make you happy?"
I bit my lip and closed my eyes. "Yes."
"Do you always think of him?"
I blushed and nodded again.
"Were you happy to be his girlfriend?"
"DOES HE MAKE YOU FEEL SOMETHING?!!!" They asked in unison.

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