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~Taehyung POV~

I felt myself getting tied to something hard once I regained consciousness. I opened my eyes but I couldn't see anything, there was a blindfold covering my eyes.
I heard a grunt behind me. "Hit him again, will you? I think he's awake." Someone ordered and I felt someone hit me in the head, effectively knocking me out.

~3rd Person POV~

"Where the fuck is he?!!"

Everyone jumped at the loud yell that echoed through the house. Jihyo and Namjoon ran up the stairs and stumbled inside Taehyung's room, where the eldest was currently in. 
Jin was breathing heavily while his hand clutched Taehyung's blanket.

"What happened?" Jihyo asked while carefully walking towards him. She looked around and frowned. "Where's Taehyung?" She asked. Jin sighed heavily and glared at the bed. "That's the point." He gritted out. Namjoon picked up a bobby pin and frowned. He went towards the window and checked the lock. "He ran away..." Namjoon said. Jin took a deep breath and threw the blanket back on the bed, then he pushed past Jihyo and went downstairs. The leaders looked at each other and followed him. 

"What happened?" Nayeon asked worriedly. Jihyo shrugged. "Taehyung ran away." She said and headed for the door.
"Jihyo?" Nayeon called again so she sighed and turned again. "Your phone's been ringing. Daniel's calling you."

Jihyo's features softened and she snatched her phone out of Nayeon's hand and immediately texted Daniel that she was busy and ran to the side of the house.

"What-" She stopped and gasped when she saw what the other two were looking at.
There was blood on the grass...

~Tzuyu POV~


I gasped when I felt cold water hit my face and my eyes immediately flew open. I started breathing heavily and looked around. I couldn't see anything since it was dark. I couldn't even see who threw the water at me.

Suddenly, I heard another splash and another gasp. I looked around again and whimpered.
"He- hello?" I called. "I-is anyone there?"
I only heard muffled sounds and thuds so I shivered and closed my eyes, taking in deep breaths to calm myself.

"Well, well..."
I looked up and my eyes widened. The lights blinked open so I had to avert my eyes and adjust for a few minutes. I slowly looked around and gasped.
"Taehyung!!" I yelled when I saw his weak, shivering form beside me. He looked up groggily and his eyes widened when he saw me. His mouth was taped shut so he could only do muffled yells. His hair was an adorable mess, with blue strands sticking out, but I didn't have time to coo over that because of the look in his eyes.
"W-what happened to you?" I asked worriedly. He moved his head around and I gasped when I saw a hint of red at the back of his head. "You're hurt!!" I exclaimed. He looked back at me and his eyebrows furrowed in worry.

We suddenly heard a loud slam so we both turned to the door and saw a very familiar.... bunny...

I gasped. "Jungkook?!!" I turned to Taehyung and saw his features etched with betrayal.
Jungkook chuckled darkly and shoved his hands in his pockets while a sinister smirk curled his lips. "Hi babe..." He said and walked towards us.

"W-what... but- you aren't-" I stuttered out. The black haired maknae smirked at me and approached Taehyung.
"I think my... hyung... knows the answer to that." He said and ripped the tape of Tae's mouth in one quick motion. He groaned in pain and leaned his head, closing his eyes momentarily.
"Tae?" I asked. He moved his head to look at me but hissed when Jungkook suddenly gripped his hair and pulled it to face him.
"Tell me, hyung," Jungkook hissed darkly. "Who am I?"
Taehyung's eyes darkened. "Jeon Jungshin," He growled and glared at him. "The killer."

My eyes widened as Jungkook's usually soft eyes turned black and he smiled, but not the adorable bunny smile that everyone loved...  it was cold, harsh and it didn't fit him at all!!

"I'm glad to see that you're alive and well, Kim." Jungkook- no... Jungshin growled and released Taehyung's hair. He stepped a few inches away from us and looked at me, his eyes so cruel and emotionless that it made me shiver. "Nice to see that you're still as beautiful as before, Chou Tzuyu."
"It's Kim Tzuyu." I corrected and looked away.
"What did you do to Jungkook?" Taehyung asked coldly.

Jungshin responded with a cold laugh and started walking around the room. "After the two of you died, I left the country. I bribed Kim's parents to give me all their money to me. I told them that if they didn't give me all of it, I'll kill them. Luckily, your parents aren't as dumb as you are, but I killed them anyway."
"You motherfucker!!" Taehyung screamed, struggling on his binds. "If you touch my parents in this life, I swear Jeon-"
"Oh, don't worry, Kim," He said and waved him off. "I'll just touch your girlfriend instead."
"You fucking-"
"Shush..." Jungshin teased and smirked. "Anyways... I used some of that money to kill some of your friends-"
"Yeah... the others died because of sickness and bullshit so I only killed a few of them."

"You're a monster." I said and glared at him. He chuckled and winked at me. "I know, babe," He said, making me recoil in disgust. "After I killed the last one, I died, a car hit me and I died, but I didn't go anywhere. My soul was just wandering around the world. I saw my family grow, my sons fall in love... but I didn't go anywhere. Until this young man," He tapped himself in the chest proudly. "Was born. I immediately could tell that there was something up with him so I tried to possess him. For some reason, it worked. I was a voice in his head that could take over when he allowed me to... but things are different now, he's too weak to take over, so you won't expect your maknae to come back anytime soon." 


2 more chapters + 3 epilogues and this book is done!! 

Don't worry!! I have another book coming up and it's like SWING, my TaeSana book, and by that I mean, 'a-cliche-school-fanfic-with-a-twist'. I won't say the ship that'll be the main characters just yet but I will be teasing the book cover on my Instagram, so check it out if you want!!

Let's take a break from TaeTzu, shall we? 


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