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~Tzuyu POV~

Where am I?

My vision cleared and I lurched back when I realized that I sitting at the edge of a tall building. My feet dangled off the edge and I fought the urge to scream at how tall this building is. I saw a green field in front of me and people walking around, some in groups, pairs, and by themselves.

"Are you scared?"
I turned and saw a familiar face standing a few feet away from me.

Taehyung oppa?

I was pretty sure this was Taehyung oppa, although he looked younger. His hair was a dark shade of brown, but he looked the same. He looked less like an idol and more like a typical student.

"Oppa..." I started, then frowned when my voice sounded weird, a little higher... younger...

I was back in the bullied girl's world.

Taehyung oppa sat down beside me and ran a hand through his hair, sighing in content. 
"This is nice..." He decided. I nodded silently and looked at the view. It definitely looked like Seoul, but not the Seoul I remember. This Seoul looked like the ones I saw in old photos.
"Oppa, what about class?" I asked, just in time to hear a bell ring from downstairs. I watched the people walking on the field quickly rush inside. I almost fell over because I was watching them. He wrapped a hand around my shoulder and smirked at me. "This is what you get for dating the school's biggest troublemaker, baby. I like to skip."
I whined. "Tae..."
He hummed. "You should call me by my name more often."
"You told me I was disrespectful when I called you by your name." I fired back.
He hummed again and bit his bottom lip. "Hearing you call me oppa is cute and all, but hearing my name coming from you sounds.... hot..." He said and chuckled when he saw the look on my face. "A skip won't hurt you, baby."

I stuck my bottom lip out and inched away from him, only moving a centimeter before he pulled me back. I sighed and rested my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes in content. "I love you."
He smiled at me and pecked my lips. "I love you too, Tzuyu."

Wait... what? Tzuyu?!! This is me?!! This girl is... me?! What the heck is happening? What is this?!!

Nobody answered me as the scene faded in front of me and all I could see was black. I stared into the darkness while I tried to calm myself down.

So the girl in my dream, the one that was bullied, and this girl is... me. Chou Tzuyu. Taehyung oppa was also in my dreams. He's apparently my boyfriend in this... world and got hurt in the last one. Is it just me or does that sound familiar now that I think about it?

I was about to scream in frustration when a scene appeared in front of me. This time, I was in front of a stove. I was cooking something, weird music was playing through my phone. I hummed along with it. My voice sounded normal now, the way I usually sounded like when I was humming.

I jumped when I felt large hands wrap squeezed my waist, someone was also humming along to the song and I felt my lips curl.
"What's for today, yeobo?" I turned and saw Taehyung oppa wearing a suit, a black suit... and his hair was kind of curly now. He also had adorable round glasses and his usual box-shaped smile on his face.

What the heck, he looks so hot in that outfit!! ARMY's are gonna go absolutely crazy when he performs looking like that. But I kinda like it that he dressed up like this for me or... whatever this is.

I giggled. "I'm cooking your favorite, Tae." I answered. He smiled and kissed my lips sweetly.

He really likes kissing me. I haven't kissed him yet, but this Tzuyu has... many times.

....I'm kinda jealous....

I continued cooking while Taehyung hugged me from the back, humming softly and sometimes kissing my cheek or my nose.

I wish this was real...
I wish we were like this... but we're not. It's for his own good anyway... but I wish I never had to do that... I wish I never had to hurt him...

I watched the scene fade to black again, Taehyung oppa's smiling face printed on my mind.I felt a small smile curl my lips.
But then I suddenly heard voices.

"Fuck this fake relationship!! I love you, Chou Tzuyu!!!"
"We both love each other, Tzuyu. Why can't  we be official?!!"

That voice is definitely Taehyung oppa's. I've been with him enough to recognize his voice.

"We can't, Tae... we just can't..."

And that... was definitely me.


My expression fell when I heard his voice again. He sounded so defeated and... heartbroken. I looked down guiltily and realized that I was standing. I saw my reflection on the floor and frowned. I looked up again and saw Taehyung oppa's tear-stained face in front of me. I gasped and reached out to him, but my hand just bumped into a flat surface. 

I couldn't reach him....

Tears started to blur my vision as I gasped and stepped away from him, whatever this thing blocking us was. I placed a hand on my mouth and cried, stopping when I bumped into another wall and I slipped down. I braced myself with one hand and cried loudly, my little sobs echoing throughout this... thing that I was in. 

I want to leave...

I want to leave this place...

But at the same time, I don't...

Because I'm afraid I'll forget those visions...

Those visions that I wish really happened to us...

"Hey Tzuyu..."

I looked up again, the things were gone now. I was left in the darkness again. But know I had calmed down.

"It's your Xiumin oppa..."


Ok so.... this is the update. But I'm not done republishing my books yet. So if any of you are reading DNA, SWING, REFLECTION and/or MAMA (which is gonna be a surprise to me) I'm sorry for the incoming notifs.

Anyways, enjoy the chapter!!!! 💜💜



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