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~Tzuyu POV~

"Unnies?" I called as I pushed the door open. No one answered me so I looked around in confusion.
Where are they?
"Unnies?!" I called again and placed my bag down on the couch and peeked in the kitchen but no one was there. I walked up the stairs and started peeking inside the rooms- the maknae room, the J-Line room- still nothing. But when I got to 3mix's room, I heard murmurs and shuffles, I couldn't risk turning the knob and interrupting their conversation, so I pressed my ear to the door. 

"What are we gonna do about this?"
"Tzuyu and Tae are in danger as long as Sana stays quiet."

.... what?

~Taehyung POV~

"Ok, what the heck is wrong with you people?" I asked them. "Jin hyung's cutting the vegetables with the wrong side of the knife, Hoseok hyung's quiet, and Yoongi hyung's actually cooking!!"

Jimin looked at me and sighed. "It's just... Jungkookie's being weird."
I frowned. "What do you mean?"
Hoseok hyung sighed as well. "He's been weird since yesterday. He yelled at Jin hyung then after that he just started screaming. His door was locked so Namjoon had to break it and we saw him on the floor. He said he was fine, then pushed us out."
I bit my bottom lip worriedly. "That... doesn't sound like Jungkook."
"We're having suspi-" He stopped and looked behind me. I was about to ask him what's wrong, but someone spoke up behind me.

"Hey hyungs, what's up?" 
We all turned to the archway where the maknae was standing. He looked at us and smiled, but something was off, the smile looked forced.
"Is the food ready?" He asked. Jin hyung laughed nervously. "It's almost finished, Kook." He said and tried to smile. He nodded and sat down beside Jimin. I saw Jimin's eyebrows furrow a bit and he started fidgeting nervously.
I was sat across from Jimin so I took the time to stare at the maknae. He definitely looked different, his eyes were darker than usual and he was staring at us coldly.

"Dinner's ready..." Jin hyung announced softly so we all went to the table. We ate in silence, the maknae's mood affecting us as well. While we were eating, I stole glances at the maknae, studying his expressions. He ate slowly, his expression didn't change. He acted so different.

~Tzuyu POV~

"Damn, IU sunbaenim looks so pretty." Sana unnie commented. We were watching Hotel Del Luna, well... some of us were. Jihyo unnie was on her phone, probably texting Daniel oppa, Momo unnie was also on her phone, I peeked a bit earlier, she was just  scrolling through Instagram. Nayeon and Jeongyeon unnie were asleep, so it was only Sana, Momo, Mina, Dahyun and Chaeyoung unnie watching. I was just staring at the screen but I was thinking about other things.

Suddenly, my phone started vibrating in my pocket. I jumped in surprise and took it out, frowning when I saw that it was an unknown number.
"I'll just answer this, unnies." I said and walked away, answering the call when I reached the back yard.

"Hello?" I asked formally.
"Is this Chou Tzuyu?" A male voice asked. It sounded familiar to me but I couldn't remember who it is.
"Y-yes, who is this?"

I shivered when he suddenly laughed.

"Who are you?" I demanded.
He chuckled. "This didn't go as planned but it's fine, you're too stupid to realize what's happening around you."
I frowned. "What are you-"

I gasped when I suddenly heard Taehyung's voice, he sounded like he was in pain.

"Tae?!" I said and clamped a hand over my mouth at the sound of his groan. "Taehyung, is that you?!"
"Tzuyu, help..." I bit my bottom lip. "Tae... what- what happened to you?"
"He... he..."


"Tae?! Tae?!" I yelled but the called had already ended. I tried to dial the number again but no one answered, the phone was turned off. I sobbed into my palm.
What happened to him?!!
"TAE!!" I screamed and fell to my knees, sobbing loudly.

I didn't notice the back door opening but I did start to hear my unnies' calls. But I didn't get the chance to answer them because black dots started to appear and I fell to the ground, unconscious.


Missing Percy Jackson series: Open.

I'm having my Lighting Thief musical phase again, so you might have that kind of vibe in the next book (ehem, ehem).

Anyways, stream I Can't Stop Me and Blue Hour!!


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