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~Taehyung POV~


"Jihyo?" I asked then stopped when I heard sobs. "What happened?"
"It's Tzuyu..." She sobbed, making me sit up from my bed.
"What happened?" I asked, already worried about her, but Jihyo didn't answer, or at least, I didn't hear an answer because she was crying. "YAH!! PARK JIHYO!!! ANSWER MY QUESTION!!"
"The crowd took her... a sasaeng..." She started to say between sobs, but I already ended the call and rushed downstairs.

"Hyung!!" I shouted while running to the front door. "I need to borrow your car!!"
"TWICE will come here..." I interrupted, facing Jin hyung. "Tzuyu's in trouble."
Jin hyung's eyes widened and he nodded so I quickly ran to the car and drove away. I pulled out my phone and quickly texted Jihyo.

To: Park Jihyo
Go to the Bangtan house. Here's the address.

I shoved my phone back in my pocket and stepped on the gas.
Please be safe, Tzuyu... 

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

I stopped my car in front of the JYPE building and was shocked at how crowded the front of the building is. There were so many people outside the building that I can't even see the entrance. I saw people, probably reporters who were trying to get some juicy answers from Tzuyu, and other girls waving banners in the air, others were probably just there because there was a crowd. And Tzuyu is right there in the middle...

TWICE's van was nowhere to be seen so that probably means they're on their way to our house. I exited the car and quickly ran to the crowd, pushing my way through.
Don't worry, Tzu... I'm here...

~Tzuyu POV~

"Attention seeker!!"
"You stole our oppa!!"

Countless of insults filled my ears as the girls continued screaming and pointing at me, fury in their eyes, jealousy was there too, not to mention the crazy fangirl that was still on top of me, slapping me so hard that my cheeks went numb. She seemed to notice this because she stood up and pulled me to stand by my hair. I let out a silent cry of pain, too tired to even talk.
"Do you know why I'm doing this?" The girl hissed, her eyes filled with hate, as she gripped my hair harder. I didn't know what to do so I just closed my eyes, trying to endure the pain. "You stole Taehyung oppa," She continued. "He's supposed to be mine!! He's mine!!" 
I opened my eyes and saw that the girl was still looking at me, her hand shaking violently with anger. She raised her palm to slap me and I couldn't do anything but close my eyes and wait for the impact of her palm.

But it never came... I felt my body being pulled back and a familiar waft of lavender fill my nose, I opened my eyes just in time to see a familiar form in front of me and a sound of a hand meeting someone's cheek. The slap was so powerful that the person's head snapped to the side, and I gasped when I saw his hair.... soft, sapphire blue hair...
"Taehyung oppa..." I whispered, he opened his eyes to look at me before turning to the fangirl. I peeked around Taehyung oppa's body to look at the girl. I saw the fangirl freeze in shock, her eyes widening, then I saw her look at me so I quickly hid myself behind Tae oppa's back, noticing his hand on my wrist, his thumb caressing my skin soothingly. 
"T-T-Taehyung o-oppa...." The girl stammered, her form shaking nervously as she met Tae oppa's eyes. "I-I'm s-so-sorry-"
"Yeah right," Taehyung oppa cut off, his free hand coming up to touch his already reddening cheek. "You slapped your oppa hard," He commented and stopped to glare at the fangirl, his coffee brown eyes flashing angrily. "I wonder how hard you slapped my girlfriend then." 
"O-o-oppa..." The girl stuttered, but was quickly silenced by the look on Taehyung oppa's face.
"I don't want you near Tzuyu again." He ordered and walked away, pulling me with him. The other people made way for him, but that didn't stop them from looking at me weirdly.

Taehyung oppa pulled me to his car, silently opening the door and ushering me inside. I just stayed silent until he entered his side of the car.
"Tzuyu," Taehyung oppa called, his harsh demeanor gone and was now replaced with his usual caring and soft self. "Are you ok?"
At his question, tears immediately streaked down my cheeks, all the pain from the girls' slaps coming out. "Tae oppa..." I said, sobbing into my hands. I felt Taehyung oppa gently pull me towards him, his hands softly pushing my head to his chest as he hugged me tightly. "You came..." I whispered.
"Of course, I did..." He said, his voice soft and soothing, a hand caressing my back. I pulled away from him to look at his face, tears still streaming down my face. He smiled softly at me and cupped my face with his hands, his thumb wiping my tears away. I cried harder so he hugged me again.
"You came..." I whispered again. I heard him chuckle, his soft lips touching my head and suddenly, all the pain went away.

"Of course, Tzuyu... I promised I'd protect you."

This is probably one of my favorite chapters....

Happy 7th Anniversary Bangtan Sonyeondan!!

We, ARMY's, will always love and support you guys!! Stay safe!! 보라해!!

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We, ARMY's, will always love and support you guys!! Stay safe!! 보라해!!


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