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~Tzuyu POV~

My mood completely fell when I heard him say Jennie unnie's name. My hand started to shake as I fought tears back.
"W-what?" I whispered. I heard his breath hitch and he went silent. 
"You were expecting J-Jennie u-unnie's... call?" I stuttered out and looked up, trying to keep my tears at bay. I reached for a pillow and hugged it tightly. "Y-you were... talking to h-her?"
I closed my eyes and ended the call, tossing my phone away and burying my face in my pillow. I bit my lip to contain my tears but I ended up sobbing anyway.
So that's why he wasn't talking to me.... he was busy talking to someone else....

~Taehyung POV~

My heart stopped when the call was cut short. I started to panic when she wouldn't answer her phone anymore.
I'm stupid... so, so stupid...
I groaned loudly and threw my phone down. My hands coming up to rub my face in frustration.
"Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid." I scolded myself, hitting myself in the head with my pillow.

"What are you doing?" 
I stopped torturing myself and looked at Jimin. The pink haired guy was looking at me weirdly, like he couldn't believe I was his friend.
"Someone called me." I started, which made him frown and sit at the edge of my bed. "So?"
I glared at him. "Let me finish, will you?" I said, my voice laced with irritation. He stifled and smile and tilted his head.
"Someone called me," I repeated. "And I picked it up.... and the first thing that I said was, hey Jennie, what's up?"
"I still don't get-"
"It wasn't Jennie," I interrupted. Jimin's eyes widened and he leaned closer. "It was Tzuyu."
He gasped dramatically and leaned back, crossing his legs. "Damn," He whispered. "You are in  big trouble."
"And she's not answering me!!" I added miserably. Jimin smirked and turned around.


─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"Why were you contacting Jennie in the first place?" Jin hyung asked in exasperation, frowning. "I didn't teach you to be a playboy, Kim-"
"I'm not, hyung!!" I protested. "I wanted to buy something for Tzuyu. I didn't know Elkie's number so I asked Nayeon for Jennie and Lisa's number."
"Why didn't you ask Nayeon for Elkie's number?" Namjoon hyung butt in, his face also scrunched up in a frown. I pursed my lips and ruffled my hair in frustration. "I didn't think about it, ok?!!"

Yoongi hyung tilted his head and frowned. "You owe Tzuyu an apology, Tae." He said. I sighed and combed my hair back. "I know, hyung... but she won't answer me."
"You can go to their house tomorrow," Jin hyung said calmly and ruffled my hair again. "For now, let's sleep."
We all nodded and went to our respective rooms.

I sighed again as I laid down on my bed, reaching for my phone. My forehead creasing when I tried to dial Tzuyu's number again... but it just kept on ringing.
I closed my eyes and bit my lip anxiously. Please let me explain, Tzuyu....

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Just tell her the truth and everything will be fine...

I sighed and knocked on the front door. I shoved my hands in my pockets and waited anxiously. The door opened and I smiled at Chaeyoung.
"Sunbae," Chaeyoung greeted and smiled, moving to the side as I stepped inside. 
"How's Tzuyu?" I asked. The pink-haired girl shrugged. "She didn't come down for breakfast this morning...the last time we saw her was when she..." She glanced at me warily. "... called you."
I sighed. "Sorry Chae."
She hummed. "S'okay," She mumbled. "Do you want me to walk you to our room?"
I shook my head, forcing out a small smile. "I know where it is." I said and went up to their room.

"Tzu?" I called and knocked on the door. "Can I come in?"
I heard a thud and a muffled reply. "Go away!!!"
"Tzu, it's me. Tae-"
"I don't care!!! Go away!!!"
"Tzuyu..." I pleaded. "Please?"

I heard some shuffling so I stepped away from the door... only to be met with an angry and tired Tzuyu. Her hair was all messed up and her eyes were red and puffy from crying too much.
It made me feel even more guilty.
"Tzuyu..." I started and made my way towards her but she grabbed my wrist and pulled me away. I looked at her in confusion but allowed her to drag me away.
We ended up at their front door. I thought we were gonna stop there... but she opened the door and shoved me out.
"Don't ever come back again," She said bitterly, her usually soft eyes glaring at me harshly. "Go back to your Jennie."
I opened my mouth to explain but she had already slammed the door in my face. I raised my hand to knock again, determined to explain, but I stopped when I heard her sobs at the other end of the door. My heart shattered as I heard how hurt and broken she was and placed my hand on the door, pressing my forehead to it.
Tzuyu... I didn't mean to hurt you...

~Someone's POV~

"How's Tae?"
"He's heartbroken... he came home, looking so sad... and then went to his room. Jungkookie even said he saw a tear when he passed him."
"Poor Tae."
"Did Tzuyu tell you what happened?"
"No... it was Dahyun who told me. She said Tzuyu showed Tae out and slammed the door on his face. Then Tzuyu cried... like really cried. Mina also told me she saw Tae leaning on the door while leaning on Tzuyu crying."
"What should we do?"
"We have to get them back together," I said, my face determined, then I sighed. "But how could this happen!! Our Tzuyu isn't the jealous type!!"
He snorted. "Well... yeah, but 1931 Tzuyu definitely was."

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