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~Tzuyu POV~

"W-what?" I asked in confusion. I felt his body tense up against mine and he suddenly pulled away from me.
"Nothing." He said, avoiding my gaze. I frowned and stepped closer to him, stopping when he retreated. "Oppa-"
"I'll bring you to your unnies." He cut off, grabbing my wrist and pulling me away, effectively shutting me up.
What was that? Did he really just ask me that? 'Why do I feel this every time I see you?' What the heck does that mean?! I thought as Taehyung oppa pulled me through a hallway, I wasn't really paying attention.

"Here," Taehyung oppa said, stopping in front of a door. He opened it to reveal a huge room, which was currently filled with Bangtan sunbaenims and TWICE, the room looked like a typical hang-out area, with beanbags littered around the room and a long couch pressed against one wall, a huge flat screen TV right in front of it.
"Tzuyu!!" Sana unnie called and made her way towards us. She lopped her arm around mine and looked at Taehyung oppa. "I'm just gonna borrow your girlfriend, sunbae." She said and pulled me away, Taehyung oppa's hand squeezing my wrist before letting go.

~Taehyung POV~

"Idiot," I silently scolded myself. "You are such an idiot."
"Hyung!" Jungkook ran towards me, doe eyes blinking excitedly. "What are you doing? You're just standing there like an idiot!! Kaja!!" I chuckled and allowed myself to be pulled by the black-haired bunny.

He sat me down beside Namjoon hyung, who was talking to Nayeon, Jeongyeon and Jihyo.

"Hi girls." I greeted, ignoring the brown-haired girl behind me. Tzuyu's unnies greeted me back and started thanking me for saving their maknae.
"It's nothing, girls," I said, trying not to sound arrogant. "I would save Tzuyu in any situation."
"We really, really thank you, sunbaenim." Jeongyeon said, bowing slightly. Nayeon nodded and smiled. "We would've had to call Xiumin oppa... and we would waste, like, 10 minutes calling him because we're too nervous."

I felt Tzuyu move behind me so I turned my head slightly and saw that she wasn't there, one of her unnies must've pulled her somewhere so I took the chance. "What's going on between Xiumin hyung and Tzuyu?" I asked, lowering my voice so that only the three girls in front of me could hear it.

Jihyo's eyes darted to my right then back to me, clearing her throat. "They're close friends, it was Nayeon unnie who introduced them to each other. Xiumin oppa said it was hard for him to get close to Tzuyu, luckily, he's stubborn so Tzuyu eventually warmed up to him. That was when we first debuted and they've gotten closer ever since," She said then frowned. "Why do you ask?"
I blinked and looked away. "Nothing, just curious." I said, trying not to sound bitter.
"How close are they?" Namjoon hyung spoke up, making me glare at him. He widened his eyes innocently. "What? I got curious. You can leave if you don't want to hear it."
"You weren't supposed to listen." I grumbled but stayed in my place, waiting for Jihyo's answer.

To my surprise, it was Nayeon who spoke up, "They're really close," She answered. "They're like Tzuyu and Sana."
Jeongyeon nodded. "It comes to a point where Xiumin oppa would be the first person to know about Tzuyu's secrets, there was this one time where Tzuyu had a wardrobe malfunction while performing and we didn't even know it. We only knew about the incident when Xiumin oppa told us. They're that close." She added, making my fist clench, some weird anger bubbling inside me and I looked away momentarily, trying to calm myself down... but the anger only grew into something bigger... something that I would never dare say out loud...
I was jealous...

"Taehyung sunbaenim?" Jihyo called, looking at me worriedly. "Are you ok?" I tried to relax myself and turned to Jihyo, a fake smile on my face. "Yeah, I'm fine." I forced out, my smile so fake that I saw Namjoon hyung frown at the corner of my eye.

Jihyo nodded reluctantly and turned back to Namjoon hyung. "Anyways, Tzuyu and Xiumin oppa were so close that we even thought that Xiumin oppa was gonna be Tzuyu's boy-"

"SHUT UP!!!"

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