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~Taehyung POV~

"Just... forget everything I said, oppa..." Tzuyu said while looking out the window, her voice was still brittle and as much as I wanted to comfort her, she clearly didn't want me to talk to her so I just nodded and continued driving.

How did you get in my heart so easily?
Shut up, self.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

I stopped in front of the Bangtan house and leaned back on my seat, sighing. I looked at Tzuyu, who was still ignoring me, as she was looking out the window, I started to raise my hand to touch her hair but sighed again and dropped my hand at the last minute. Then an idea hit me and I took out my phone.
"Tzuyu." I called, she turned around and I quickly snapped a picture of her.
"Hey!!" She shouted and started to reach for my phone. I laughed and shoved the phone back in my pocket, putting both of my arms up teasingly. "Delete that!!" 
I smiled and shook my head. "You look beautiful, Tzu. Don't worry." I said and exited the car, Tzuyu followed my actions and went to my side. She was still pouting, making me laugh and link my hand with hers.

"Yah!! Where did you guys go?!!" Jihyo asked us as soon as we entered the house. I smiled at her. "Don't worry, Jihyo. I just took her out for a walk."
"A walk?!!" Jihyo exclaimed. "Tzuyu just got attacked by one of your crazy, obsessed fans this morning and now, you took her out for a walk?! Do you know how dangerous that is?!!"
"Unnie," Tzuyu interrupted, a hand on her stomach. "I' m hungry." We both looked at her weirdly. She glanced at me innocently and let go of my hand. Jihyo sighed and nodded. "Fine. Come on, maknae." She beckoned Tzuyu with her hand and pulled her away from me, Tzuyu followed her, but not before giving me a weird look.

I don't know, Tzuyu, I thought. I really don't know why I got in your heart so easily...

~Tzuyu POV~

"What did he do to you?" Jihyo unnie asked while pulling me to the kitchen. I shook my head. "Taehyung oppa didn't do anything, unnie.... I-" I stopped and trailed off, looking away in embarrassment.
"What did you do?" She asked, her eyes narrowing in suspicion. I sighed and told her everything since I can't really keep secrets to Jihyo unnie... she's way too good at finding out if we have secrets or not.

The moment I was done, Jihyo unnie facepalmed. "Oh my god, Tzuyu!! What have you done?!" She exclaimed. I winced and looked down. "Sorry, unnie." I mumbled. She studied my face for a moment before sighing. "Fine," She said. "Let's just eat."
I nodded cheerfully and followed her.

~Taehyung POV~

"Thanks for letting us stay over, sunbaenims." Jihyo said. Namjoon hyung nodded and smiled. "No problem. You can stay as long as you girls want."
"Yeah!!" Jungkook chimed, stuffing a piece of kimbap in his mouth. "Stay forever, noona!! It's been years since Jin hyung cooked this many food!!"
Jin hyung frowned at him and reached out to slap him upside the head, making our maknae groan in pain. We all laughed at Jungkook's pouting face and I subconsciously (yeah right) turned my head to Tzuyu, her adorable laughing face making me smile wider. She must've noticed that someone was looking at her because she made eye contact with me. I held her gaze for a minute before looking away shyly. Jimin hyung suddenly elbowed me so I looked at him, he gave me a teasing look with a smirk on his face.
"What?" I mouthed. He just shook my head and turned away, the annoying smirk still on his face. I frowned and shoved his shoulder, causing him to bump into Dahyun, who looked at him and frowned. I stifled a laugh when he bowed to her in apology and glared at me.
Suits you right, shorty.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

~Tzuyu POV~


I opened my eyes and shot up from the bed when a scream echoed through the house.

After dinner, we spent a whole hour sorting out who sleeps on the beds and who sleeps on the beanbags and couch in the hang-out room. Luckily, sunbaenim's beds were all queen-sized beds so we can fit 2-3 people on it. I slept with Chaeyoung and Dahyun unnie in Taehyung oppa's room, we were the first ones to get a room so I don't know where the others' slept.

"What the heck is happening?" Chaeyoung unnie asked groggily from beside me, she was still asleep... well, half-asleep, and Dahyun unnie was nowhere to be seen. I yawned and looked around, we were still in Taehyung oppa's room, the calming scent of lavender making me relax. I left the bed and left Chaeyoung unnie sleeping on the bed.

As soon as I reached the living room, I was hit with Nayeon unnie's scream, making me frown and walk towards them.

"Why are you guys screaming so loudly at 6 am in the morning?" I asked, my eyes widening when 10 heads turned my direction. "Yah-"
"MAKNAE!!" Momo unnie screamed and tackled me. I groaned in pain when my injured arm hit the ground first but before I could say anything, she shoved her phone in my face.
"Look at this!! Look at this!!" She squealed. I grabbed my her wrist because I can't see what the heck she was trying to show me. My eyes roamed over the screen and my eyes widened when I finished reading it.

"Yah!! Who the heck posted this!!"


I'm kinda changing the way I end the chapters so yeah... it's kinda different. I'm gonna edit the other chapters on my other books as well.

And can we just say that Tzuyu said 'Borahae' on ARMY's birthday. Tae is the one who made that word/phrase so.....
Yeah, I'm fangirling as heck.


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